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湖南省长沙市浏阳河中学2022年高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues _ with her stories.A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused参考答案:A略2. . - Why are your eyes so red? You _ have slept well last night. - Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. wont 参考答案:B3. Its said John will be in a job paying over $ 60,000 _ year.Right, he will also get paid by _ week.A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D. a; a 参考答案:B4. -Sorry, I made a mistake again. -_. Practice more and youll succeed. A. Never mind B. Certainly not C. Not at all D. Dont mention it参考答案:A略5. The director told us the new workshop _ three years before, while the old one _ in 1999. A. had been built, was set up B. was built, was set up C. had been built, had been set up D. was built, had been set up参考答案:A 6. Michaels new house is like a huge palace, _ with his old one.A. comparingB. compares C. to compareD. compared参考答案:D7. Mr. John, _ manager of the company, said that we should keep _ positive attitude towards our work.A. the, B. a, a C. the, a D. , a参考答案:D8. Nowadays, scientists are working hard to find a best way of treating addictions _ drugs. A. of B. in C. on D. to参考答案:D9. _with difficult situation, the president decided to ask his advisors for some good advice.A. having faced B. Face C. Faced D. To have faced参考答案:C10. As we know, the UK _ four parts, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. A . is made of B. is includedC. is consisted of D. consists of 参考答案:D11. The telephone is ringing. I _ answer it.A. will B. am going to C. am to D. am about to参考答案:A12. -Ken, _, but your TV is going too loud.A Id like to talk with you B Im really tired of thisC I hate to say this D I need your help参考答案:C略13. _ is no need for primary students to work at their desks all the long.A. There B. What C. It D. That参考答案:A14. Film has a much shorter history, when _ such art forms as music and painting.A. having compared toB. comparing to C. compared toD. being compared to参考答案:C15. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment _. A. is damaged B. has damaged C. damaged D. was damaged参考答案:D16. The news _ Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize is _ surprised the world. A. that;what B. which;that C. that;which D. /;how参考答案:A略17. My income is rather changeable, but I earn 73 a day _. A. on the other hand B. in particular C. on the whole D. on average 参考答案:D18. The water _ this beautiful island is blue and crystal clear. A. surrounds B. surrounded C. surrounding D. to surround参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会打算举办留学生中华古典诗歌朗诵比赛(the Chinese Classical Poetry Recitation Contest),请你写信邀请留学生James参加。要点如下:1.活动的目的意义;2.比赛时间和地点:7月10日下午3:00-5:00;学校报告厅;3.内容和形式:诵读中华古典诗歌:前十名奖励诗集唐诗300首(Three Hundred Tang Poems)注意:1.词数l00左右:2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear James,_Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear James,Knowing that youre interested in Chinese literature,Im writing to invite you to participate in the Chinese Classical Poetry Recitation Contest organized by the Students Union.The contest,aiming to encourage international students to read more Chinese classical poems and improve their spoken Chinese,will be held in the school lecture hall from 3 p.m.to 5 p.im. on 10th July. Please sign up in the office of the Students Union before June 20th.The contestants are required to recite these Chinese poems individually or in a group. The first 10 winners will be awarded a collection of poetry Three Hundred Tang Poems.Your participation will be appreciated. Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua【分析】这是一篇应用文写作。【详解】第1步:根据提示可知, 本篇为一封电子邮件;假如你是学生会主席李华,学生会打算举办留学生中华古典诗歌朗诵比赛(the Chinese Classical Poetry Recitation Contest),请你写信邀请留学生James参加。要点如下:1.活动的目的意义;2.比赛时间和地点:7月10日下午3:00-5:00;学校报告厅;3.内容和形式:诵读中华古典诗歌:前十名奖励诗集唐诗300首(Three Hundred Tang Poems)。第2步:根据写作要求, 确定关键词(组), 如:be interested in(感兴趣);Chinese literature(中国文学);participate in(参加);Chinese Classical Poetry Recitation Contest(中华古典诗歌朗诵比赛);aim to(目的是);recite(背诵)等。第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句, 注意主谓一致和时态问题。第4步:连句成文, 注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡, 书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。【点睛】范文内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式, 如Knowing that youre int
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