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人教新起点英人教新起点英语语四年四年级级下册下册总总复复习课习课件件 2023适用如遇如遇课件中件中视频、音、音频无法正常播放,无法正常播放,请在网站在网站联系上系上传者索取完整版本。者索取完整版本。如需与如需与课件配套的教学件配套的教学设计、随堂、随堂练习,请与上与上传者者联系索取。系索取。Unit 2 Lesson 1一、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的图片。(听两遍)()1.A.B.C.()2.A.B.C.BACB()3.A.B.C.()4.A.B.C.()Is there a new hotel in the city?()Where is the square?()Its between a post office and a toy shop.()Its across from the sports centre.()Its on Banana Street.二、听录音,根据所听到的内容给下列句子排序。(听两遍)124531.2.3.4.c_ _y h_t_ _ sq _ _re str_ _t三、根据图片提示补全单词。teoeluaei四、单项选择。()1.There _ a new park near my house.A.is B.are C.am()2.We can find many bookshops _ our city.A.in B.on C.is()3._ can I get to the sports centre?Its over there.You can walk there.A.What B.How C.Where()4.Lets go to the _ to swim.A.toy shop B.sports centre C.bookshop AABB五、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。()1.There is a bookshop next to the hospital.()2.Shanghai is a big city.()3.There is a square in front of me.()4.Our school is across from the sports centre.FF T F第1题图第2题图第3题图第4题图六、读一读,描一描,抄一抄。抄写略 Unit 2 Lesson 2()1.A.will B.want C.would()2.A.talk B.tell C.take()3.A.easy B.busy C.east()4.A.buy some toys B.buy some dolls C.buy some cake()5.A.go boating B.go climbing C.go swimming一、听录音,选出句子中包含的单词或短语。(听两遍)BCBAA二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(听两遍)()()()()()31425()1.buy some toys ()2.take a bus()3.go boating ()4.Central Square()5.see a film三、读短语,选择合适的图片。A.B.C.D.E.EDCBA四、选择合适的单词或词组完成句子。1.Where _(is/are)the sports centre?2.How can I _(get there/get to)?3.You can _(take/by)a bus to the shop.4.The subway station is _(on/of)Banana Street.5.Youll _(have/to have)a wonderful day.is haveget theretake on()1.I want to go to the cinema.A.Where do you want to go?B.What are you doing?()2.You can take a subway.A.Where are you?B.How can I get there?()3.Its across from the hotel.A.Where is the hotel?B.Where is the library?()4.I can see a film there.A.How can I get to the cinema?B.What can you do there?五、根据答句选择正确的问句。ABBB六、选择合适的选项补全对话。A:Excuse me.1._ I want to buy some fruit.B:2._ There is a big fruit shop.A:3._ B:You can walk there.It is not far from here.The shop is next to the park.A:4._ Thank you.B:5._ ECDBA A.Youre welcome.B.How can I get there?C.Its on Apple Street.D.I can also walk in the park.E.Where is the fruit shop?七、读一读,描一描,抄一抄。抄写略 Unit 2 Lesson 3一、听录音,选择相对应的答语。(听两遍)()1.A.By bus.B.Its next to the hotel.()2.A.It is on King Street.B.We can fly kites there.()3.A.Yes,it can.B.Yes,it is.()4.A.It is on Hill Street.B.Its very beautiful.()5.A.I can see a little toad.B.Yes,theres a goat next to the window.BBBB AA.take photos B.places C.by subwayD.go swimming E.big and beautiful There are many fun 1._ in the city.Central Square is on Orange Street.It is very 2._.You can fly kites and 3._ there.You can go there 4._.Childrens Palace is on Apple Street.There are many things for children.You can 5._ and have a drawing class there.You can go there by bus.二、听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的选项完成短文。(听三遍)CBD AEsn_ _ wind_ _ b_ _t c_ _t g_ _t 三、看图片,补全单词,并读一读单词。owow1.四、根据句意选择合适的地点,将序号写在括号内。(每项限选一次)()1.Lucy wants to watch a new film.She can go to _.()2.My cousin is going to fly kites.He will go to _.()3.George likes toy dinosaurs.Lets take him to _.()4.Theyre going to row a boat.They can go to _.()5.We want to see old things.Well go to _.CEDBA A.the museum B.the park C.the cinema D.the square E.the toy shop 五、根据汉语提示补全句子。1.Our _(宾馆)is in the centre of the city.2.We can play ball games and swim in _(体育中心).3.The museum is across from the _ (地铁站).4.You can see _(许多有趣的旧东西)in City Museum.5.I can _ (放风筝)in Central Square.fly kites/fly a kitehotel the sports centresubway stationmany interesting old things六、根据短文内容回答问题。Im Lele.I live in a big and interesting city.There are lots of fun places.There is a cinema.Its next to a big supermarket.I often see films there on Sundays.City Zoo is on Garden Road.I can see many animals there.I can take a bus to get there.Peoples Park is on Wenhua Road.Its big and beautiful.I can fly kites and go boating there.I can sing and dance there,too.1.How is Leles city?_2.Where is the cinema?_3.How can Lele get to City Zoo?_4.What can Lele do in Peoples Park?_It is big and interesting.Its next to a big supermarket.Lele can take a bus to get there.Lele can fly kites,go boating,sing and dance there.Unit 2 单元达标作业 ()()()()()一、听录音,根据所听内容判断图片正(T)误(F)。(听两遍)1.&1&F2.&2&F3.&3&T4.&4&F5.&5&F()1.fun places A.穿过街道()2.a map of my city B.如此多的小汽车()3.safe and healthy C.有趣的地方()4.so many cars D.一张我市的地图()5.cross the street E.既安全又健康二、找出词组的正确译文,将序号写在括号内。BCEDAA.B.C.D.E.三、选择与句子对应的图片。()1.Jack likes travelling.He goes to many cities and takes many photos.()2.I like the village.There are so many trees here.()3.It is a great city for walking.There are no cars on many streets.DCE()4.London has a big subway.It has 270 stations.It is called the London Underground.()5.There are more bicycles than cars here.Many roads are only for bicycles.BA四、选择合适的选项补全对话。Tom:Excuse me,sir.Where is the restaurant?Man:Let me see.1._ Tom:2._ Man:No.It is not far from here.3._ Tom:But how can I get there?Man:Go along this road.4._ T
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