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2024学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Youd better _ the workers into two groups to do the work.Adivide Bchange Cmake Dturn2、 Can you tell me _ last year? In Shanghai.Awhere does she workBwhere she worksCwhere did she workDwhere she worked3、He accepted the _ with pleasure. He thought it an honor to attend such a great party.Ainstruction Binvitation Cintroduction Dinvention4、Nobody knows _ yesterday.Ahow the accident happenedBhow does the accident happenChow the accident happensDhow did the accident happen5、We thought itfor him to finish the job in such a short time. But in the end he succeeded.AeasyBboringCimportantDimpossible6、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin7、I always feel _ after lunch. A cup of coffee may wake you up.AsleepyBhungryCsadDangry8、The traffic policemen always warn the drivers _ after drinking. If they do so, they will be punished _ their behavior.Ato drive, byBnot drive, forCnot to drive, for9、Get prepared _ you can set out immediately if something happens.AafterBsinceCwhileDso that10、Look in the mirror. What happened_ your face?Oh, theres some ink on my face.AtoBonCinDwith. 完形填空11、 Time is very important in our life. But I never knew its importance until I 1 a watch from my father. I got this gift on a graysky day. I had to 2 my uncle Ali at the airport(机场) at 9:00 am.and then take him to my fathers 3 . However, I forgot all about it 4 I was playing with my friends. Later on that day, around 11:00 am., I 5 my uncle, but I was late for him. He had got off the 6 and taken a taxi to my fathers house by himself. I 7 my fathers house at 2:00 pm.that day. My father looked quite 8 . He looked at me angrily and asked me to sit next to him. He didnt say 9 for a while. Then he handed(递给) me a 10 and said, “Essa, did you have fun 11 your friends today? You should feel sorry for 12 . What you did today was not nice!” I said 13 to my uncle and promised my father that I wouldnt make such a 14 again. From then on, I always wear the watch wherever I go. Its important to me not because of its price but because I learned a lesson from my father: “Respect(尊重) time and 15 be late! Time is very important in our life.”1AwonBboughtCgotDborrowed2AmeetBinviteCsendDaccept3AfarmBhouseCofficeDfactory4AunlessBthoughCbeforeDbecause5AsawBvisitedCfoundDremembered6AbusBtrainCplaneDship7AreachedBmissedCleftDshared8AangryBsurprisedChungryDrelaxed9AeverythingBanythingCnothingDsomething10AringBwalletCcardDwatch11AforBwithCaboutDwithout12AmyselfByourselfCherselfDhimself13AsorryBhelloCthanksDgoodbye14AplanBjokeCmistakeDresolution15AneverBoftenCalwaysDsometime. 语法填空12、A man was walking through a large city. On a street corner,he saw a boy 1 (sell) a number of small birds in a cage(笼子)He looked at the birds flying about in the cage and 2(try)to get out. He stood for some time looking at the birds .At last he said to 3(冠词)boy,“How much do you ask for your birds?” “Fifty cents a bird,sir,” said the boy. “I 4(not) mean how much a bird,” said the man,“ 5(连词)how much for all of them? I expect to buy 6(it) all.”The boy began to count,and found they came to five dollars. “There is your money,” said the man. The boy took it 7(happy).Then the man opened the cage door as quickly as he could,and let all the birds 8(fly)away.The boy,in great surprise,cried,“What did you do that9(介词),sir?You have lost all your birds.”“I will tell you why I did it,” said the man.“ I has been shut up for three years in a prison(监狱), and I10 decide) never to see anything in prison which I can make free.”. 阅读理解A13、Do you look like your name? Scientists say theres a good chance you do.This comes from a new study published in a magazine. Researchers from Israel found thatour given names may have something to do with our facial (面部的) appearances.Lead writer Yonat Zwebner of a university, along with her team, did eight different experiments (实验) in Israel and France. The different experiments were set up to answer two main questions:whether people can correctly guess a persons name based only on a photo of a face and what is behind this matching effect.During the experiments, researchers asked students to look at photos of peoples faces andguess each persons name from a list of four choices. They correctly guessed the right name 38 percent of the time, which was better than the 25 percent of a random (随机的) gue
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