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2024学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Im going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students.Great! But dont forget to tell them _.Awhat should they eat at the festivalBwhat kind of race is often heldCwhy people enjoy the full moonDhow do people celebrate it2、Its _ / mplat/ to talk loudly in public places.AimportantBimpoliteCimproveDimpossible3、What does Jack like _ dinner?He likes chicken and hamburgers.AinBatConDfor4、- I dont know _. - She is a doctor.Ahow is your sisterBhow your sister isCwhat is your sisterDwhat your sister is5、Its useless to regret what has been done. Dont make those mistakes again.I wont. Thats my _ to you.AresolutionBpromiseCagreement6、I hear the beginning of the speech contests is very wonderful.What a pity! When I got there yesterday, the contest _ for several minutes.AbeganBhad beganChas been onDhad been on7、The music is fantastic and it is well worth _.Alistening Bto listen to Cbeing listened Dlistening to8、Everyone knows fire is very useful in our daily life, it is also dangerous.AsoBorCbecauseDbut9、I _ the way. I _ here for quite many years.Aknewhave livedBknew liveCknowhave livedDknow live10、Mike and Ted are twins. _ are from Australia.AWeBYouCTheyDThem. 完形填空11、 Bad things often turn out to have good results for the writer Liu Yong.“At the 1 of 13, my home burnt down in a big fire. I learn to be strong, and enjoyed nature 2 living outside,” Liu said.“Later, when I was a Senior 2 student, I stayed at home for a long time 3 a disease, but I drew and wrote a lot,” Liu said. “Every disaster can have good 4 and it depends on how you deal with it.”Liu 5 his trouble into benefit(益处) . He uses bright ideas to writer small stories and tells young readers how complex the world is. His 6 like By the light of Fireflies are very popular in China for their wisdom.His book The Charm of Speaking gives readers 7 on important speaking skills, 8 how to say hello on the phone or how to control their speaking speed.“Some readers say I look too smart to have 9 ,” he said, “but I have many problems. I keep thinking them over.”Liu once bought a camera in Hong Kong, 10 he was fooled. “Then I wrote about how to avoid being fooled. Is it because Im smart? No, 11 , I wouldnt have had this experience at all!”Liu is 12 many different things such as TV hosting, writing poems and painting. Hes 13 a professor at an American university.“I often get 14 from thinking over one small point. Then I connect it to a larger point,” he said. “ Everything is connected in one way or 15 . Thats how you can see the whole world in a tiny flower or a drop of water.”1AendBbeginningCageDlast2AbyBwithCforDduring3Aas forBbecause ofCinstead ofDthanks to4AresultsBjobsCfeelsDideas5AmakesBgetsCstudiesDthinks6ACDsBbooksCfilmsDtalks7AinformationsBsuggestionCadvicesDadvice8Asuch asBso thatCso muchDas much9AfeelsBworriesCjoysDthought10AandBsoCthenDbut11AIf soBIf notCEven ifDEven so12Agood atBbad forCgood forDbad at13AtooBeitherCalsoDas14AtroubleBmatterCenjoymentDknowledge15AanotherBthe otherCotherDothers. 语法填空12、Mary is 1 eight-year-old girl. Every day she washes clothes, looks after2(she) younger sister and works 3(hardly) on the farm. Mary wants to go to school, but her mother needs her help at home. So Mary stays at home instead of 4 (go) to school.Do you want to help Mary? Well, join Save the Children, please! Just 6 yuan a day, you can 5 (helpful) a child like Mary. With your help, children like Mary will be able 6 (have) enough food and have chances to go to school.Save The Children is an organization to help poor children like Mary. It has been in service since 1932. The money from kind people will 7 (use) to build schools, hospitals and other necessary 8(build)9 you are a volunteer, there are many wonderful things waiting for you letters from the children, their photos and subject reports. Now, if you are interested10 the application form, and then you can donate some money. In this way, you can help a child like Mary!. 阅读理解A13、Disneyland in Shanghai Built from 2011, Shanghai Disneyland is the sixth Disneyland Park in the world, and the first one on the Chinese mainland (大陆). Like other Disneyland parks, the one in Shanghai will have Disney characters and stories. But it will also have new attractions designed for Chines
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