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2024学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、Excuse me, could you please tell me _?Sure. He lives on Center Street.Awhere does Bob live Bwhere Bob livesCwhy Bob lives there Dwhat does Bob do2、Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr Wang?No, you _. Students under the age of 16 arent allowed to ride electric bicycles.AcouldntBneedntCcantDshouldnt3、Take the medicine on time, _ you may feel worse.AandBorCalthoughDbut4、Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?_is OK. Im busy today and tomorrow.ANoneBAllCBothDNeither5、Because of the heavy traffic, it_ Gina an hour to get to the restaurant.Aspent Btook Cpaid Dcost6、Your head teacher has set up a We Chat group. Could you tell ? It is more convenient to communicate with our parents.Awhen it was set upBwhy did he set it upCwhat it is used forDhow did he set it up7、Do you have Jays CDs?Sorry, they are . But well get some more next week because they .Asold well; are on sale Bsold out ; sell well Cselling well; sell well8、Would you like some special home-made stinky tofu (臭豆腐)? _. I have no reason to refuse it.AYes, I would likeBNo, I am afraid notCYes, please9、To tell you the truth, we are planning to have a second baby recently.Think twice, for most children are to deal with.Atired Btiring Cinterested Dinteresting10、At times, parents find it difficult with their teenage children.Atalk Btalked Cto talk. 完形填空11、My father was a hard-working man. He spent all his evenings taking classes after work. He hoped to learn more because he wanted to 1 a better job one day. Except Sundays, my father 2 ate a meal with his family. For his wife and three children, he 3 and studied very hard.We all complained that he didnt spend some 4 with us. But he said that he was doing all these for us and he hoped to spend 5 time with us.To his joy, father passed the test! Soon, he found a good job. Fathers 6 came true. He could buy some 7 clothes and good food for mother and us.However, the 8 still didnt get to see father in most time of the week. He continued to work very hard. In fact, to make himself better, he 9 in the open university again.Again, 10 the family complained about it, he still said that he was doing all these for us and he hoped to spend more time with his family.Fathers 11 work got return. So he 12 to find a maid (佣人) to do housework. 13 also felt that the three-room house was no longer big. But after that, father decided to go on with his studies and work at a good place again. The family still didnt get to 14 him most of time. In fact, sometimes father had to work on Sundays to meet his customers. Again, when we complained, he still answered 15 the same words.Oh, father, we didnt want you to be so tired, we only hoped you could have a good rest and spend some time with us.1AimproveBfindCloseDhear2AoftenBusuallyCalwaysDhardly3AworkedBplayedCtaughtDate4AmoneyBskillsCtimeDmeals5AbiggerBmoreCsmallerDfewer6ApaperBplanCworkDdream7AcheapBbeautifulCwarmDspecial8AparentsBteachersCstudentsDfamily9AaskedBstudiedCopenedDmade10AbecauseBifCandDwhen11AfarBhardCsameDeasy12AdecidedBthoughtCstoppedDused13ATheyBHeCSheDIt14AthinkBmissCringDsee15AforBfromCwithDof. 语法填空12、四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)Middle school can be a difficult time. Some students may have to deal with exam pressure. Some may find it hard to get1with others. However, many students in a middle school in America 2(have) a wonderful day because of some notes(便条)。 On March 6th, students of Grade 3(walk) into school as usual. Then everyone was 4(surprise) to find a note, reading “You are beautiful” on each of their lockers(储物柜).Whatever was wrong with 5(they),they felt happy as soon as they read the notes. Most of the students and teachers didnt know 6did the great thing. A teacher named Christina said,“Its a girl. She didnt allow me 7(tell) others her name. She spent over one hour and a half 8(write) the notes.” The headmaster explained,“9 my opinion, the name of the girl is not important. Each child should have a better day because someone is 10(care) about them.”. 阅读理解A13、“I believe youre the right person to write an advice column (专栏) for the students called Dear Amy!” Jenny, editor of the school newspaper, said to Andy, who finally agreed to accept the job if Jenny promised not to tell it to anyone else.At first it wasnt too bad. Most of the letters he received
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