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2023年安徽省亳州市利辛县中考英语模拟试卷(4月份)一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1. We cant to just sail through without doing any work.()A. wantB. expectC. manageD. plan2. After the 2023 Spring Festival Gala, Rabbit Yuanyuan became known all over China.()A. hardlyB. exactlyC. deeplyD. widely3. -I think Huangmei Opera is really fantastic.-So do I.We should keep this art form forever.()A. aliveB. livelyC. famousD. traditional4. -Mum,where can I put this table? -Put it there the wall.()A. inB. onC. againstD. between5. - How can I learn to play the guitar in a month? -Take your time.A long journey can be covered only by taking one at a time.()A. classB. stepC. breakD. action6. -How was your trip to Hainan last week? -I my trip because of a very important meeting.I hope to make it next week.()A. comeacrossB. turndownC. putoffD. takeup7. -Tom,Dad has finished his work and we to pick you up at once. -OK,Mum.()A. driveB. willdriveC. wasdrivingD. drove8. -I wonder he agrees to look after my pet dog. -Im sure he will help you.He is an animal-lover.()A. whyB. howC. ifD. where9. Have you decided where to spend your May Day holiday? Not yet.I go to Hainan.()A. mustB. needC. mayD. should10. -Can I have a look at your photos? - .()A. ThatsOKB. OK,helpyourselfC. ItsnothingD. Hardtosay二、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共20.0分)Little George lived in a poor village.One summer day Georges mother sent him to the field to(1) _ some dried wood for the fire. George worked very hard.By the time the sun was high,he was very hot and wished for a cool place to rest and have some food.As he walked along,he found some shade,and by it were some fine,wild(2) _ .How good these will be with my bread and butter,thought George.He picked all of the strawberries.As he was(3) _ the first strawberry to his mouth,he remembered his sick mother,alone in her dark,cold room in the village.With this in(4) _ ,he put the strawberry back again.Shall I save them for her? he asked himself. He thought how refreshing they would be for her,yet was still looking at them with a longing eye.I will eat half,and take the other half to her. he said.He divided them(5) _ two heaps(堆)( 6) _ each heap looked so small.He put them together again. I will only eat one.he thought.But,as he again lifted it to his mouth,he saw that he had taken the finest,and he put it back. When the sun was beginning to sink,George(7) _ for home.How happy he felt,then,that he had all his strawberries for his sick mother. He heard his mothers(8) _ voice calling him.Is that you,George?I am glad you have come back.I am(9) _ and am longing for some tea. George ran to her and(10) _ offered his wild strawberries.Oh,my son,you saved these for me,didnt you?said she,putting her hand softly on his head,with tears in her eyes.11. A. put upB. pick upC. take upD. look up12. A. woodsB. plantsC. strawberriesD. vegetables13. A. liftingB. fetchingC. eatingD. taking14. A. mindB. eyesC. handsD. head15. A. toB. inC. onD. into16. A. andB. butC. orD. because17. A. went outB. came overC. set outD. looked around18. A. strongB. sweetC. excitedD. weak19. A. hungryB. thirstyC. tiredD. sleepy20. A. happilyB. smoothlyC. angrilyD. surprisinglyIn recent yeas,a sport has become popular for how social it is.It is a competition but has(1) _ _ physical contact(身体接触).The sport is Frisbee. The sport has made(2) _ topics on Weibo and Douyin.On the lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu,more than 730,000 reviews of it have been(3) _ .According to a survey,it now (4) _ skateboarding,cycling and other sports as one of the most popular sports among young people.About 60 percent of people surveyed said they wanted to make new fiends playing the game. Frisbee is a very social game.Men and women can play the sport together and there is no body contact. (5) _ this activity,I can see my friends more often during the pandemic(疫情) .Qu Xinchen,who started playing Frisbee in April 2022,said to China Daily. For those who want to compete,there are many (6) _ ,too.They can try the team disc sport calledultimate(极限飞盘).(7) _ some games,ultimate encourages honesty and fair play,with no judges on the court.In (8) _ game calleddisc golf,players try to hit faraway targets(目标)with a disc. The increasing popularity(流行)of the activity has attracted(吸引)the(9) _ of the government.On July 7,2022,it was announced(通知)that the first Chinese Frisbee League(联赛)would be held.Now,this sport can be (10) _ in many cities around the country and has become a national fitness activity.21. A. muchB. littleC. someD. any22. A. coolB. usualC. hotD. common23. A. postedB. talkedC. finishedD. done2
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