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山西省忻州市忻府区三交联合学校高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Sorry, madam. Youd better come tomorrow because its _the visiting hours.A. during B. at C. beyond D. before参考答案:C2. Wild animals have been overhunted, and as _ result, some of them are among the animals in _danger.A. a; the B. a; / C. the; a D. / ; the 参考答案:B3. I will be away for at least one year and Id appreciate _ from you now and then. A. having heard B. hearing C. heard D. hear参考答案:B略4. .-Is there _ on todays news paper?- It is reported that millions of people cant go back home in the south because of the frozen weather.A. something special B. special something C. special anything D. anything special参考答案:D略5. Great changes have taken place in my hometown. Its no longer _ it used to be.A. that B. where C. what D. how参考答案:C6. Last summer holiday, I went back to my hometown, _ the neighbours and the house _ I used to be familiar with were gone.A. only finding; whichB. only to find; that C. to find; whomD. found; that参考答案:B7. The two sisters are _ different in character - one talks a lot while the other is a girl of few words.A. exactly B. entirely C. frequently D. finally参考答案:B8. Im afraid I cant finish the book within this week._. A. Please go ahead B. Thats all right C. Not at all D. Take your time参考答案:B9. His plan _ when it was put into practice because he had not given enough attention to details.A. broke down B. broke up C. broke out D. broke away参考答案:A10. Do you mind if I open the window? I feel a bit coldA. Of course not.B. Id rather you didnt. C. Go ahead. D. Why not? 参考答案:B11. Helen had to shout _above the sound of the music .A .making herself hear B. to make herself hearC. making herself heard D .to make herself heard 参考答案:D12. -Mum, could I have an apple? I am a bit hungry.-Didnt you just have .A. it B. thatC. one D. this参考答案:C【详解】考查替代。句意:妈妈,我能吃一个苹果吗?我有点饿。你刚才不是吃了一个吗?此处用one代替an apple,表示泛指,故选C。13. When we were young, every evening my brother and I _ stay at home waiting for our mother to come back from work.A. would B. might C. should D. could参考答案:A14. The happy of children playing in the garden disappeared, and it was quiet again.A. scene B. sceneryC. sightD. view参考答案:A15. The money collected should be made good use _ the people in Taiwan who suffered a lot in the earthquake. A. of helping B. to help C. to helping D. of to help参考答案:D略16. People in ancient times _ series of important events so that we now have what is called history. A. went down B. kept down C. set down D. broke down 参考答案:C17. Traditionally, people make cakes _ chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with rice flour to celebrate the festivals.A. in search of B. in honour of C. in the shape of D. in the name of参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Once a child reaches their teenage years, many parents may think it is too late to help them change a negative attitude. This is not the case, and while it may take longer, it is possible to help your child develop a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is important to a teenagers happiness and success. _11_Judge your own attitude. _12_ Teens watch their parents and how they react to certain experiences and events. Children learn a good part of their belief system from their parents. Therefore, a parents attitude and a loving home environment are important to help develop positive attitudes in teens._13_ This is the little voice in our heads which we use to communicate with ourselves. Positive self-talk will have a direct influence on how positive a persons attitude and actions are. Tell your teen instead of using negative statements, replace them with positive ones. For example, “I can do this right. I just need to concentrate” is much better than “I failed again. I never do anything right.” If you promote positive self-talk you should notice a clear change in the teenagers attitude.Teach your teen to aim high, while showing her how to acknowledge her limitations._14_ If your teen wants to achieve the impossible, this will only make her feel negative when she fails to do it. Unrealistic expectations are one of the biggest causes of negative attitudes in children, says the Kids Health website.Try to praise your teenager when he deserves it. Show him you value him and recognize when he makes positive choices. _15_ Be sure to give credit when credit is due. Your teens attitude will be much more positive if you also show him resp
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