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广东省河源市职业高级中学高三英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. The patient looks much better ._is it that has made him _he is today ?A. what ; that B. That ; that C. What;which D. What;what参考答案:D2. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _ the cloth _ well Ahave told; washes Bwas told; washed Chave been told; washes Dhave been told; is washed参考答案:C3. Looking through the window,she found the boss in his routine workAbury Bburied Cto be buried Dbeing buried参考答案:B4. Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week. Sorry, sir, but I was for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.A. held up B. put up C. taken up D. given up 参考答案:A略5. The fog was very heavy and _ all the flights were cancelled()AconsequentlyBconstantlyCcontinuouslyDconsistently参考答案:A雾很大,因此所有的航班都取消了Aconsequently 因此; 因此,因而; Bconstantly时刻; 不断地,时常地; Ccontinuously 连续不断地,接连地; Dconsistently一贯地,坚持地结合句意:雾很重,因此所有的航班都取消了故选A考查语境中辨析副词的词义6. He didnt go to the party not _the time but _he was ill.A because of, because B because, because C because, because of D because of, because of参考答案:A7. Which do you enjoy _ your weekend, walking in the wood or fishing on the lake? A. spending B. to spend C. spent D. of spending参考答案:B8. I lunch when I learned that former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher had passed away.A. ate B. had eatenC. was eatingD. were eating参考答案:C9. -Im afraid I cant get on well in tomorrows interview. - Youve prepared for it for quite a few days and surely you will make it.A. Good luck B. Cheer up C. Dont mention it D. Never mind参考答案:B略10. His increasing financial difficulties made him so _ for a job that he would have done anything. A. optimistic B. hopeful C. active D. desperate参考答案:d略11. The college has developed an on-line system _students can choose their own professors Awhere Bwhen Cthat Dwhich 参考答案:A12. Tom is so creative a person that he always has lots of _ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we dont even know what he is thinking about.A. mean B. novelC. slim D. instant参考答案:B句意:汤姆是那样一个有创造力的人,以致他头脑中总司有很多新奇的想法;有时我们甚至布知道他在想什么。novel新奇的;complex复杂的;messy大量的;absurd荒谬的。13. Whats wrong with you? Oh, I am sick. I _ so much ice cream just now.A.shouldnt eatB.mustnt eatC.couldnt have eatenD.shouldnt have eaten参考答案:D 【分析】句意:你怎么了?我生病了,我刚才不应该吃那么多冰激凌。A. shouldnt eat“不应该吃”;B. mustnt eat“禁止吃”;C. couldnt have eaten“不可能吃”;D. shouldnt have eaten“本来不应该吃”。根据just now可知,是发生在过去,故选D。【点评】考查情态动词和虚拟语气,掌握shouldnt have done的用法。14. They hope to turn our society into one _ those in need can get help. A. that B. which C. when D. where参考答案:D15. Mrs. White looks old _ her age.Yes. It worries her most _ her hair is turning gray.A. at / while B. in / if C. for / that D. for / for参考答案:C16. It is better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning. - I think your suggestion deserves _.A. try B. tried C. to be tried D. to try参考答案:C略17. How could she have let something so important _ her mind?Shes fully applied to work recently and gets burnt out.A. occupy B. crossC. slide D. slip参考答案:D【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:她怎么能把这么重要的事情忘记了呢?她最近完全投入工作并且筋疲力尽。A. occupy占据;B. cross穿过;C. slide滑倒;D. slip滑脱。词组:slip ones mind忘记。故选D。二、 新的题型18. Small talk is the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work. Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not well. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers. _16_. Here are some tips to improve your small-talking ability.1. _17_If you have seen a really good movie or have read a really good book, you can talk about that.When you are sharing the same experience with someone, its easy to start a conversation. You simply notice and comment on whats going on around you. For example, if you are at a party and a song comes on that you like or that reminds you of something, you can talk about that.2. Ask open-ended questionsThese types of questions require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer. _18_, the conversation will go on longer.3. Become a studentNobody knows everything. So, as someone is answering one of your open-ended questions, they bring up something about which you know nothing. So, tell them! This lets the othe
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