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河南省信阳市潢川第一高级中学高一英语下学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. Forests are being cut and burned at _a speed _they will disappear from the earth in the near future.Asuch;as Bso;that C such;that Dso;as参考答案:C2. -_is it from here ? -Its 2 miles .A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far参考答案:D3. The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly _ .A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon参考答案:A4. It is the Chinese custom to _ for family unions on Mid Autumn Day.A. starveB. admire C. gatherD. remember参考答案:C5. The accident _ the drivers careless .A. resulted from B. resulted in C. as a result of D. as a result参考答案:a略6. As you know,it is my duty to_my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in danger.ApreventBsave CstopDprotect参考答案:D7. She is a very hard-working student. _. As far as I know, he often burns the midnight oil.A. You name it B. You can never tell itC. You can say that again D. You got it参考答案:C句意:-她是一个非常勤奋的学生。- ,就我所知,她经常学习到深夜。A. You name it凡你想得起的 ,不管什么;B. You can never tell it你永远也说不准;C. You can say that again你说的一点没错,我完全同意;D. You got it你猜对了,你成功了,你做到了。根据上下文语境,可知选C。8. Sichuan has been the focus of the whole nation _the devastating(毁灭性的)earthquake. A. ever before B. long before C. ever since D. before long参考答案:C9. _ and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. A. To be tired B. Tired C. Tiring D. Being tired参考答案:B21. The Big6 Model is one _ to teaching information literacy skills.A. attitude B. appearance C. approach D. altitude 参考答案:C略11. -Have you finished your experiment report, Peter?-Oh, my God! Ive forgotten all about that.A. entirelyB. rarelyC. freelyD. Exactly参考答案:A【考点】考察副词词义辨析解析:entirely整个地,完整地,完全地;rarely罕见地;很少地;freely自由地;exactly确切地;句意:Peter,你完成你的实验报告了吗?我的天啊!我把这个事情完全给忘记了!根据句意说明A项符合上下文含义。【举一反三】07湖北She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. A.stronglyB.extremely C.entirelyD.freely答案C 考点考查副词词义辨析。解析A项 “强烈地”;B项 “极端地”;C项 “完全地”;D项 “自由地”。句意为:她完全致力于她的研究工作, 这为她在她的领域中赢得了良好的名誉。12. I saw her in the office this morning. She _ back to work without the doctors permission.A. neednt have come B. couldnt have comeC. mustnt have come D. shouldnt have come参考答案:D13. The kind woman decided to take care of the cats _ by their owners during the earthquake.A. abandoning B. abandoned C. having abandoned D. to be abandoned参考答案:B14. The old man _ the radio at 8 every evening to pick up the VOA in order to improve listening. A. turns to B. turn out C. turn off D. turn on参考答案:D15. The truth, Sir, is that the old man_ across the street when my car hit him.Awas to walk Bhad been walkingCwalked Dwas walking参考答案:D【详解】考查固定结构。句意:事实是那个老人正在过马路,突然我的车撞了他。be doing when表示“正在做某事突然”,故D项正确。16. “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream,” said the alchemist, _ the words of the old king. The boy understood. Another person was there to help him toward his destiny.A. signalingB. echoingC. forecastingD. recalling参考答案:B【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“当一个人真正想要什么东西的时候,整个宇宙都会联合起来帮助他实现自己的梦想。”炼金术士重复着老国王的话。男孩明白了。另一个人在那里帮助他走向他的命运。A. signaling发信号;B. echoing回响;重复;C. forecasting预言;D. recalling回想起;召回。根据句意可知选B。17. He asked me how much _ on the mountain bike.A. did I pay B. I had spent C. did I spend D. I had cost参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. It is true that a movie has some influence on society. Perhaps movies will have_41_ (great)effects than other media.The movie has certainly some clear _42_(advantage)over other media. It combines audio and video and thus _43_ (appeal)to the eyes and the ears. Also,the viewers can experience feelings in the course of events and the roles of _44_(variety)characters. And the values expressed through movies can affect the audience for a long time. For example,movies _45_ My Name is Khan are not just family dramas(家庭剧). They show true emotions and encourage simple regular things,such as_46_love)your parents and being friendly to others.The realization of this fact is,perhaps,the reason for setting up a committee _47_ examines all the scenes with bad influences. For example,in recent years_48_use of cigarettes or smoking in movies_49_(attract)the attention of the committee. After watching movies with such scenes,teenagers are likely_50_(encourage)to take it up as a cool thing to do. Therefore,creating in
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