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江西省宜春市丰城铁路中学2022年高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. The meetings are very short, so there is little _ to have a real discussion.A. challenge B. change C. chance D. chapter参考答案:C2. She admitted_ some bicycles from her neighbourhood.Asteal Bto stealChaving stolen Dto have stolen参考答案:Cadmit后v.-ing形式,此处为v.-ing的完成式,表示steal这一动作在主句谓语动词admit之前发生。3. - How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? - _. But the conductor was perfect. A. I couldnt agree more B. I dont think much of itC. I was crazy about it D. I really like it参考答案:B略4. He used _ on the right in China, but he soon got used _on the left in England.A, to drive, to drive B. to drive, driving C. to driving, to drive D. to drive, to driving参考答案:D5. I remembered the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.A. lockingB. to lockC. having lockedD. to have locked参考答案:B6. When the clock _ 12, I was about to leave for the supermarket.A. knocked B. hit C. beat D. struck参考答案:D7. They were men who had _ their entire lives to the purification of metals in their laboratories; they believed that, if a metal were heated for many years, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the Soul of the World.A. transmittedB. transformedC. dedicatedD. assigned参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们一生都致力于在实验室中金属的净化;他们相信,如果一种金属被加热多年,它就会摆脱它所有的特性,剩下的就是世界的灵魂。A. transmitted传输;传送;B. transformed转变;C. dedicated奉献;献给;D. assigned分配;委派。根据句意dedicate their entire lives to 献身,故选C。8. - I did not see your elder brother at the lecture yesterday.-You _him, since he went to see Chinese Zodiac-Jackie Chans 100th movie.A. mustnt have seen B. couldnt have seen C. shouldnt have seen D. neednt have seen参考答案:B9. Hi, Jay, why do you look so upset?Well, I am today and I have broken 4 cups so far.A. all thumbsB. all earsC. allD. all legs参考答案:A【详解】考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:嗨,杰,你为什么看起来这么沮丧?嗯,我今天笨手笨脚的,到目前为止我已经打破了4个杯子。A. all thumbs笨手笨脚;B. all ears洗耳恭听;C. all全部;D. all legs又瘦又长。根据and I have broken 4 cups so far.可知,这里意思是“我今天笨手笨脚的”。故选A。10. Do you think camping and climbing are of much _ to our health? A. benefit Bbeneficial Cbenefits Dbenefiting参考答案:A略11. I know my job isnt well paid, but _ I dont have to work long hours.A. in other words B. on the other hand C. for one thing D. as a matter of fact参考答案:B12. The boy as well as the two dogs _ when the earthquake rocked the city. A. were sleeping B. is sleeping C. was sleeping D. are asleep参考答案:C13. Are you going to plant a great many trees in this area?Yes. The soil _ away in this way.A. doesnt wash B. wont wash C. isnt washed D. wont be washed参考答案:D29. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _I heard my name called. A. as B. for C. while D. when参考答案:B15. Using an English-English dictionary may help us to understand words through their meaning relying on translations into Chinese. A. more than B. as for C. rather than D. because of参考答案:C略16. To break the record of last year on Singles Day, Alibaba has a string of forceful measures over the past months.A. worked outB. found outC. turned outD. made out参考答案:A17. _ is mentioned above, the number of the students of senior high school is increasing.A. WhichB. AsC. ThatD. It参考答案:B【详解】考查非限定性定语从句。句意:正如以上所提到的,高中学生的数量在增加。A. Which关系代词;B. As正如(关系代词); C. That关系代词;D. It它。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句的关系词,再结合句意可知此处意为“正如”,“正如”是关系代词as,故选B项。【点睛】本题考查as引导的非限定性定语从句as是关系代词,引导非限时意为“正如”,从句可以位于主句之前,插入或者主句之后,as之后的be动词可以省略。例如:As you can see, my answer is right.正如你所见,我的答案是正确的。My answer is right, as you can see.我的答案是正确的,正如你所见。As was planned, the meeting would be put off.= As planned, the meeting would be put off.正如所计划的,会议会被推迟。二、 新的题型18. (36)Paris,the capital and the largest city of the country,is in north central FranceThe Paris metropolitan area has nearly 20% of the nations population and is the economic,cultural,and political center of FranceThe French government have historically favored the city as the site for all decision making,thus powerfully attracting nearly all of the nations activities(37)Paris has grown steadily since it was chosen as the national capital in the late 10th centuryWith the introduction of the Industrial Revolution,a great number of people moved to the city from the country during the 19th centuryThe migration was especially
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