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江西省吉安市永新育才中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题2. Large quantities of rescues relief _ to the earthquake-hit areas each day. A. is sending B. is being sent C. are sending D. are being sent参考答案:D2. - Why are you so late?- I was on the way when it _ to me that I had left my book home, so I had to fetch it.A. occurred B. hit C. happened D. reminded参考答案:A略3. Watch out! The petrol _. Oh, my God. We have to find a service station soon enough. A. runs out B. has run out C. is running out D. has been run out参考答案:C略4. Washington, a state in the US, was named _one of the greatest American presidents.A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of参考答案:A5. The police were seeking more information to find out_ the rich merchant.A. who was it that killed B. who it was that killedC. it was who killed D. who was it killed参考答案:B6. The young man was _ of stealing money from the company in order to buy an iphone 5.A. charged B. blamed C. scolded D. accused参考答案:D7. When I said that some people are stupid I was not _ you.A. talking to B. referring to C. turning to D. listening to参考答案:B略8. Mrs Black took the police back to the place she witnessed the robbery. A. as B. where C. that D. when参考答案:B9. _ the news, he decided to go on the _ trip.A. Heard; organizing B. Hearing; organizingC. Heard; organized D. Hearing; organized参考答案:D10. Here is your ticket for over speeding! You know you_ 16 km an hour, dont you?No, officer. I cant have been. This car doesnt do 120.Aare driving Bhave driven Cwere driving Dhad driven 参考答案:C11. The boys new bike was _ envy of his friends.A. a B. the C. / D. an 参考答案:B12. . -It seems that we never see the advertisement on cigarettes on TV. -Absolutely right. There is a total _ on cigarette advertising in our country. A. number B. cost C. failure D. ban参考答案:D略13. There are sixty minutes in _ hour.A. 不填 B. the C. a D. an参考答案:D14. Its the _ of the club members to use the resource of their website free of charge. A. permission B. formula C. reception D. privilege参考答案:D略15. She was so sad because she failed in the maths test. Lets _ her _.A. leave behind B. leave alone C. leave aside D. leave out 参考答案:B16. Could you turn the TV down a little bit? _.Is it disturbing you?ATake it easy BIm sorry CNot a bit DIt depends参考答案:B略17. Hey,dear!Guess what?Ive got a pay rise!This a celebration!Lets go to sing Karaoke tonight.A.brings outB.works outC.calls forD.pays for参考答案:C提示:此处表示“需要”之意,故选C项。A项“把拿出来,显露”;B项“计算出,结果(如何)”;D项“为付款”。二、 新的题型18. What do people do with their old , out of date but still useful computers ? Most people dont know _41_ to deal with them . Many old computers are put away in homes . Many more _42_ (throw ) away as rubbish .Finally , some companies are thinking of ways _43_ they bring down the number of old computers . Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products . Dell and other companies also take _44_ some old computers .In some countries , laws have been passed , too . Computer companies have to pay for collecting and recycling their _45_ (use) products . And 70% of the computer waste must be recycled . The idea behind the laws _46_ (be) that computer companies themselves should pay for the cost . That will encourage them _47_ (make) computers easier to repair and upgrade .Yet while many people are throwing away good computers , others cannot afford _48_ at all . Hundreds of organizations are working to solve this problem . They collect and repair old computers . Some also teach others how to repair computers ._49_ computers then go to schools , charities and people who need them . Giving a computer that you dont use to one of the organizations can turn one persons rubbish _50_ someone elses useful things and cut down waste , too .参考答案:41. how 42. are thrown 43. In which/that 44. back 45. used 46. is 47. to make 48. them 49. The/Those 50. into本题主要考查词性转换以及单词拼写,同学们平时要夯实自身的基本功,加强词汇记忆以及学会灵活词性转换。41. 考察关系词,根据空格后的to deal with them.得知多数人不知如何处理旧电脑,推断出应使用关系词,故填how .42. 考察时态语态,根据空格前的主语“旧电脑们”和空格后的away as rubbish 当作垃圾被扔掉,得知电脑和扔掉是被动关系,此外,也可根据文章中的谓语动词,推断出应该使用现在时态,故填are thrown .43. 考察关系代词,根据空格前的先行词ways,得知很多公司想到一些解决方法,先行词在从句中不做成分,方法是公司减少旧电脑的数量,故填in which/that .44. 考察介词,根据空格前的take.得知戴尔和其他公司也回收一些旧电脑。推断出应使用短语take back“回收”,故填back.45. 考察非谓语动词,根据句意:电脑公司不得不为回收和循环利用他们用
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