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湖北省黄冈市三里畈中学2022-2023学年高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. After the accident, we are _concerned with the safety of school buses than we used to be.A. little B. less C. much D. more参考答案:D略2. I never fancied Maryso weak a girl _ the football match and did pretty well.A. taking part B. joining in C. to join D. to take part in 参考答案:B3. The people _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly _ in the hospital. A. searched for; appeared B. were searching; was appearingC. were searching for; was appeared D. were searching for; appeared参考答案:D4. 27Air traffic control lost radio _ with the pilot of the aircraft ten minutes before the accident Arelation Bcombination Ccontact Dguide参考答案:C略5. . If I had known you were waiting for me , I _ earlier that day.A. would have come B. had come C. will come D. came参考答案:A6. _ of the earth _ covered by water.A. Two third, are B. Two thirds, are C. Two three, is D. Two thirds, is参考答案:D7. Many little children suffer from kidney stone and the disease is reported by the milk powder they eatAto cause Bto be caused Ccausing Dbeing caused参考答案:B8. I dont think the machine is easy _ .The three of us still dont know what each button means to us.A .to operate B. operating C. operated D. operate 参考答案:A9. 24The president ordered that no rime should be lost, and directed one of his high officials to_ the matter in person Arespond to Bappeal to Ccontribute to Dattend to参考答案:D略10. The answer is connected with the main use _ the body makes of food to supply the energy for movement. A. where B. why C. what D. that参考答案:D11. -Wheres our phonebook? I have seen it many times these days, but- OK darling. I _ it for you if you want it at once.A. get B. am getting C. will get D. am going to get 参考答案:C24. You can only be sure of _ you have for the moment; you cannot be sure of something _ you might get in the future. A. that; what B. which; which C. /; that D. what; that参考答案:D略13. The party, _at 7:30 pm last night, was followed by a brief dinner. A. started B. to be started C. to start D. starting参考答案:D14. The Philippine government wanted to _ other countries around the South China Sea in the matter of its conflict _China at sea near Chinas Huangyan Island, but none responded. A. concern; with B. involve; with C. consult; over D. employ; in参考答案:B15. By 2020,the population in the Brea is expected to double of 1980 Athat Bit Cone Dwhat参考答案:A 16. A second, pleaseI have another call coming through _Im not in a hurry AEnjoy yourself BLeave me alone CDo as you like DTake your time参考答案:D17. More consumers are waiting for the further drop of housing prices with money in their hands _ buying houses, according to a report. A. no better thanB. little more thanC. other thanD. rather than参考答案:D 考查than短语。No better than和一样都不好;little more than和无差别一样;other than除之外;rather than而不是;句意:很多的消费者持币待观,等待着放假的下降而不是买房子。根据句意说明D正确。二、 新的题型18. 补全对话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在二卷对应位置(否则不予给分),选项中有两项多余选项。Paul: Sara, Ive been looking forward to our yearly campout for three weeks. _51_. Camping under the stars, this is the life.Sara: Yeah, but Paul, _52_. The weatherman said it was going to rain later tonight.Paul: Ah, nonsense. Nothing can spoil our adventure. Those weather reports are never right.Sara: _53_.Paul: Ah. Dont worry.Sara: Paul. Paul. Did you remember to bring our raincoats just in case, like I told you?Paul: Uh . . . no. I left them at home.Sara: _54_Paul: How about playing a card game?Sara: Uhh. I left them next to the picnic table. Hmmm Hey, you dont want me to go out in this rain and get them, do you?Paul: No. Thats okay. _55_Sara: Well, we could head down the mountain and stay at that hotel we passed on the way up, or go home.Paul: Hmm, why dont we just make the best of it here and hope the weather clears.Sara: Thats a good idea.A.Anditsaidtherewasachanceofheavywinds.B.Imalittleworriedabouttheweatherthough.C.Howmuchdoyousuggest
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