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安徽省滁州市清塘中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Roger _painting for a while, but soon lost interest.A. took outB. took inC. took upD. took off参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词组。句意:Roger从事绘画一段时间,但很快就失去了兴趣。A. took out取出;B. took in吸收,接纳,明白;C. took up拿起,从事;D. took off脱掉。结合句意可知答案为C。2. The project _ last month but unfortunately it had to be prolonged because of the financial problem.A. neednt have been finished B. shouldnt have finishedC. could have been finished D. must have finished参考答案:C3. When _ by the reporter about his generous action, he said: “_ others can always be joyful.” A. being interviewed; Helping B. interviewed; To help C. having interviewed; Help D. interviewing; Having helped参考答案:B略4. In Britain today women _ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A. build up B. give up C. make up D. set up参考答案:c略5. Sometimes people just believe what they see, _the reality may be different. A. as if B. even though C. since D. unless参考答案:B6. I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. AAs long as BAs far as CJust as DAs if参考答案:B略7. She has been in doctors describe as a vegetative(植物的) state for six years.A. what B. which C. that D. how参考答案:A8. The girl wrote a composition without _. A. ask B. asking C. being asked D. to be asked 参考答案:C9. He _ busy yesterday, or he _ you with your experiment.A. was; had helped B. was, would have helped C. had been; would have D. were; would have helped参考答案:B10. For supper, he only eats some vegetables _ on his own farm.A. to be grown B. being grown C. to grow D. grown 参考答案:D略11. Life is harder for Senior Three students throughout China. Hardly _ endless exercises A. does everyday go by with B. does any day go by without C. everyday goes by without D. any day goes by with 来源: .Com参考答案:B略12. The boy is often found _in reading books.A. absorbs B. is absorbed C. absorbing D. absorbed参考答案:D 13. As was recorded in history , Diaoyu Island has been _ part of China.A. regarded to be B. seen as C. thought as D. thought of to be参考答案:B14. Many kids have now become addicted surfing the net.A in B on C to D with参考答案:C15. Hurry up! The black clouds _ that it is going to rain soon.A. trouble B. advise C. indicate D. appear参考答案:CA. trouble麻烦; B. advise建议; C. indicate预示,表明; D. appear出现。句意:快点!黑云预示着天很快要下雨了。根据句意故选C。16. There was a(n) _ of surprise on his face when he heard this.A. impression B. sightC. appearance D. expression参考答案:D句意:当他听到这件事时,他脸上显露出惊讶的表情。在脸上出现的应该是“表情”,故用expression。impression“印象”; sight“视力;看见”; appearance“出现;外表”。17. _ of being involved in the attempted murder,she was questioned by the police.A. Convinced B. Suspected C. Charged D. Confirmed参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. The relationship between parents and teachers is important in the development of a child. The good communication between them is communication that says, “I care about my child, and I also value school.” The best way a parent can show how much he or she values learning is by sending a prepared child to school every day. 36Thus, a child could get behind in class, catching up can be difficult.Parents and teachers are partners in student development. A school community is built on relationships established(确立)among children, teachers, and childrens families.Here are tips for creating a positive relationship with your childs teacher.Meet with your childs teacher at the beginning of a term. 37 his or her special needs, outside activities, health, and home study habits.Look for the positive. 38 . Share with your childs teacher something you particularly appreciated about the teachers role in the academic or social development of your child. 39 . You can send a note of thanks when something special takes place in the classroom and your child is involved.Be willing to participate in or set up a conference when you or your childs teacher feel a special meeting is needed, such as? 40 .? Your child seems to be deeply upset about something that happened at school.A. This is a good time for the teacher to learn more about your child B. Phone your childs teacher if necessaryC. The teachers need to feel rewarding for the job they doD. When a child is absent from school, important lessons may be mis
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