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浙江省绍兴市小将中学高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. 24I dont like the way _you speak to him Which the following answer is wrong? Awhat Bin which Cthat D/ 参考答案:A略2. Mary told me she would_computer studies.Really? Ill try my best to ask her to_such foolish ideas.A. pick up; give away B. put away; give up C. give up; put away D. give up; pick up参考答案:C3. Ive read another book this week.Well, maybe _ is not how much you read but what you read that is important.A. this B. that C. there D. it参考答案:D4. John opened the door. Outside _. A. his angry wife did stand B. his angry wife stood C. did his angry wife stand D. stood his angry wife参考答案:D5. If you are going to stay in the United States for longer than a(n) _ visit, you may be interested in learning more about its people and culture.A. formal B. regular C. brief D. unexpected 参考答案:C6. I have decided to write about Chaplin, one of _ films I saw several years ago. A. that B. whom C. whose D. which 参考答案:C7. During the breaks _ classes, you can buy some drinks in the store.A.among B. in C. duringD. between参考答案:D8. _ boring the speech is,you mustnt fall asleep()AWhateverBHoweverCWhicheverDWhenever参考答案:B无论这个演讲多么的无聊,你都不能睡着考查让步状语从句根据boring,无聊的,为形容词,用however来修饰,意为无论多么whatever表示无论什么,whichever意为无论哪一个,whenever意为无论何时9. What do you know about our new school? When it is completed, it will be _ the old one.A. twice as bigger as B. bigger twice than C. twice as big as D. as twice big as参考答案:C10. The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their children were _ to camp out during the trip.A. apparentB. annualC. aliveD. anxious参考答案:D【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:父母建议在旅馆房间里睡,但孩子们急着要在旅途中露营。A. apparent明显的;B. annual年度的;C. alive活着的;D. anxious急切的。be anxious to do表示“急切要做某事”,与前面形成转折,故D项正确。11. According to our school rule, all the students _ attend the assembly every Monday morning wearing school uniforms.A. shall B. may C. need D. might参考答案:A考查情态动词用法。shall的一个用法就是:根据法律条文条款、规定等必须、应该做某事。24. The boy, one of the so-called rich second generation, forced his parents to buy a new car _ it might cost.A. no matter how muchB. how muchC. however highD. no matter how参考答案:A略13. The last one _ pays the meal.Agreed!Aarrived Barrives Cto arrive Darriving 参考答案:C14. Scientists say it may be five years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients Asince Buntil Cbefore Dwhen参考答案:C15. How was Nadals cooking?Oh, _. I was quite impressed. A. thats OK B. all right C. pretty good D. just so-so参考答案:C略16. National Day _ people singing and dancing happily in the street.Asaw Bwatched Cobserved Dfelt参考答案:A17. Are you free after school?Sorry. Ive planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner _for his help. A. in addition B. in turn C. in return D. in total参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Every time you meet someone new for the first time, you have one chance to make a good impression. 71 It is natural for us humans to talk about ourselves when we meet others. Most people would want to talk about all of the things theyve achieved, all of the wealth and skills they have, where they come from and who they are. 72 But, instead of worrying so much about what to say, how about just listening? 73 Listening to others means devoting a little of your time to someone elses story. People feel more engaged(参与)in a conversation if they feel that what they are saying is being appreciated.74 They dont go on about themselves. They dont show off or try to be something they are not. They are simply there to lend a patient ear to those in need, and they only give advice when they are asked for it. Thus, they are thought of as better conversationalists than those that talk too much.So try to listen to someone carefully. 75 Its fascinating to see the differences that come from just shutting up every once in a while. Perhaps if you try listening a little more, you might discover something, or someone, amazing.A. Talking too much can make others unhappy.B. Try not to give your judgment or advice.C. They just want to show the best of themselves.D. Making a good impression on others will benefit us a lot.E. There are people who spend their time listening, not speaking.F. Your image(形象n.)is often formed in others mi
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