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辽宁省大连市普兰店第三十二高级中学2022年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Youll start having positive results you replace negative thoughts with positive ones .AsinceBunlessCuntil Donce参考答案:D2. We are a little worried because we _ ground as a leader in the field of IT with the others speeding up development. A. have lost B. lost C. are losing D. were losing参考答案:C3. _ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.A. Translating B. Having translated C. To translate D. Translated参考答案:D略4. Right now the government is trying to control the number of people who by H1N1 flu.Ahave been affected Bhave affectedCare affected Daffect参考答案:C5. -Miss Smith, would it be all right if I missed the English test next week?-_or youll have to take the course again. A. Oh, come on! B. Its up to you C. Ok. D. Im afraid not.参考答案:D略6. We cant figure out _ quite a number of insects and birds are dying outAthat Bas Cwhy Dwhen参考答案:C考点:宾语从句试题解析:我们无法弄明白为什么相当多的昆虫和鸟儿正在灭绝。根据句意,选C。24. John found it a challenge to meet the needs of the boss. _, he had no way to satisfy him. A. In need B. In case C. In no time D. In other words参考答案:D8. Beijing announced on September 23rd that the date _events marking the 40th anniversary _ the normalization of China-Japan relations will be adjusted to an appropriate time.A. on, to B. for, of C. of, for D. to, with 参考答案:B9. As the number of old people moving to Florida increases, more changes are made to _ them.A. submit to B. object to C. cater to D. contribute to参考答案:C10. Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please!OK, _. A. help yourself B. You will certainly make it C. just do what you like D. Ill make sure you get one参考答案:D11. The young man, _ several attempts to break the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try.A. to make B. making C. made D. having made参考答案:D略12. People crowd into _ cherry trees are blooming, appreciating the fresh spring sight.A. whatB. whenC. whichD. where参考答案:D【详解】考查宾语从句引导词。句意:人们涌向樱花盛开的地方,欣赏清新的春光。从句做介词into的宾语,且从句缺少地点状语。A. what什么;B. when什么时候;C. which哪一个;D. where哪儿。故选D。【点睛】名词性从句中引导词的确定要根据从句的句子类型,如果从句是陈述句,引导词为 that,如从句是一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句,则引导词为if 或whether,如果从句是特殊疑问句就用它原来的疑问代词或疑问副词作为引导词。本题做题步骤分析主句People crowd into可知,本题考查宾语从句。分析从句cherry trees are blooming不缺主语或宾语,那就不能填关系代词。再根据翻译确定关系副词。13. I tried all I could do _ the topic at the meeting, but failed.A. avoid mentioning B. to avoid mentioningC. avoiding to mention D. avoiding mentioning参考答案:B14. The singer confirmed her claim she had made to the media _she said that, she had legal responsibility for _ she had done.A. that; whatever B. that what; whateverC. where ; what D. that when; what参考答案:D【分析】考查名词从句的引导词。句意:这位歌手向媒体证实,当她这样说时,她对自己的所作的一切负完全的法律责任。【详解】Whatever为代词,相当于“ anything or everything that”。一般可译为“任何的事物”、“每一的事物”“凡是.,无论什么都”,what为疑问词,意为“所做什么,所说的,所谓的”分析句子可知,本句中的主句的主语是the singer ,谓语动词是confirmed,宾语是 her claim 而she had made to the media 是宾语的定语从句。claim与后面的从句是同位语关系,所以主语从句和同位语从句要有一个连词。而同位语从句中又是主从复合句,所以第一个空必须有两个连词(一个为claim与同位语之间的连词,一个为同位语从句中连接主从复合句的连词),分析可知,A和C是错误的。从句she said that是一个结构完整的句子,所以不能用what,故B错误。表语从句中的主语从句的主语是she,介词for后面的宾语从句中的had done缺少宾语,在名词从句中缺少宾语,指物,要用what。分析选项可知D项符合题意。15. _, a small advertisement held my attention, which read “Easy job. Good wages. No experience necessary.” A. Looking through the newspaper B. While I was looking through the newspaper C. To look through the newspaper D. I was looking through the newspaper 参考答案:B16. I spent several years in France, _ I never learnt to speak French Afor Byet Cor Dwhere参考答案:B考查并列句。从语境的含义和前后两句的时态看,这里用yet引导并列句。yet、then等词是副词,但经常被用作连词引导并列句。17. Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could _ a good college.A. enter B. to enter C. entering D. entered参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. In Hebei Province lies a vast forest called Saihanba. This green Great Wall, _41_ at its peak during the Qing Dynasty covered thousands of hectares, had by the 1950s _42_(virtual)disappeared. This allowed sand to blow into Beijing from the northern deserts.Saihanba is a combination of Chinese and Mongolian, _43_(mean)“beautiful highlands. Until the Qing Dynasty, it was a royal hunting land because of its cool summer weather and beautiful surroundings. However, most of the area had turned into a desert by the end of the Qing Dyn
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