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Reading Reading(II)II)ColoursColoursUnit 2Unit 2通过本节课的学习,学生能够:1.掌握并运用相关表达介绍不同颜色的含义及其对情绪的影响。2.有意识利用颜色调配解决情绪问题,形成积极的心态。Learning objectives重点RevisionPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationMatchRevisionPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationcheer you upmake you feel relaxedrepresent powergive you energythe colour of puritythe colour of wisdomverb phrasesto show what colours can donoun phrasesto show characteristics colours presentMatch the colours with the descriptions.Put the following words and expressions into different groups.cheer up envy influence mood purity relaxed require prefer remind.of.green with envy have difficulty(in)doing sth noun.(phrases)verb(phrases)adj.(phrases)envymoodpurityinfluenceenvy cheer up influence require prefer remind.of.have difficulty(in)doing sthrelaxedgreen with envyRead and classifyPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionRead and fillWhat calm colours can do bluemake us feel 1._bring peace to our mind and bodypresent the feeling of sadnesswhitepresent 2._relaxedpurityrelax(v.)+ed=relaxed adj.放松放松的;自在的;自在的的relaxing adj.令人放松的令人放松的feel+adj.purity n.纯洁纯洁pure adj.纯洁的纯洁的Read the part about calm colours and fill in the blanks.PracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionLook and fill1.Lily has a _ evening with her family.2.Doing yoga makes me feel _.relaxing relaxedrelaxingrelaxedPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionRead and answer1.What colour are people going to wear when feeling sad?Why?Orange.Because it can cheer people up.2.What does the colour yellow remind you of?It reminds me of the warm sunny day.3.What colour will people prefer when they hope for success?Yellow.cheer up(使使)振作起来振作起来What will you do when you are feeling sad?remind of 提醒某人某事提醒某人某事remind v.提醒,使想起提醒,使想起remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事prefer v.更喜欢更喜欢prefer A to B 喜欢喜欢A胜过胜过Bprefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做宁愿做A也也不愿做不愿做BRead the part about warm colours and answer the questions.PracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionLook and fill1.The boy prefers _ to _.the bananathe pear2.He prefers _ rather than _.to play basketballwatch TVPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionRead and fill Read the parts about energetic and strong colours and fill in the blanks.greenrepresent nature and new lifean idiom about it:_ redmay be of some help to you when you _ strengthwear it when you have difficulty _ a decisiongreen with envyrequiremakingenvy n.&v.妒忌,羡慕妒忌,羡慕green with envy 妒忌的,眼红的妒忌的,眼红的require v.需要,依赖需要,依赖require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事要求某人做某事be of help to sb.=be helpful to sb.对对某人有帮助某人有帮助have difficulty(in)doing sth.做某事有困难做某事有困难HomeworkPre-readingWhile-readingPost-readingRevisionListen and read the article loudly.Listen and readPresentationProductionPracticePresentationWarming-upFill in the blanks from your memory.Lets see how well you can talk about Colours and Moods.PracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionRead and fill This article tells us something about the relationship between 1._ and 2._.3._ and white are calm colours because they make us feel calm and 4._.Blue can also represent 5._,and white is the colour of 6._.7._ represents joy,and yellow is the colour of 8._.They are warm colours.9._ is an energetic colour.It is the colour of nature and represents 10._.It is also the colour of 11._.Red is a strong colour.It represents heat,12._ and strong feelings.coloursmoodsBluepeaceful/sadnesspurityOrangewisdomGreennew lifeenvypowerrelaxedWarming-up1.If you always have difficulty making a decision,you should wear _.a.black b.blue c.red d.white2.If you always have difficulty falling asleep,you should paint the wall _.a.orange b.blue c.red d.yellow3.When you step into a room painted orange,you will feel _.a.sad b.happy c.calm d.cold4.If you always feel sad,you should wear _.a.black b.indigo c.orange d.white5.If you prefer purity,you would like to wear _.a.black b.violet c.white d.redPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionRead and chooseFill and sayMillie is thinking about her friends.Help her decide which colour is suitable for each of them.redheatbluecalmWarming-upPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionyellowsuccessnaturegreenorangecheerIs it possible to have more than one answer?Warming-upPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionredheatbluecalmGuess what kind of persons they are.Whats your reason?Lisa is weak in mind.Its always difficult for her to make a decision.So she needs red to make a decision easily.David is short-tempered.He is easy to get angry.But do you think blue is the only colour for him?How about yellow?Warming-upPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionyellowsuccessorangecheerSandy always feels blue.She should wear orange to change her mood and become joyful.Paul is a hard-working guy.Yellow is the colour of wisdom.It can bring him success.How about choosing green for him?Why?Warming-upPracticeHomeworkProductionPresentationRevisionTalk about the problems you have.Your partner will choose a colour to help you sol
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