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山西省省际名校2023届高三下学期联考三(押题卷)英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Diana, an animal lover, came across a book in the library. She was reading the contents page of the book.1、If Diana wants to keep a dog, which chapter should she read at first?A. Chapter 1.B. Chapter 2.C. Chapter 3.D. Chapter 4.2、What can Diana learn about on page 31?A. Bathing a dog.B. Treating a dog.C. Feeding a dog.D. Training a dog.3、Which is the most suitable title for this book?A. A Guide to DogsB. A Dog First-aid KitC. An Ideal Dog Shelter D. A Dog Travel BrochureWhat do you want from life? Perhaps you want to spend more time with your family, or get a more secure job, or improve your health. But why do you want those things? Chances are that your answer will come down to one thing: Happiness.Yet there is some evidence that too much pursuit of happiness is associated with a greater risk of depression. Modern conceptions of happiness are primarily practical, focusing on what we might call the techniques of happiness. The concern is not what happiness is, but instead on how to get it.But maximizing pleasure isnt the only option. Every human life, even the most fortunate, is filled with pain. Painful loss, painful disappointments, the physical pain of injury or sickness, and the mental pain of long-suffering boredom, loneliness, or sadness. Pain is an unavoidable consequence of being alive. All the good things in life involve suffering. Writing a novel, running a marathon, or giving birth all cause suffering in pursuit of the final, joyous result.There are other factors as well. In the eyes of Aristotle, we get happiness by exercising our uniquely human capabilities to think and reason. But thinking and reasoning are as much social activities as they are individual. Happiness requires others; it is not an emotional state so much as it is the excellence of the relations we cultivate with other people.But even that cannot guarantee happiness. Aristotle recognised that our happiness is hostage(人质) to fortune.Events beyond any individuals control-war,poverty,and global pandemics-will often make happiness impossible. Happiness is not a mental state that can be permanently won,but instead its a practice which we hone(磨练),imperfectly,in circumstances only partly of our making.Recognizing this will not secure a good life,but it will avoid the illusory(虚幻的)hope of permanent contentment. No life worth living should meet the only standard. Instead, aim with Aristotle to embrace those faults and to flower in spite of them.4、Where can you find negative effects of focusing too much on happiness?A. In paragraph 2.B. In paragraph 3.C. In paragraph 4.D. In paragraph 5.5、How does the author prove that pain is an unavoidable result of being alive?A. By making comparisons.B.By analyzing causes.C. By giving examples.D. By telling stories.6、What is Aristotles view on happiness?A. Happiness is a stable emotional state.B. Good personal relationships lead to happiness.C. Taking part in social activities guarantees happiness.D. Happiness promotes independent thinking and reasoning.7、What is the text mainly about?A. Happiness is what humans pursue forever.B. Happiness lies in the process of pursuing it.C.Our pursuit of happiness may be imperfect.D. Depression and happiness are equally important.Scientists have found the simplest way you can protect yourself against stress is by hugging. It is said hugs are societys favorite form of expressing affection. To some extent, hugs act as a form of social support, protecting stressed people from getting sick.Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone? The simple answer is to thoroughly learn unique cultural norms for physical contact. Basically,physical contact and the study of touching are generally referred to as haptics(触觉论).Haptics in communication often suggest the level of closeness.They are usually classified into two groups:high-contact and low-contact.Asia and the United States, Canada and Britain belong to low-contact cultures. People from the rest of the world, such as Latin America, are considered to be in high-contact cultures, where they tend to expect touching in social interactions and feel more comfortable with physical closeness. Despite the classification, there are more complex factors such as relational closeness, gender, age, and context that can affect how someone views physical contact.One common French custom of greetings is cheekakissing, but it is mostly restricted to close friends and family members. While cheek-kissing for Latin Americans is also a universal greeting form, it does not require such a high degree of relational closeness. However, gender matters more for them because check-kissing often only happens between women or a man and a woman but not two men.In contrast, in certain Arabian, African, and Asian countries, men can publicly hold hands or show
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