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(2023年)山西省大同市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Obviously they didnt see the significance of the plan. Thats the problem was()A.where B.why C. D.how2.Youve never told me why you didnt come to my birthday party, _()A.dont you B.have you C.didnt you D.had you3.the thing, John would have told you about it()A.If he has knownB.Had he knownC.If he knewD.Should he know4.All the students were _ by the _ speech given by the headmaster()A.inspired; inspiredB.inspiring; inspiringC.inspired; inspiringD.inspiring; inspired5.Cecilia walks to the library not because she cant _ to take a taxi butshe wants to exercise()A.afford B.affect C.offer D.offend6.A.S B.T C.U D.V7.()we can succeed or not depends on how well we cooperate with othersA.Then B.Thus C.What D.Whether8.Even if he _ ,he wouldnt be able to help us()A.is B.had been C.has been D.were9.Ifeltlike_tohim,Dontbesuchacomplainerallthetime()A.say B.saying C.tobesaid D.tosay10.The fire that _ yesterday caused at least ten peoples death()A.broke off B.broke up C.broke down D.broke out二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.took B.failed C.enjoyed D.passed12.43.()A.confidence B.interest C.anxiety D.sorrow13.24.()A.to ask B.to be asked C.asking D.being asked14.57()A.informed B.characteristic C.conceived D.indicative15.46()A.with B.from C.for D.to16. ()A.when B.As C.if D.however17.71()A.filled out B.took out C.sent out D.threw away18.44.()A.skin B.cells C.blood D.bones19.74.()A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movements20.Most people retire from work between the ages of 60 and 65. This has _51_ main consequences, one economic and _52_psychological.Economically:_53_retired people receive a pension(养老金) from the government or from their past _54_ ,it is ofter much less than they earned when they were working. Unless people _55 _ to save money during their years _56_work, their standard of living may fall greatly when they retire.Psychologically: Old people in Western countries are generally considered _57_, and they are eeven thought of as a_58_on their families and on the pubilc purse. They are _59_held in respect. On the other hand, most of them used to _60_work, They simply do not know how to relax or _61_other interests though they have time to do so now. They feel they should be working and _62_, because work was _63_they were respected and their skills recognize_64_retired people, their self-confidence is diminished (减弱). The longer they are away from the work place, _65_grows a sense of being worthless()A.two B.three C.many D.some三、翻译(3题)21.约翰一周后就回来了,你到时可以直接与他谈22.We can certainly overcome these difficulties so long as we are closely united23.他宁愿听别人讲也不愿表达自己的观点四、词汇与语法(0题)24.She apologized for _ his permission to use the computer()五、单选题(0题)25.NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary_ tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranother()A.is B.are C.an D.be六、单选题(0题)26.He was speaking so fast at the conference we could hardly follow him()A.what B.as C.but D.that参考答案1.AA分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是表语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,只有where符合题意。故选A2.B你从未告诉我你为何没来参加我的生日宴会,不是吗?考点反意疑问句【精析】B 当陈述部分中主句的主语不是第一人称I时,附加疑问部分的主语和谓语应与主句中的主语和谓语保持一致,又因主句中出现了否定词never,所以此处应用肯定结构have you3.B如果约翰知道这件事的话,他就告诉你了。考点虚拟语气【精析】B根据句意和主句中的would have told可知,本句是对过去情况的虚拟,所以if所引导的非真实条件句应用过去完成时,即从句谓语动词应用had+过去分词的形式。当非真实条件句中含有were, had或should时,可以省略if,并把这些词提至句首,以强调假设条件的虚拟性或突出说话人的主观愿望。故选B4.C所有的学生都被校长那令人振奋的演讲鼓舞了。考点词义辨析【精析】Cinspired:受鼓励的,得到灵感的;inspiring:鼓舞人心的,使人振奋的。现在分词形式的形容词一般用来形容事物,过去分词形式的形容词用来形容人。根据句意可知,选C5.A6.B她如果再努力点,就会通过考试了。考点虚拟语气【精析】T根据句意并分析句子结构可知,本句包含一个省略if的非真实条件句。当if引导的非真实条件句中有were, should, had时,可以省略if,并将这些词提前。本句是对过去情况的假设,从句使用了过去完成时,并将had提至句首,所以主句应用would have+过去分词的形式。故选T7.D我们能否成功取决于我们与其他人合作的情况。考点词语搭配【精析】D whether:是否,常与or not搭配使用,意为是否,是还是。其他三个选项均无此用法。故选D8.D答案D译文即便他在这儿,也不能帮助我们详解主句用word+v,从句用一般过去时表示对过去的推断和假设9.B句意:我想跟他说,不要老是怨天尤人的。词语搭配题。feellikedoingsth.表示想要做某事10.D昨天发生的那场火灾造成至少十人死亡。考点词义辨析【精析】Dbreak off:断开,折断;break up:结束,打碎;break down:失败,(机器等)不能运转;break out:突然开始,爆发。根据句意可知,选D11.D答案D详解pass examinations 通过考试12.B考点词义辨析题【精析】B句意:他们对新玩具的兴趣很快就消失了。confidence:自信;interest:兴趣;anxiety:焦虑;sorrow:悲伤。故选B13.D考点语法结构题【精析】D此处考查的是非谓语动词。mind之后应用动名词作宾语,也可将mind doing sth.当作固定短语,意为介意做某事。根据语境可知,ask和其逻辑主语adults之间为动宾关系,所以应用动名词的被动形式,即being+过去分词的形式。故选D14.B考点词语搭配题【精析】Bbe characteristic of为固定短语,意为为所特有,具有的特性。inform:通知;conceive:构思;indicative:指示的。句意:当孩子们认为自己具有家长所特有的品质和感情时,他们就会认同自己的父母。故选B15.A考点词语搭配题【精析】Ahave nothing to do with为固定搭配,意为与无关。故选A16.C17.B18.B考点 词义辨析题【精析】 B 句意:变老并不是疾病,但是当一个人过了成熟期后,身体中的细胞和它们组成的器官就不再像童年和青春期时运转得那么好了。skin:皮,皮肤;cell:细胞;blood:血;bone:骨头,骨。根据句意可知,选B19.C考点逻辑推理题【精析】C此处指他在绷索上来回
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