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2023年吉林省长春市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.This photo me of the days when I worked on the farm many years ago()A.reminds B.recalls C.retells D.remembers2.The fact that something is cheap doesnt mean it is of low quality()A.especially B.practically C.necessarily D.specially3.The number of the employees in our company isthat in theirs()A.twice as large asB.twice as many thanC.as twice many asD.as twice as4.We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all()A.given away B.kept away C.taken up D.used up5.Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests()A.freshmen are permittedB.are freshmen permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitted freshmen6.The new technique will _ us to double our production()A.suggest B.enable C.persuade D.make7.The local government is trying all out to find out who is()the forest fireA.to blame for startingB.to blame to startC.to be blamed for startingD.to blamed to start8.Im trying to be more()when I go shopping, and only buying what I really needA.economy B.economic C.economical D.economics9.a change of weather, please take the coat with you()A.Because of B.In spite of C.In case of D.But for10.The departure time of the plane has been postponed, so we have nothing to do now but_()A.wait B.to be waiting C.to wait D.waiting二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.noticed B.looked C.watched D.realized12.55.()A.pets B.toys C.friends D.colleagues13.69.()A.to look B.looking C.look D.feeling like14.19.()A.security B.depth C.direction D.movement15.60.()A.remain B.supply C.support D.receive16.74.()A.new teachersB.senior studentsC.associate professorsD.part-time instructors17.56.()A.Since B.Although C.When D.So18.53.()A.print B.issue C.publication D.copy19.52.()A.taken up B.put into C.run across D.looked into20.57.()A.spring B.raise C.swell D.rise三、翻译(3题)21.After you, please! the gentlemen said politely to the lady when they came to the entrance22.If your goal after graduation from high school is to continue to pursue study, you must give up other activities which may hold back the realization of this goal23.When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Although Mary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost _of her enthusiasm for life()五、单选题(0题)25.We are all for your proposal that the discussion()A.be put off B.was put off C.should put off D.is to put off六、单选题(0题)26.Mrs. Brown is supposed _ for Italy last week()A.to have left B.to be leaving C.to leave D.to have been left参考答案1.A这张照片使我想起许多年前在农场工作的日子。考点词语搭配【精析】Aremind sb. of sth.为固定搭配,意为使某人回想起某事。recall:召回,回想起,recall sth.意为回想起某事,不与of连用;retell:复述,重述;remember:记得,记住,回忆起,一般不与of搭配使用。根据句意和搭配可知,选A2.C事实上,便宜不一定没有好货。考点词义辨析【精析】Cespecially:尤其;practically:实际地,几乎;necessarily:必定,必然,not necessarily意为不一定,未必;specially:特别,专门地。根据句意可知,选C3.A我们公司员工的数量是他们(公司员工数量)的两倍。考点倍数表达法【精析】A 英语中表示倍数的句型通常有三种:(1)倍数+the+n(sizeweight)+of;(2)倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as;(3)倍数+形容词或副词比较级+than。选项A符合第二种情况,故为正确答案。句子的主语为The number of(的数量),应用形容词large修饰。故选A4.C我们试图找一个七人桌,但是它们都被占用了。考点词义辨析【精析】C give away:分发,赠送;keep away:(使)远离,(使)不接近;take up:占去(时间、地点、注意力等),占用;use up:用光,用完,耗尽。根据句意可知,选C5.B只有在特殊情况下才允许大一新生参加补考。考点倒装句【精析】B在only+状语开头的句子中要用部分倒装结构,即将助动词、情态动词或be动词提至主语之前。原句是freshmen are permitted,倒装后应将be动词提前。故选B6.B新技术能使我们的产量翻番。考点词义辨析【精析】Bsuggest:暗示,建议;enable:使能够,使可能,常用于enable sb. to do sth.;persuade:允许,常用于persuade sb. to do sth.;make:做,使产生,常用于make sb. do sth.。根据句意及用法可知,选B7.A当地政府正试图找出谁应该对森林火灾负责。考点固定用法【精析】A sb. be to blame for sth.是固定搭配,意为某人应该为某事负责。故选A8.C在购物的时候,我尽量节俭一点,只买真正需要的东西。考点词义辨析【精析】C economy:经济,节约;economic:经济的,经济上的;economical:节约的,合算的;economics:经济学。根据句意可知,选C9.C以防天气变化,随身带件外套吧。考点词义辨析【精析】C because of:因为,由于;in spite of:尽管,不管;in case of:万一,如果发生,以防;but for:要不是,如果没有。根据句意可知,选C10.A因为飞机起飞的时间推迟了,所以我们除了等待没有别的办法。考点非谓语动词【精析】Ahave nothing to do but to do是固定用法,意为除了之外,别无他法。在这个句型中,如果but前是实义动词do,那么but后面的to就省略,直接跟动词原形。本句中but前有do,所以空处应填动词原形。故选11.Alook看为不及物动词,不可直接跟宾语;watch注视,观看;realize认识到,意识到不符合句意。因此只能选notice(注意,看到)12.B考点逻辑推理题【精析】B句意:这些退休老人就像一月里的孩子一样,开始找新玩具来寻求刺激了。根据文章第三句中的children are excited about playing with their new toys可知,这里是原词复现,应选toys13.BB词义辨析题。根据文章内容应该是看上去的意思,同时see sb. doing sth.表状态。look意为看起来像,为及物动词,根据文义可知应选B。D为感觉想要做某事,与题意不符14.C本题考查名词词义辨析和上下文理解。A选项安全;B选项深度;C选项方向;D选项移动。由下文她转错了弯可以推断出,她失去了方向感。故C正确15.A考点词义辨析题【精析】Aremain:保持;supply:供给,供应;support:支持,支撑;receive:收到,得到。结合上下文可知,空处应选remain,表示保持他们同等的收入水平。故选A16.B考点逻辑推理题【精析】B由下文中的喜欢新身份,学到更多知识可知,本句的主语应是学生。通过新的教学方法,转变了学生的学习态度,所以才让学生有此感叹。故选B17.C考点语法结构题【精析】Csince:自从;although:尽管,虽然;when:当时;so:因此。根据句意当我长大一些的时候可知,应用when引导时间状语从句。故选C18.B考点词义辨析题【精析】B句意:这项关于友谊的调查发表在今
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