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【2021年】河南省商丘市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role in making the earth a better place to live()A.to have played B.to play C.to be played D.to be playing2.We should our differences and discuss the things we have in common()A.put away B.put aside C.put off D.put forward3.If you had told me earlier, I to meet you at the hotel()A.had come B.will have come C.would come D.would have come4.I have been to the West Lake three times 1970()A.since B.until C.from D.after5.A positive answer makes you feel good, but a(n) one teaches you a lot()A.affirmative B.negative C.objective D.subjective6.he couldnt earn enough to support the family()A.Hard as he workedB.As he worked hardC.As hard he workedD.Hard as did he work7.()comes back first is supposed to win the prizeA.One who B.Whoever C.Anyone D.Those who8.Fireworks,()originated centuries ago in China, were brought to Europe by Marco PoloA.which B.what C.that D.it9.He is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his current boss()A.promises B.benefits C.puzzles D.satisfies10.Dont get off the bus()it has stopped completelyA.until B.when C.if D.since二、完型填空(10题)11.58()A.rapidly B.harmlessly C.endlessly D.separately12.()A.for B.as C.in D.along13.9)()A.though B.as C.whether D.if14.In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West this question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true _1_ women, and even more so if the inquirer is a man.However, it is very _2_ to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind _3_ either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to _4_ their age, especially if they feel they look young _5_ their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a(n) _6_ question like How old are you?. If elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily bring up the topic themselves, and ask the other person to _7_ how old they are. _8_ such a situation, it is quite acceptable to discuss age _9_. They normally expect to be complimented on their youthfulness, though rather than _10_ that they look very old!Even though Westerners do not usually ask people directly how old they are, this does not _11_ that they are not interested to know how old other people are. They may ask someone else _12_ the information, or they may try to _13_ the topic indirectly. Sometimes discussions about educational _14_ and the number of years of working experience may provide some clues, but this is not always the _15_()A.on B.for C.in D.of15.69.()A.its B.their C.his D.those16.51.()A.ask for B.apply for C.account for D.send for17.59.()A.upright B.powerful C.valuable D.unlucky18.64()A.as B.being C.of D.for19.58.()A.having lived B.living C.to live D.lived20.64.()A.independent B.invisible C.easy D.endless三、翻译(3题)21.I will lend the book on condition that you take a good care of it22.毫无疑问,每个人都有选择自己生活方式的权利23.The citizens strongly object to pulling down the historic buildings for more space四、词汇与语法(0题)24.By lip reading or watching the movements of the speakers lips, a deaf person can actually see _ the person at the other telephone is saying()五、单选题(0题)25.When Mr. Smith got there, he found that about of his friends had arrived()A.Twenty-third B.Two-third C.Two-thirds D.Twenty-thirds六、单选题(0题)26.Lets go on a picnic this weekend,()A.will we B.shall we C.would we D.should we参考答案1.B她会告诉我们为什么她强烈认为我们每个人都可以在使地球成为更好的生存之地方面发挥作用。考点非谓语动词【精析】Bhave sth. to do为固定用法,意为有某事要做,当不定式中的动词动作的发出者是主语时,常用主动形式表示被动意义。分析句子结构可知,应用不定式作role的后置定语,play与role构成逻辑上的动宾关系,可以用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。故选B2.B我们应该暂时搁置分歧,讨论一下我们的共同之处。考点词义辨析【精析】Bput away:收起,把放回原处;put aside:暂不考虑,把放在一边;put off:推迟,拖延;put forward:提出。根据句意可知,选B3.D如果你早点告诉我的话,我就来宾馆见你了。考点虚拟语气【精析】D根据从句的谓语动词had told可知,本句是对过去情况的虚拟,主句没有明显的时间状语,所以主句的谓语动词应用would/could/might have+过去分词的形式。故选D4.AAsince+时间点表示自以来,常和现在完成时连用,表示从过去某个时间点开始到现在已经完成的动作。故选A5.B肯定的答复会让你感觉良好,但否定的答复会让你学到许多。考点词义辨析【精析】Baffirmative:肯定的,同意的;negative:否定的,消极的;objective:客观的;subjective:主观的。根据句意可知,选B6.A尽管他努力工作,但还是不能挣足够的钱养家。考点倒装句【精析】A分析句子结构并结合选项可知,空处为as引导的让步状语从句。as引导让步状语从句时,意为虽然,尽管,从句要部分倒装,即将从句的表语或状语等放在as之前。这里应将作状语的hard提前。故选7.BB句意:无论是谁第一个回来都应该赢得奖品。名词性从句。空中缺失一个引导主语从句的引导词,在整个主语从句中又缺失主语,所以选用whoever,表示无论谁8.A烟花,发源于几个世纪前的中国,是被马可波罗带到欧洲的。本题考查定语从句。关系代词that可以修饰人或物,但是一般不用在非限制性定语从句中;which一般用于修饰事物或前面的一整句话,可以用于非限制性定语从句中。what和it均不能引导定语从句。故选A9.D他正在寻找另一份工作,因为他感觉他做什么都不能使现在的老板满意。考点词义辨析【精析】Dpromise:许诺,答应;benefit:获益,有利于;puzzle:迷惑,使困惑;satisfy:满足,使满意。根据句意可知,选D10.A在公共汽车停稳之前不要下车。考点词义辨析【精析】A until:到为止,常引导时间状语从句。not until意为直到才;when:当时,常引导时间状语从句;if:如果,即使,常引导条件状语从句;since:因为,由于,常引导原因状
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