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【2022年】宁夏回族自治区固原市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.I stayed up all night _ to find a new solution to the problem()A.trying B.have tried C.try D.tried2.The defense computers calculate way to()the enemy missilesA.spoil B.harm C.destroy D.damage3.Peter often accompanies his parents to the concert, _ he does not like pop music at all()A.as B.if C.since D.though4.The manager said that there were two reasonsour sales dropped sharply last year()A.because B.since C.why D.while5.Roses score on the test is the highest in his class; he _ very hard()A.should studyB.should have studiedC.must have studiedD.must have to study6.The reason I didnt attend the lecture was simply I got a bad cold that day()A.because B.as C.that D.for7.A()person is extremely thin, in a way that you find unattractiveA.lonely B.mean C.brave D.skinny8.The relationship between parents and their children a strong influence on the character of the children()A.to have B.have C.has D.having9.At the sight of her long-lost friend, she could hardly _ her tears()A.give in B.turn back C.hold back D.keep away from10.Im told that I will share an office room _ five other newcomers()A.in B.with C.to D.at二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.Doubtful B.Doubtless C.Doubted D.Undoubted12.30.()A.ages B.dates C.times D.centuries13.60.()A.listen B.find C.notice D.hear14.58()A.his B.her C.its D.ones15.When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been61. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often62 to France, so I was used63 a foreign language to people who did not understand64. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to65a nice and easy holiday without any66 problems.How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a67 telephone to give my American friend Danny a68 and tell her I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me69 lost and asked70 he could help me. Yes, I said, I want to give my friend a ring. Well, thats71. he exclaimed.Are you getting72? But arent you a bit73? Who is talking about marriage? I replied.I74 want to give a ring to tell her Ive arrived.Can you tell me where theres a phone box? Oh! he said.Theres a phone downstairs.When at last we75 meet up, Danny76 the misunderstandings to me. Dont worry, she said to me, I had so many77 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans78 differently in meaning from79. Youll soon get used to80 things they say. Most of the time British and American people understand each other!()A.out B.aboard C.away D.abroad16.56.()A.efforts B.curiosity C.wishes D.strengths17.34.()A.the student B.the assistant C.myself D.himself18.15.()A.who B.what C.which D.that19.62.()A.ending B.beginning C.opening D.closing20.51.()A.friendship B.interests C.feelings D.impressions三、翻译(3题)21.我们应该勇敢地面对遇到的任何困难,否则就无法取得更大的成就()22.One thing that irritates me is when people talk during a movie, or cut me off in traffic23.与我成长的地方相比,这个城镇更繁荣、更令人兴奋四、词汇与语法(0题)24.After graduating from college, I took some time off to go traveling, _ turned out to be a wise decision()五、单选题(0题)25.Neither Bill nor his parents()at homeA.are B.is C.was D.has六、单选题(0题)26.I was walking along the river _ I heard a cry for help()A.when B.until C.if D.what参考答案1.AA现在分词作伴随状语2.C防御计算机计算出了摧毁敌人导弹的路径。考点词义辨析【精析】C四个选项的意思分别为:spoil溺爱;harm伤害,损害;destroy破坏,毁坏;damage损害。根据题意可知应选C项3.D彼得经常陪父母去听音乐会,尽管他一点都不喜欢流行音乐。考点词义辨析(连词)【精析】D根据句意可知,前后表示转折关系。 as和though均有尽管,虽然之意,但as引导的让步状语从句一般要用倒装结构,而though引导的让步状语从句可以不倒装,符合题意。if:如果,引导条件状语从句;since:既然,自从,因为,引导时间和原因状语从句。故选D4.C经理说,我们去年的营业额急剧下降,原因有两个。考点定语从句【精析】C定语从句的先行词是reason时,其后的引导词通常是why,在从句中作原因状语。故本题应选C5.C罗斯的考试分数在他的班里最高;他一定努力学习了。考点情态动词【精析】C must have done表示对过去情况的肯定推测,表示一定做了某事,should have done表示与过去事实相反的情况,表示本应该做某事而没有做。根据句意可知,选C6.C那天我没有出席讲座的原因是我得了重感冒。考点表语从句【精析】C分析句子结构可知,空处引导表语从句。当reason作主语时,其后的表语从句应用that引导,而不用because7.DD句意:骨瘦如柴的人是极其的瘦,瘦得让人觉得没有吸引力。词义辨析。lonely:寂寞的,孤独的;mean:卑鄙的,低劣的;brave:勇敢的;skinny:皮包骨的8.C亲子关系对孩子的性格有很大的影响。考点主谓一致和动词时态【精析】C分析句子结构可知,本句的主语为The relationship,是不可数名词,所以谓语动词应用单数形式。根据句意可知,本句是对事实的一般性叙述,所以应用一般现在时。故选C9.C一看见她久未谋面的朋友,她几乎不能抑制自己的眼泪。考点词义辨析【精析】C give in:投降,让步;turn back:往回走,扭转;hold back:抑制(感情、眼泪等);keep away from:离开,避开。根据句意,选C10.BB句意:有人告诉我,我将同其他五位新员工共用一间办公室。词语搭配题。动词share通常与with搭配使用,表示与共享,分享,共用。因此应该选B11.B词义辨析题。doubtful:对有怀疑;doubtless(副词):无疑地;doubted:被怀疑的;undoubted:毋庸置疑的。此处需填一个副词,而undoubted是形容词,无副词词性,故选B12.C考点逻辑推理题【精析】C根据上文多次提到的times可知,此处是原词复现,指的是美好的和艰难的岁月(times)。故选C13.D考点逻辑推理题【精析】D按逻辑分析,发音方式是听到的,且hear为及物动词,表示听的结果,符合题意。listen为不及物动词,若后跟宾语,则应加to14.A考点逻辑推理题【精析】A句意:即使后来妻子离开丈夫,同别的男人生活,他们的孩子应属于男方。his指代husbands。故选A15.DD逻辑推理题。根据上下文可知我是英国人,去美国属于出国,应该选在国外(abroad)。aboard
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