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【2023年】陕西省西安市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Would you please()the TV a little? The children are doing their homeworkA.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down2.You could goyou want to in the world during the summer holidays()A.wherever B.whichever C.however D.whatever3.When he arrived, he found the aged and the sick at home()A.nothing but B.none but C.none other D.no other than4.I told them I was perfectly _ to help if they asked()A.kind B.interested C.willing D.favorable5.Lin Daiyu is so _ that she even cries for the falling flowers in spring()A.impressive B.sensitive C.sensible D.attractive6.We could see the stars()well from the top of the mountainA.clearly B.generally C.fairly D.closely7._ your coming to see me, I would have been very lonely()A.But for B.On account of C.Owing to D.Thanks to8.Would you like my old computer in _ for this camera()A.exchange B.convert C.replace D.substitute9.When we gave the children ice cream, they immediately ceased()A.crying B.to cry C.to be crying D.cry10.I cannot tell the_difference between the twins()A.slender B.single C.simple D.slight二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.reuse B.reread C.rewrite D.recite12.59.()A.attraction B.decision C.temptation D.dilemma13.57.()A.domestic B.practical C.national D.new14.56.()A.take off B.stand up C.take up D.stand by15._()A.check B.fight C.safety D.defeat16.Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.There is a saying that money cant bring you happinesslike money and happiness could not go hand in hand. The longer version of the saying21: but it sure helps.Can money buy happiness? We all need money, which is a22fact. In times of depression we hear heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs and homes. Saying that money doesnt bring happiness to them would be23thoughtless. To the less fortunate ones money equals the continuing of their normal everyday life and that normal life is24we find our true happiness in life. So yesmoney can be a great25in bringing happiness in life.And what about those who have their jobs? How often do they sacrifice(牺牲) their whole life to the pursuit of money? Now there are many people who feel true26in the gamethey love to work long hours to earn more money, and we should let them do just that. Let them follow their27, because money can be a great motivator in achieving their better things in life.We often hear28of how these long working hours have caused problems in peoples 29lives because they dont have time for their friends and family. Money and happiness sure dont seem to go hand in hand in this case.Where does the balance between personal life and a life spent pursuing money and possessions30?I believe money and happiness31each other. What is money to us? Ive come to think it 32 freedomfreedom to do what we want or be our true selves with less stress. But we can do things like that33without money, too. So money is not the34 condition for happiness. Only when we35 the two, can money and happiness really go hand in hand21.()A.puts B.has C.gives D.adds17.33.()A.insisting B.insisted C.insist D.to insist18.53.()A.partly B.severely C.completely D.naturally19.61.()A.himself B.oneself C.him D.one20.67.()A.perfect B.popular C.public D.pleasant三、翻译(3题)21.事实是昨天晚上他来到了上海22.再也没有比看到学生的进步更使老师们高兴的了23.我们是为了公司才这么做的,而不是为了我们自己四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Do you like pop music or country music?_. I only like sports()五、单选题(0题)25.your book and do this work first. You may read it later()A.Put out B.Put away C.Put up D.Put on六、单选题(0题)26.These two pictures are so()that its very difficult to tell them apartA.exact B.familiar C.likely D.similar参考答案1.D请把电视的音量调小一点,好吗?孩子们在做作业呢。考点词义辨析【精析】Dturn on:打开,接通;turn off:关掉,关闭;turn up:开大,调大(音量);turn down:关小,调低。根据句意可知,选D2.A3.B当他到达时,他才发现只有老人和患者在家。考点词义辨析【精析】Bnothing but, none but均表示仅仅,只有,但nothing but后只可接物,而none but后可接人;no other than:正是;没有none other这一搭配。根据句意可知,选B4.CC句意:我告诉他们只要他们要求,我十分乐意提供帮助。词语搭配题。be willing to do sth.意为乐意做某事;其他三项均不正确,interested常用于be interested in 结构,意为对感兴趣。根据句意,应选C5.B林黛玉非常敏感,以至于她甚至会为春天里的落花哭泣。考点词义辨析【精析】Bimpressive:给人深刻印象的;sensitive:敏感的;sensible:明智的,有头脑的;attractive:有吸引力的,有魅力的。根据句意可知,选B6.C我们从山顶上能很好地看到星星。考点词义辨析【精析】C. clearly:清晰地;generally:总体上;fairly:相当地,很;closely:接近地。根据句意可知,这里的fairly来修饰well,选C7.A句意:要不是你来看我,我会非常孤单的。短语辨析题。but for若非,要不是;on account of由于,因为;owing to=thanks to由于。本句是虚拟语气,只有but for可用于虚拟语气中8.A用我的旧电脑换这部相机,你愿意吗?考点词语搭配【精析】Ain exchange for为固定短语,意为交换。convert:(v.)转变,(n.)改变信仰者;replace:(v.)代替,取代,常用短语为replace sb./sth. (with/by sb./sth.);substitute:(n.)代替者,代替物,(v.)代替,取代。故选A9.A当我们给孩子们冰淇淋时,他们立刻就停止了哭泣。考点非谓语动词【精析】Acea
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