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备考2023年辽宁省营口市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.A.G B.H C.I D.J2.Its important for the figures regularly()A.to be updatedB.to have been updatedC.to updateD.to have updated3.Gloria is the girl_is eating an apple now()A.who B./ C.whom D.what4.In our class there are 46 students, half wear glasses()A.in whom B.of whom C.in them D.of them5.I wish youJack my telephone number yesterday, but you did()A.didnt give B.hadnt given C.wouldnt give D.shouldnt give6.The authorities wouldnt()us permission to fly all the way down to San FranciscoA.grant B.allow C.provide D.admit7.To their credit, the Department of Energy _ their duty to conduct the project saving non-renewable resources()A.took over B.took on C.took in D.took to8.Our department has a large collection of books, _ are in English()A.many of which B.many of them C.many ones D.their many9.Faced with all the difficulties, the girl _ her mother for help()A.turned over B.turned from C.turned to D.turned up10.I recognized John()he entered the roomA.hardly B.the minute C.no sooner D.at once二、完型填空(10题)11.13()A.attention B.association C.attraction D.adaptation12.()A.affect B.effect C.influence D.affection13.50.()A.nervous B.calm C.frightened D.excited14.14()A.apart B.aside C.off D.back15.45.()A.broad B.passing C.different D.main16.20()A.even though B.as though C.as if D.if only17.42.()A.hoped B.agreed C.meant D.chose18.A.G B.H C.I D.J19.2()A.connected B.expanded C.exposed D.extended20.Almost everyone has a hobby. A hobby can be 41 people like to do in their spare time. A hobby can 42 them with interest, enjoyment, friendship, knowledge and 43. It can be something 44 they learn more about themselves or about the world.It may introduce them to friends who share their enthusiasm and from whom they can also learn. It helps both manual 45 mental workers relax after periods of hard work. It also offers interesting and enjoyable 46 for retirees. 47, it can benefit peoples mental and physical health.Different people have different hobbies. People who 48 hobbies are hobbyists. Some paint pictures, sing pop songs, 49 on musical instruments and enjoy 50 coins or stamps; others 51 flowers, go fishing, hunt animals or spend their time 52 sports; climbing mountains, swimming, skating and playing 53. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, 54 or well, can follow a satisfying hobby, 55 his age, position, or income.56 for me, I like sports very much. Sometimes I play tennis or badminton or go swimming. Sometimes I exercise 57 and go running regularly in the morning. 58 I choose, if I exercise regularly, I will be sure to 59 and improve my health 60 my life()A.nothing B.anything C.some things D.all the things三、翻译(3题)21.Now colleges and universities are seeing a change in studentslifestyle. More and more college students prefer to stay in the dormitory in their leisure time and become indoorsmen or indoorswomen. The Internet offers students many options to kill the spare time. Various on-campus services, from food delivery to laundry services, are fuelling the culture of staying in dormitories. Some students argue that outdoor sports or social activities are no better than staying in the dormitory and playing on a computer. Irregular life and lack of physical exercise have become the health enemy of college students22.This factory can only supply thirty percent of what we need23.毫无疑问,她是我们班上学习最好的同学之一四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Young people are redefining for themselves _ it means to be a man or a woman()五、单选题(0题)25.He is totally to other peoples attitudes()A.unconcerned B.careless C.indifferent D.bold六、单选题(0题)26.All your symptoms will fall away _ you take the medicine()A.since B.if C.as D.unless参考答案1.B有时候我喜欢一个人待着。考点词义辨析【精析】Hsome times:好几次;sometimes:有时候;some time:一段时间;sometime:在(过去或将来的)某个时候。根据句意可知,选H2.A对数据进行定期更新很重要。考点非谓语动词【精析】AIt is+形容词+for sb./sth. to do sth.为固定结构,所以此处应用不定式结构。 由句中的regularly(定期地,定时地)一词可知,此处应用不定式的一般式。根据句意可知,the figures与update之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用不定式的被动式。故选A3.AA 分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,指代先行词the girl,且在从句中作主语,所以应选who。定语从句的引导词在从句中作宾语时才可以省略,因此可排除B项;whom在定语从句中充当宾语;what不能引导定语从句。故选A4.B我们班有46个人,其中一半的人戴眼镜。考点定语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,前后两句之间无连词,故可排除C、D两项。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是46 students。根据句意可知,half与46 students之间为所属关系,因此要用of whom引导从句。此外还应注意,本句是将of whom提至从句句首,正常语序为half of whom。故选B5.B我希望昨天你没有把我的电话号码给杰克,但是你却给了。考点虚拟语气【精析】B根据句中的yesterday和did可知,wish后面的宾语从句是对过去情况的假设,所以谓语动词应用had+过去分词的形式。故选B6.A官方不会允许我们一直飞到旧金山的。考点词义辨析【精析】A grant:授予,允许,grant permission to意为授予的权利,允许;allow:允许,许可,不可与permission 连用;provide:提供,供给;admit:承认,容许。根据句意可知,选A7.B能源部承担起了执行节约不可再生资源计划的责任,这值得赞扬。考点词义辨析【精析】Btake over:接管;take on:承担(责任),决定做,呈现;take in:吸入,理解;take to:喜欢上,开始定期做。根据句意可知,选B8.AA句意:我们系有很多藏书,其中很多是英语书。定语从句题。非限制性定语从
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