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(2023年)黑龙江省大兴安岭地区统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.He always did well at school having to do part-time jobs every now and then()A.despite of B.in spite of C.regardless of D.in case of2.He was _ in all areas of his life()A.economic B.economical C.economy D.economist3.Mr. Brown is supposed to()for Italy last monthA.be leaving B.have left C.leave D.have been left4._of March is my sisters birthday()A.The twenty-oneB.Twenty-oneC.The twenty-firstD.Twenty-first5.The price of houses goes up again, partly _ the requirement of young people()A.in addition to B.with C.because D.due to6.Steven my letter; otherwise he would have replied before now()A.has receivedB.should have receivedC.couldnt have receivedD.ought to have received7.After()the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit on a solutionA.running throughB.running afterC.running overD.running out8.By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the worlds people in cities rather than in rural areas()A.are living B.will be living C.have lived D.will have lived9.In his opinion, success in life mainly()on how we get along with other peopleA.keeps B.depends C.insists D.spends10.The famous actor is familiar _ every American, young and old()A.with B.to C.about D.on二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.requests B.requires C.means D.suggests12.70.()A.how learned B.how to learn C.to how learn D.how learning13.52()A.called B.known C.named D.looked14.74.()A.experiments B.circles C.trips D.movements15.Americans suffer from an overdose of work. Regardless _41_ who they are or what they do, Americans spend _42_ time at work than at any time since World War .In 1950, the US had fewer working hours _43_ any industrialized country. Today, it exceeds every country _44_ Japan, where industrial employees load 2,155 hours a year compared _45_ 1,951 in the US and 1,603 in the _46_ West Germany.Between 1969 and 1989, employed Americans _47_ an average of 138 hours to their yearly work schedules. The workweek _48_ above 40 hours, but people are working more weeks each year. _49_, paid time off holidays, vacations, sick leave shrank _50_ 15 percent in the 1990s.As corporations have _51_ stiffer competition and slower growth in productivity, they have pressed employees to work longer. Cost-cutting lay-offs in the 1990s _52_ the professional and managerial runs, _53_ fewer people to get the job done. In lower-paid occupations, _54_ wages have been reduced, workers have added hours _55_ overtime or extra jobs to _56_ their living standard. The government estimates that more than seven million people hold a second job.For the first time, large _57_ of people say they want to cut _58_ on working hours, even if it means earning less money. _59_ most employers are unwilling to let them do so. The government, which has stepped back from its traditional _60_ as a regulator of work time, should take steps to make shorter hours possible41.()A.of B.with C.for D.by16.50()A.kin B.mother C.father D.brother17.24.()A.be found B.find C.found D.been found18.53.()A.private B.public C.different D.similar19.27.()A.as B.until C.when D.while20.63.()A.to speak B.for speaking C.to speaking D.to speaking of三、翻译(3题)21.Could you inform us of the specific time so that we can make full preparations?22.What you eat and the way it affects your body depend very much on the kind of person you are. For one thing, the genes you inherit from your parents can determine how your body metabolism (新陈代谢) copes with particular foods23.That old man would rather live in the countryside alone than live in the city with his son四、词汇与语法(0题)24.It is worth _ that even the most complex scientific ideas can eventually affect ones daily life()五、单选题(0题)25.The Bunsen Burner is so named because it is thought by Robert Bunsen()A.to be inventedB.having been inventedC.inventedD.to have been invented六、单选题(0题)26.The news reporters hurried to the airport, onlythe film stars had left()A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told参考答案1.B尽管偶尔要做一些兼职工作,但他在学校里总是表现很好。考点词义辨析【精析】B分析句子结构和句意可知,空处要填入表让步的介词短语。in spite of:尽管,虽然;in case of:假如,万一,表条件;despite意为尽管时与in spite of同义,但不与of连用;regardless of:不管,不顾。根据句意可知,选B2.B他在生活的各个方面都精打细算。考点词义辨析【精析】Beconomic:经济的,经济上的;economical:经济的,节约的;economy:经济;economist:经济学家。根据句意可知,选B3.B上个月布朗先生应该已经动身去意大利了。考点动词时态【精析】B根据句意和句中的时间状语last month可知,此处应用完成时,表示leave for(动身)这一动作已经完成。另外,Mr. Brown和leave for为主谓关系,所以不用被动语态。故选B4.C三月二十一日是我妹妹的生日。考点数词的用法【精析】C把多位数基数词改为序数词时,只需将个位数改为序数词。另外,句中又是特指三月的某一天,要用定冠词the。故选C。5.D房价又上涨了,部分原因是年轻人的需要。考点词义辨析【精析】Din addition to:除之外(还);with:和一起,具有;because:因为,其后跟从句;due to:因为,由于,其后常接名词,符合题意。故选D6.C史蒂芬不可能收到我的信,不然的话,
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