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(2023年)河南省洛阳市统招专升本英语模拟考试(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.I didnt hear _ because there was too much noise where I was sitting()A.what did he sayB.what he saidC.what was he sayingD.what to say2.Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li for the earthquake-stricken area to help the victims, so we only had time for a few words()A.just leftB.has just leftC.is just leavingD.was just leaving3.Apple _to have put a lot of effort into developing wireless ear-buds()A.said B.it is said C.has said D.is said4.He gained his_ by printing _of famous writers()A.wealth; workB.wealths; worksC.wealths; workD.wealth; works5.The older I get, the more I value friends, yet the time I have in maintaining old friendship()A.few B.fewer C.little D.less6.This factory turns out _ as they did a decade ago()A.twice as many motorbikesB.twice motorbikes as manyC.twice motorbikes as muchD.motorbikes as twice much7.I decide to leave the company next month, where I for exactly three years()A.work B.is working C.will be working D.will have worked8.In Britain, the best season of the year is probably()springA.later B.latter C.last D.late9.The students were assigned different tasks according to their_abilities()A.respectful B.respectable C.respective D.responsible10.I, _ your good friend, will try my best to help you out()A.who is B.who am C.that is D.which am二、完型填空(10题)11.22.()A.essential B.elementary C.necessary D.principal12.60.()A.spreads B.strengthens C.enlarges D.inspects13.6()A.open B.strange C.impolite D.direct14.48.()A.play B.exercise C.train D.go15.79.()A.show B.trick C.try D.program16.47.()A.in B.for C.with D.of17.65.()A.experience B.figure C.practise D.balance18.The first time I left my mother,1 was five years old. She told me I couldnt go out to play16 Ipicked up my toys. Who could put up with such17 ?Im running away,I announced. Oh, dear, Ill 18 you. But if you really want to19,I guess I shouldnt stopyou. Mother got my red coat from the cupboard and 20 my white gloves in a pocket. Shewalked me to the 21 , kissed me good-bye, and 22 the door behind me. OffIwent. As I23 the house next door, my footsteps24 . It struck me for the first time that I had no25 where I was headed, and after a moment, I turned around. 26on our front steps, Ibegan to consider my immediate27 . But as the afternoon wore on, I didnt 28 from myplace.Mrs. Ford, our neighbor, took out her rubbish and called, Hi, honey ! How are you doing?Im 29 , I said, and my lips started to tremble(颤抖).You are? Well, I wont30 you then, she said, and went back inside.As darkness fell, I decided to be 31 . I knocked on the door, and when Mother opened it,I walked past her. Im giving you another 32 , I said, as she enveloped me in a warm hug(拥抱). 1 53 ran away again.But 1 34 , and that s different. When I left for college, Mother waved until my trainpulled out of sight. When I got to the college, I found a35 she had hidden among my sweatersthat read, We re so proud of you ! ()A.until B.though C.when D.if19.45()A.however B.yet C.although D.still20.()A.for B.and C.but D.since三、翻译(3题)21.Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, a study suggests22.他们在工作中很注意理论联系实际23.It was the aid from a stranger that enabled him to complete his college studies四、词汇与语法(0题)24.When they entered the room, they found the windows open and something()五、单选题(0题)25.When the mixture(), it will give off a powerful forceA.will heat B.will be heated C.is heated D.has heated六、单选题(0题)26.I had to wait for another two months to be able to have the car_()A.fixing B.fix C.to fix D.fixed参考答案1.B我没有听清他说了什么,因为我坐的地方太吵了。考点宾语从句【精析】B由连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what和连接副词where, how, why, when来引导宾语从句时,从句应用陈述语序,所以排除A、C两项;选项D表将来,不符合题意。故选B2.D遗憾的是,当我顺道过来拜访的时候,李医生正准备出发去地震灾区帮助灾民,所以我们只有说几句话的时间。考点动词时态【精析】D根据句中的dropped和had可知,本句陈述的是过去发生的事情。根据句意可知,我拜访的时候,李医生正准备出发,但还没有出发,所以应用过去将来时,表示在过去看来将要发生的事情。leave是位移动词,所以谓语动词可以用was/were+现在分词的形式表将来。故选D3.D4.D他靠印刷著名作家的作品获得了财富。考点名词的数【精析】Dwealth意为财富,为不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以排除选项B、C。 work作不可数名词时意为工作,作可数名词时意为著作,艺术作品,此处指著名作家的作品,应用可数名词的复数形式works。故选D5.D年龄越大,我就越看重朋友,但是用以维系老朋友关系的时间就越少。考点比较级【精析】D本句考查the+比较级,the+比较级(越,越)结构。Time是不可数名词,所以应该用little修饰,而little的比较级是less。故选D6.A这家工厂生产出的摩托车是十年前的两倍。考点倍数表达法+of。本题符合第二种用法,所以选A7.D我决定下个月离开这家公司,届时我在这里工作就刚好满三年了。考点动词时态【精析】D根据题干中的for exactly three years以及题干中暗含的到下个月才满三年可以推断出,应该用将来完成时,表示在将来某一时刻以前已经完成的动作。故选D8.D在英国,一年当中最好的季节大概是晚春了。考点词语搭配【精析】D late spring为固定搭配,意为晚春。其他选项均不能与spring构成搭配9.CCrespectful:尊敬的;respectable:体面的,得体的;respective:分别的,各自的;responsible:负责的。根据句意可知,选C10.BB句意:我,作为你的好朋友,会尽全力帮你走出困境。定语从句题。一般来说,定语从句中的谓语形式应与先行词保持一致,本句中先行词是I,所以后面应用who am;而C项不能引导非限
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