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(2022年)辽宁省鞍山市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.She didnt want to go to Africa: probably()the weather is too hotA.for B.because C.since D.as2.That fielda good crop of potatoes last year()A.planted B.grew C.raised D.yielded3.We asked both John and Jerry, but could offer a satisfactory explanation()A.neither B.either C.both D.nor4.He apologized _ having to leave so early()A.because of B.with C.owing to D.for5.(), Madam. Is there a post office near here?Keep on going ahead.Turn right at the first crossroad.Then youll find one thereA.Sorry B.You are welcome C.Excuse me D.Thanks a lot6.Itistheboyscarelessnessthat_hisfailureintheexam()A.resultedfrom B.ledto C.broughtin D.ledinto7.Its too late to go out. _, its going to rain()A.Otherwise B.Besides C.However D.Therefore8.he would ring me up()A.Had he came B.If he will come C.If he came D.If he comes9.This well-known international organization was _ several years ago()A.set up B.made up C.taken up D.got up10.The fact that something is cheap doesnt _ mean it is of low quality()A.especially B.practically C.necessarily D.specially二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.desires B.need C.hope D.request12.60.()A.in person B.in man C.by person D.for person13.52.()A.gone B.been C.got D.come14.57.()A.entered B.traced C.drawn D.enlarged15.56.()A.came into B.left out C.came back D.took in16.We got up early this morning and56 a long walk after breakfast. We walked57 the business section of the city. I told you yesterday that the city58 larger than I thought it would be. Well, the business section is smaller than I thought it would be. I suppose thats59 Washington is a special kind of city.60 of the people in Washington work for the government.About 9:30 we went to the White House. Its61 the public from ten62 twelve, and there was a long line of people63 to get in. We didnt have to wait very long, because the line moved pretty quickly.The White House is really white. It64 every year. And it seems very white, because its got beautiful lawns65 around it, with many trees and shrubs. The grounds66 about four square blocks. I mean, theyre about two blocks long67 each side.Of course, we didnt see the whole building. The part68 the President lives and works can not be visited by the public. But the part we saw was beautiful. We went through five of the main rooms. One of69 was the library, on the ground floor. On the next floor, there are three rooms named70 the colors that are used in them: the Red Room, the Blue Room, and the Green Room. The walls are covered with silk71. There are72 old furniture, from the time73 the White House was74 built. And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and75 famous people from history56.()A.made B.took C.did D.set17.7()A.sank B.ached C.harmed D.puzzled18.2()A.average B.normal C.expected D.unusual19.Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know41 you think you are a42 person or a coward. But you will never really know the answer to this question43 you are tested in real life. Some people44 they are brave but when they come face to face with real45, they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like46.Lenny had always thought of himself as a47 person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and health. All he wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.48, on January 15, 2002, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening. He saw a woman in the 49 water. Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very50 and did a very dangerous thing. He jumped into the Potomac,51 to the woman, and kept her head52 the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny, it was not53.When you are54 danger and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. The chemical is called adrenalin(肾上腺素).55 adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger and stronger and are56 to fight or run away. However, when you are absolutely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this57, the muscles become very hard and you find you58 move at all. You are then paralysed with fear. This is59 when we are very frightened, we sometimes say were petrified. This word comes from the Greek word petros, which means stone. We are60 frightened that we become stone-like41.()A.how B.neither C.whether D.either20.Enough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep _21_ depends on the age of the person and the conditions in which sleep _22_. The young may need more sleep than the old, but _23_ eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do with less than this amount but _24_ may need more. Every person knows his own need.It is then a
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