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(2021年)辽宁省锦州市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Speaker A: Grace and her friends went down to the old house on Nashua Street.Speaker B: _()A.Why not? B.What for? C.How nice! D.What time2.Sophia spokesoftly that I could hardly hear her()A.very B.rather C.too D.so3.What will happen to the children if their parents someday()A.break out B.break away C.break up D.break off4.He always to everything and never agrees with anybody()A.projects B.subjects C.rejects D.objects5.I wish I _ you at the birthday party yesterday()A.met B.had met C.would meet D.would have met6.()I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a manA.Much as B.Only if C.If only D.As much7.Were talking about the piano and the pianist()were in the concert we attended last nightA.which B.whom C.who D.that8.We should()our differences and discuss the things we have in commonA.put away B.put aside C.put off D.put forward9.Where are you going, Tom?To Bills workshop. The engine of my car needs()A.repairing B.repaired C.repair D.to repair10.The weather was good except for an()showerA.optional B.intentional C.additional D.occasional二、完型填空(10题)11.53()A.look after B.deal with C.wait for D.search for12.50.()A.the other B.others C.other D.another13.()A.even B.hardly C.certainly D.probably14.57.()A.forth B.up C.out D.about15.58.()A.habit B.secret C.experience D.beauty16.3()A.rarely B.certainly C.probably D.consistently17.46.()A.soldiers B.mice C.heroes D.cowards18.In recent years, more and more foreigners are involved in the teaching programs of the United States. Both the advantages and the disadvantages _ using faculty(教师)from foreign countries _ teaching positions have to be _, of course. It can be said that foreign _ that makes the faculty member from abroad an asset(财富) also _ problems of adjustment, both for the university and for the individual. The foreign research scholar usually isolates _ in the laboratory as a means of protection; _, what he needs is to be fitted _ a highly organized university system quite different from _ at home. He is faced in his daily work _ differences in philosophy, arrangements of courses and methods of teaching. Both the visiting professor and his students _ a common ground in each others cultures. Some _ of what is already in the minds of American students is _ by the foreign professor. While helping him to _ himself to his new environment, the university must also _ certain adjustments in order to _ full advantage of what the newcomer can _. It isnt always known how to make _ use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller colleges. This is thought to be a _ where further study is called _. The findings of such a study will be of value to colleges and universities with foreign faculty()A.with B.for C.of D.at19.64.()A.troubles B.meetings C.events D.accidents20.35.()A.pets B.toys C.friends D.colleagues三、翻译(3题)21.There are many coal reserves in China, Russia and the United States, along with over 260 thousand million barrels of oil reserves in the Middle East22.这个问题比我们昨天预期的要难23.这所语言学校成立于1959年四、词汇与语法(0题)24.This village()hit by a hurricane, for we saw the ruined houses and the fallen trees all over the places五、单选题(0题)25.He didnt allow_ in his room. Actually, he didnt allow his family _ at all()A.to smoke; to smokeB.smoking; to smokeC.to smoke; smokingD.smoking; smoking六、单选题(0题)26.A man who wants to start a business must have some _()A.currency B.income C.wealth D.capital参考答案1.B2.DD句意:索菲娅说话如此轻柔,以至于我几乎听不见。状语从句。选项中只有so可以和that搭配构成sothat(如此以至于)结构,引导结果状语从句3.C【翻译】如果他们的父母有一天关系破裂了,孩子们会如何表现呢? 考点词义辨析 Cbreak out:突然爆发;break away:突然离开,逃跑;break up:分手,(婚姻、恋爱关系)破裂;break off:停止,断交。根据句意可知,选C。4.D他总是反对一切,并且从不和任何人意见一致。考点词语搭配【精析】Dobject to为固定搭配,意为反对,不赞成。project:计划,预计;subject:使顺从,使遭受,常用于subject sth./sb. to sth.结构中;reject:拒绝接受,不予考虑,为及物动词。故选D5.B我真希望在昨天的生日派对上遇见你。考点虚拟语气【精析】B在wish后接的宾语从句中,从句应用虚拟语气,表示对过去情况的假设时,从句谓语动词应用had+过去分词的形式。根据从句中的时间状语yesterday可知,这里表示与过去事实相反的假设,其谓语动词应用had+过去分词的形式。故选B6.A尽管大卫作为一名诗人,我很欣赏,但我却不喜欢他的为人。考点状语从句【精析】Aas表示虽然,尽管,可引导让步状语从句,并将作表语的名词、形容词,作状语的副词提至句首,所以选项A符合题意。only if表示只有;if only表示只要,要是;as much表示同样多的。故选A7.D我们正在讨论昨晚听的音乐会上的钢琴和钢琴家。考点定语从句【精析】D分析句子结构可知空后内容是一个定语从句修饰前面的the piano and the pianist,因为先行词中既有人又有物,所以应选that来引导定语从句,故选D8.B我们应该暂时搁置分歧,讨论一下我们的共同之处。考点词义辨析【精析】B put away:抛弃,放好(多指把东西收起来放好);put aside:暂不考虑,把放在一边;put off:推迟,拖延;put forward:提出,拿出。根据句意可知,选B9.A汤姆,你这是去哪里呢?去比尔的车间。我的汽车的发动机需要修理一下。考点非谓语动词【精析】A当need, want, require这三个词作需要讲,且其前面的主语是指物的名词或代词时,其后常用动名词的主动形式或不定式的
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