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(2022年)广东省东莞市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.This website may contain links to other websites _ privacy measures may be different from ours()A.that B.which C.who D.whose2.They still have some problems in designing the new energy vehicles()A.overcome B.overcoming C.to overcome D.overcomes3.Although the man is good at painting, we dont think he is _ an artist()A.much B.much more C.much of D.rather than4.It was Mike opened the door for me()A.who B.what C.whom D.as5.The newly built library was the teaching building()A.four times as large asB.as large as four timesC.four times large asD.as four times thick as6.It is during his spare time _ Johnson has been studying a course in history()A.when B.which C.what D.that7.If the scheme is _ carried out without waste of time or energy, I shall be completely satisfied()A.relatively B.noticeably C.appropriately D.efficiently8.Ourcompanysvisitorsdecidedtostayinourcityfor_twodaysastheywantedtohavealookaround()A.other ? B.theother C.another D.others9.I have no to the plan, so long as it would not cost too much()A.refusal B.comment C.idea D.objection10.Jack worked late into the night, _ he had not finished even half of the job()A.only finding B.only found C.only find D.only to find二、完型填空(10题)11.When I was 16 years old, I made my first visit to the United States. It wasnt the first time I had been61. Like most English children I learned French at school and I had often62 to France, so I was used63 a foreign language to people who did not understand64. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to65a nice and easy holiday without any66 problems.How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a67 telephone to give my American friend Danny a68 and tell her I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me69 lost and asked70 he could help me. Yes, I said, I want to give my friend a ring. Well, thats71. he exclaimed.Are you getting72? But arent you a bit73? Who is talking about marriage? I replied.I74 want to give a ring to tell her Ive arrived.Can you tell me where theres a phone box? Oh! he said.Theres a phone downstairs.When at last we75 meet up, Danny76 the misunderstandings to me. Dont worry, she said to me, I had so many77 at first. There are lots of words which the Americans78 differently in meaning from79. Youll soon get used to80 things they say. Most of the time British and American people understand each other!()A.out B.aboard C.away D.abroad12.62.()A.ending B.beginning C.opening D.closing13.Public buses running on Beijings streets are more eye-catching compared with their former dull color.41, five or six years ago, when many other Chinese cities began to42their public buses with43advertisements, Beijing remained unmoved, allegedly44of consideration for maintaining the stately grace of the capital.But Beijings lofty posture did not45long under the pressure of the market economy. Since 1993, most public buses have been46with brightly colored ads, many featuring47images.Public transportation companies were the first group 48 from the move. The No.300 Bus alone has annually494 million yuan of ad earnings to its company. At the same time, business people are happy to find a comparatively cheap,50widely influential, advertising medium.Advertising on buses, a form quickly accepted by Beijing residents, adds a new51line to the city, instead of52the capitals image.The Chinese attitude towards advertisements has changed greatly.53from sight for a long period, commercial ads reappeared in 1979, but they were54.Today, however, advertisements are55entering daily life. More and more urban residents are becoming accustomed to56shopping information in this way.57recent years, the Beijing TV Station has 58an advertising program, TV Market. The diverse,59forms and practical contents have enabled it to gain high ratings.Advertising is no longer considered non-essential. It is now a major part of the tertiary sector,60special government attention()A.Therefore B.However C.So D.While14.()A.well B.strange C.nice D.funny15.54.()A.secure B.assure C.confirm D.resolve16.42()A.condition B.difference C.union D.divorce17.59.()A.attraction B.decision C.temptation D.dilemma18.49.()A.spread B.passed C.printed D.completed19.72.()A.for B.on C.at D.by20.52.()A.stared B.searched C.looked D.checked三、翻译(3题)21.我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出的计划22.If you learn to replace a negative attitude toward learning with something more positive, you are on the road to achieving almost any goal you desire23.He created the app to summarize long reports so that people could more easily understand the content四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Of more than three hundred people in the airplane that crashed last week, only five _ mira
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