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(2023年)湖南省郴州市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.When I go out in the daytime I use the bike _ the car if I can()A.rather than B.regardless of C.in spite of D.more than2.The visiting professor is from The University of Tokyo and he speaks English with a strong Japanese _()A.identity B.spelling C.accent D.vocabulary3.Our company culture is _ makes us successful in creating a friendly working environment()A.where B.how C.what D.why4.There are still a lot of difficulties for us to()A.deal with B.settle down C.apply to D.get along5.I have no _ to the plan, so long as it does not cost too much()A.refusal B.comment C.idea D.objection6.If you want to pass the exam, you should change your attitude_ learning()A.of B.on C.in D.toward7.If the wounded soldier had been given first_, he would not have died()A.help B.aid C.care D.attention8.As far as I know, she was asked to look after her sick mother, so shethe party yesterday()A.mustnt have taken part inB.shouldnt have taken part inC.neednt have taken part inD.couldnt have taken part in9.I have no objection()your design for the new type of machine this timeA.to adoptB.to adoptingC.to having adoptedD.to have adopted10.I rushed to the meeting without breakfast, only that it had been postponed()A.to tell B.to be told C.telling D.told二、完型填空(10题)11.27.()A.about B.up C.along D.to12.62.()A.recognize B.please C.report D.find13.85.()A.for B.by C.with D.after14.82.()A.about B.on C.in D.for15.()A.Fortunately B.In fact C.Logically D.Unfortunately16.68.()A.so as B.and that C.so that D.such that17.69.()A.came B.stood C.hurried D.raised18.9.()A.amount B.average C.sum D.number19.70.()A.inner B.original C.old D.downtown20.60.()A.help B.helped C.helping D.to help三、翻译(3题)21.Those who prefer red are likely to be energetic and adventurous22.我们是为了公司才这么做的,而不是为了我们自己23.()提高餐厅的能源效率不仅能省钱,而且能保护宝贵的自然资源。A. The improvement of energy efficiency in a restaurant will not only make money, but preserve valuable natural resources, too.B. The improvement of energy efficiency in a restaurant will not only save money, but also protect valuable natural resources.C. The decrease of energy efficiency in a restaurant only save money, but will not protect valuable natural resources.D. The decrease of expense in a restaurant will not save money, but protect valuable natural resources, too四、词汇与语法(0题)24.We moved to London _ we could visit our friends more often()五、单选题(0题)25.It is Allens first time to speak to the public, but I am sure he will get _ his nervousness()A.away B.off C.over D.through六、单选题(0题)26.It()that the jewels had been stolen by a travelerA.turned out B.turned up C.turned on D.turned over参考答案1.A白天出行时,我尽可能地骑自行车而不开车。考点词义辨析【精析】A rather than:而不是;regardless of:不管,不顾;in spite of:尽管;more than:比多。根据句意,选A2.C那个客座教授来自东京大学,他说英语带有浓重的日语口音。考点词义辨析【精析】Cidentity:身份,特征;spelling:拼写;accent:口音,腔调;vocabulary:词汇。根据句意可知,选C3.C我们的企业文化使我们成功地创造了一个友好的工作环境。考点表语从句【精析】C分析句子结构可知,空处引导的是表语从句,从句成分不完整,缺少主语,所以应用连接代词what来引导。连接副词where, how, why在名词性从句中充当状语,不符合题意,因此可以排除选项A、B、D。故选C4.A仍然有很多困难等着我们去解决。考点词义辨析【精析】A deal with:处理,解决;settle down:定居,安下心来;apply to:适用于,申请;get along:相处,有进展。根据句意可知,选A5.D我对这个计划没有任何异议,只要它花费不太大。考点词义辨析【精析】Drefusal:拒绝;comment:评论;idea:想法,主意;objection:异议,反对,have no objection to sth.是固定搭配,意为不反对,对没有异议。根据句意可知,选D6.D如果你想通过考试,你应该转变学习态度。考点词语搭配【精析】D名词attitude通常和介词toward或to搭配,表示对的态度,故本题应选D7.BB句意:如果那个受伤的士兵得到急救,他也许就不会死。词语搭配题。first aid是固定搭配,意思是急救8.D据我所知,她被要求去照看她生病的妈妈了,所以她不可能去参加了昨天的派对。考点情态动词【精析】Dmust have done表示过去肯定做了某事,是对过去发生事情的肯定推测,其否定形式不用mustnt;shouldnt have done表示过去本不应该做某事而实际上却做了;neednt have done表示过去本不必做某事而实际上却做了;couldnt have done表示过去不可能做了某事,是对过去发生事情的否定推测。根据so之前的she was asked to look after her sick mother可知,她不可能去参加了昨天的派对,是对过去发生事情的否定推测,应用couldnt have done的形式。故选D9.B这一次我不反对采用你对这款新机器的设计。考点固定用法【精析】B objection to中的to为介词,后面需要跟名词或者动名词。adopt表示的动作还未发生,所以不能用完成时。故选B10.B我没吃早饭就匆匆赶去开会,结果却被告知会议推迟了。考点非谓语动词【精析】B不定式和现在分词均可作结果状语。不定式表示意料之外、非主观希望的结果,且常与only连用,构成only to do结构;现在分词表示自然而然的结果。根据句意可知,我没吃早饭就赶去开会,显然是不知道会议被推迟这一消息,所以这里应用不定式,表示出乎意料的结果。且逻辑主语I和tell(告诉)之间是动宾关系,所以应用不定式的被动式,即to be+过去分词的形式。故选B11.B考点词义辨析题【精析】Bbring about:使发生,引起;bring up:提出(讨论等),谈到;bring along:带来,领来;bring to:使恢复知觉。根据上文If elderly people want to talk about their age可知,如果上年纪的人想要谈论自己的年龄,他们会主动谈到这个话题。故选B12.D考点词义辨析题【精析】Drecognize:认出;please:使满意;report:报道;find:找到。根据句意可知,被救者想要找到父亲并感谢他。故选D13.D考点词语搭配题【精析】D本句意为:有三个房间是以其颜色而命名的。nameafter为固定搭配,意为以命名14.B考点词语搭配题【精析】Bonside为固定搭配,意为在的边上15.DD词义辨析题。在这里作者表达了对未受过阅读训练的人的不良阅读习惯感到遗憾。 fortunately:幸运地;in fact:事实上;logically:合乎逻辑地,均不符合题意。只有unfortunately不幸地合乎句意16.C考点语法结构题【精析】C根据句意我们去学校最重要的是学习如何学习,以便当我们离开学校时可以继续学习可知,空处应填入表目的的连词,只有so th
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