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2023年度教师招聘之小学教师招聘过关检测试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共50题)1、Even plant can run a fever, especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3, 000 feet away straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that dont have pest(害虫)problems.A.estimate the damage to the cropsB.measure the size of the affected areaC.draw a color-coded mapD.locate the problem area【答案】 D2、计划安排每天自习时间表,属于学习策略中的()。A.组织策略B.认知策略C.精细加工策略D.资源管理策略【答案】 D3、下列选项的说法错误的一项是()。A.法国批判现实主义的奠基人是司汤达,他的名著红与黑的问世,标志着批判现实主义的开端。B.果戈里的钦差大臣和死魂灵是俄国文学的重要成就。C.美国著名作家海明威的1926年发表的长篇小说太阳照常升起是“迷惘的一代”的代表作。D.墨西哥作家卡夫卡的长篇小说百年孤独是拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义的典范,是现代西班牙文学的最好作品。【答案】 D4、舒茨的三维理论用于解释群体的形成时,认为群体形成经过( )的过程。 A.控制一情感一包容B.包容一控制一情感C.情感一控制一包容D.情感一包容一控制【答案】 B5、“严师出高徒” “棍棒底下出孝子”反映出人们选择教育方式受到下列哪种定理论的影响?( )A.遗传决定论B.环境决定论C.辐合决定论D.心理决定论【答案】 B6、人口的职业结构制约着教育的()。A.专业结构B.布局结构C.层次结构D.需求结构【答案】 A7、在学生心目中老师是高尚完美的,最值得学习。这说明学生具有( )A.依赖性B.向师性C.可塑性D.接受性【答案】 B8、教学策略是对教学活动进行调节控制的一系列执行过程,不包括( )。A.教学思想的确定过程B.教学方法的执行过程C.教学活动的元认知过程D.教学活动的调控过程【答案】 A9、下面关于教育行动研究说法中,不正确的是( )A.它是以解决学校中某一实际问题为导向的现场研究B.它是以实践经验为基础的研究C.它是一种具有较高动态性的研究D.它是在虚拟的环境中进行的研究【答案】 D10、Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don! begin thinking about careers until they reach junior or senior year, which, in my opinion, is too late. A.traveling abroadB.service businessC.social activitiesD.acting on the stage【答案】 B11、先秦经典中最具汪洋姿肆风格著作的是()。A.战国策B.孟子C.老子D.庄子【答案】 D12、He will surely finish the job on time_ he s left to do it in his own way.A.in thatB.so long asC.in caseD.as far as【答案】 B13、根据知识本身的存在形式和复杂程度,知识学习可以分为符号学习、概念学习和()。A.公式学习B.命题学习C.原理学习D.推理学习【答案】 B14、形成道德品质的关键在于培养( )。A.道德认识B.道德信念C.逍德情感D.道德意志【答案】 B15、学习是为了不作后进生或留级生,免受教师批评指责;或为了取得好评,给班级或团组织争荣誉而努力学习。这属于学习动机类型中的()。A.学习动机不明确B.学习知识为了履行社会义务C.学习为了个人前途D.学习为了国家与集体的利益【答案】 B16、My MP4 player isnt in my bag.Where?I have put it?A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would【答案】 A17、被马克思称为“行动光明磊落”,“失乐园”的是( )。A.歌德B.弥尔顿C.莎士比亚D.但丁【答案】 B18、一个简单的反射弧是由( )几部分组成。A.感受器、传入神经、神经中枢、效应器、反馈、传出神经B.传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经C.感受器、传入神经、传出神经、反馈D.感受器、传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经、效应器【答案】 D19、廖世承在( )年编写了我国第一本教育心理学教科书。A.1903B.1908C.1913D.1924【答案】 D20、Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldnt agree. Were the birds on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out. So on a chilly January evening, the two friends went to the frozen pond near their house in Frankfort, Illinois, to get a better look. First they tossed a rock onto the ice to test it . Cruz told NBC 5 Chicago ,“ Then we stepped on it” Convinced the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then.FooMP. He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.” There was no sound, no sound, no crack,” he told NBC 5 Chicago.” I just fell through instantly.”A.Their necks were frozenB.They had a high feverC.They lost their consciousnessD.Their body temperature dropped【答案】 D21、The president of World Bank says he has a passion for China, _ he remembers starting as early as his childhood.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.when【答案】 B22、教育研究首先必须遵守的原则是( )A.伦理原则B.匿名原则C.保密原则D.自愿原则【答案】 A23、She is making_for her education abroad, and has booked_.A.preparations; plane ticketB.a preparation; plane ticketC.preparation ; plane s ticketD.preparations ; ticket of plane【答案】 A24、马老师上课时常常先给学生呈现有感染力的真实事件,并提供相关线索,引导学生去发现问题,通过讨论、交流,加深每个学生对当前问题的理解,学生再通过自主学习和协作学习完成对所学知识的意义构建。此教学方式属于( )。A.认知学徒制B.程序教学C.抛锚式教学D.随机通达教学【答案】 C25、下列选项中,属于肌肉动力性工作的是A.向心工作B.支持工作C.加固工作D.固定工作【答案】 A26、教育心理学的研究和其他科学研究都应遵循的基本原则是()。A.客观原则B.系统性原则C.教育性原则D.发展性原则【答案】 B27、Consider these situations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to _11_ your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an inspiring lecture, and want to _12_ your newly found knowledge with a roomma
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