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六年级小学作文参考7篇 六年级小学作文篇1 this weekend sunday is my birthday, i will talk with my father and mother talk about my grand birthdayparty of the . . sunday, this exciting day finally come into the party room - wow, the windows of the white glass paste some stickers; small chair with a small red rope tied bowknot; table on the flowers, how much of the green leaves of the set off it yeah! see it! is the little green leaves shy im so happy! i was so happy to jump three feet so high! mom mysteriously came, holding a black cloth in his hand, which seems to hold something. suddenly, the lights off, i reach out and five fingers. my mother took the black cloth, said: surprise! wish you a happy birthday . . this song jumped out from everyones mouth i tears, but did not forget the wish, i was responsible for sub-cake, , my father put the rest of the cream toward my face, i was preparing to fight back, but was cousin bullying, whining i pretended to burst into tears cousin to see me this, immediately put a cake into my mouth, oh . . burst of trouble, you catch me catch, throw the cake to throw the cake, the cream of the cream . . unconsciously, already 12 oclock! we are also exhausted. this day, playing too crazy! 六年级小学作文篇2 20xx年的春节就要来了,过年可是我们小孩最盼望的。家家户户都忙着贴着火红的对联呢!当然,我家也一样的。 春节前,我和爸爸爸爸一起打扫卫生、买年货、蒸年糕、贴对联。虽然很累,但是心里很高兴。一切准备就绪了,春节悄悄地来了。除夕之夜,一家人坐在一起吃年夜饭、看春节晚会,可开心了。 大年初一早上,我被鞭炮声吵醒了。呀,该起床了,我赶紧穿上爸爸买的新衣服,和爸爸爸爸一起去给爷爷奶奶拜年,祝爷爷奶奶过年好,身体健康,爷爷奶奶高兴极了,给了我一个大大的红包,同时也祝愿我好好学习、天天向上。然后,我们一起吃了香喷喷的饺子。吃完饺子后,我和爸爸爸爸去邻居家拜年,送去我们的新年祝福。 大年初二开始,我跟着爸爸爸爸走亲访友,大人们在一起互相问候、祝福,有说有笑、我们小孩子们在一起玩各种游戏,气氛很融洽。看到大家脸上写满了笑容,我也很高兴,要是每天都这样的话该多好呀! 过年真好! 六年级小学作文篇3 turned around, the original showtime in the toy hit me, i am speechless, usually someone else coax me, but let me coax you today. no way, i can only coax her. language teacher left us an article entitled in the new things, the weekend morning i wrestled with the subject matter, write grandmother to learn the computer, it is nothing new; write the sun hit the west out of it, and impossible. in my big headache when the cousin with my little niece pleased to come, said the company had something to ask me to take something, i would like to take the child what is difficult to promise down. xinxin white fat, little arms with the lotus section of a length of a pair of water lingling big eyes full of curiosity about this world, i like her very much. because i have not finished writing homework, i put her on my bed to continue writing. for a while i heard the cry of wow, wow, a look at her diaper, i loudly denounced her: how do you not say ah this is under her cry even more, i know what to do hastily coax her, give her for pants, spent a lot of effort, finally cry, i took her a lot of toys, and continue to write essays. suddenly i felt something back attack, turned around, the original showtime in the toy hit me, i am speechless, and usually others are coax me, but today i let you, no way, i can only say: xinxin good i am ready to continue to the desk side, who knows she began to hit me, i am angry: you hit me again, and then hit me, do not believe i beat you ah i can be very responsible to tell you that i am very angry consequences are very serious, youknow own play, hear no! she blinked a pair of big eyes, it is estimated that the fear, and obediently to play to the side. after a while writing or not write, showtime did not move strange strange, i turned back, huh people where did this little thing go i dropped the pen, hurry to find her climb in the living room to climb down, almost fell from a high place, scared i was a cold sweat ah, how girls are so naughty ah i quickly went to hold her down, but it was estimated that because my lion roared her scared and also angry, that is not down. i have to say: well, well, happy, i was wrong, come down. no, unless you tell me the story. i promise you. finally the little guy coax happy, but i think how can i tell the story just teach young guys back ancient poetry it well, oh, oh, back poetry. i took out illustrations of ancient poetry and literature, pointing to an illustration: this figure is good we will go back to this bar. goose, goose, goose, song items to the sky song. white hair floating green water, anthurium dial clear wave. showtime several times will be, xinxin really smart, and then back several times. several times. im breaking her faint fingers, she will be a moment will be, and i am pleased to say: xinxin really smart. , 9-3 6. 3 +4 7. awesome! wait until the cousin came back to see the joy of the ancient poetry will be back, and will be considered arithmetic, and happy to say: really fresh, children take care of children, but also take care of very good, usually really underestimated you. of course, just do not do, one is absolutely blockbuster. the cousin they sent away, i found that writing has not writ
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