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专题25 书信类03(求助信、祝贺信、慰问信等)(解析版)书信类写作包括邀请信、感谢信、推荐信、求职信、祝贺信、告知信、求助信、建议信、道歉信、咨询信以及慰问信等类别。以下对求助信、祝贺信、慰问信类别提供对应的模板和基本写作技巧。十、说明文说明文用来解释或探讨各种问题,如机器的制造过程,自然现象或社会现象产生的原因,工程的规划或问题的解决方案等等。1. 说明事物的顺序我们可以按以下三类顺序说明事物:1、时间顺序,即按事物的发生、发展的先后顺序进行说明。2、空间顺序,即按事物空间位置的顺序,由上至下,由近及远或由里至外地说明。3、逻辑顺序,即按人们认识事物的规律进行说明,如由概括到具体,由整体到部分,由现象到本质,由表及里,由原因到结果,由主要到次要,由特点到用途等。2. 说明事物的方法1、定义法。定义法的目的是让不知此事物的人对此物有一个起码的了解,以利于下文的展开。如:A thermometer is an instrument used for measuring temperature. 就是对thermometer下了一个定义。有些事物也许不好下个明确定义,但我们可以交待这个事物的背景,来源,或列举出它的一些典型特征,以便让读者明白。这类事物可以是术语,也可以是外国人所不了 的中国的传统事物,如龙舟节等。2、举例说明法。举出具有代表性的例子,能够真切地说明事物,化抽象为具体,使段落变得有血有肉,丰富起来。举例时常用的表达有:for example(例如),for instance(例如),as an example of (作为的例子),take for example (以为例)等。3、比较法。为了突出事物鲜明的特点,我们常把它与其他事物进行比较。比方说我们想向读者介绍什么是“电脑”,我们可以说“Its a kind of electrical or artificial (人工的)brain.”这样把电脑和人脑进行了比较,从而使人们对“电脑”有更清晰的认识。来源:天道酬勤4、细节描述法。介绍一种事物,仅用概述性的词语如beautiful, friendly, boring, good 或bad 是不够的。作者要提供一些细节,使被描述的对象更加形象具体,从而加深读者的印象。除上述几种方法外,我们还可以通过引经据典 (即引用专家、名人等的话语)、列举数字等其他方法说明一件事物,从而使文章更加严密,内容更具有科学性,更有说服力。也可以综合运用多种方法。3. 写作模板模板01(主题型) _ is a most effective _to _. For most people, its almost impossible to _. _is really _.With the functions of _,it enables us to _.It can even _. Just imagine, all this can be done with _. A convenient tool can certainly make _, but it doesnt always help _.Too much _.Too many _.Relying too much on _ makes _. 点明要介绍的事物的必要性 介绍该事物对多数人的重要意义 该事物优势或显著特点 该事物的作用 进一步说明该事物的作用 说明该事物的重要性 承上启下,介绍事物的另一方面 该事物的负面影响一 该事物的负面影响二 总结说明过分使用该物品给我们带来的负面影响。模板02(说明原因型)Nowadays, there are more and morein some big cities. It is estimated that_.(用具体数据说明某现象)Why have there been so many? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first reason is that_.(原因一)Besides,_.(原因二)The third reason is_.(原因三)To sum up, the main cause ofis due to_.(指出主要原因)It is high time that something should be done. For one thing,_.(解决建议一)For another thing,. All these measures will certainly_.(解决建议二)模板03(描述事物型)What I have known aboutis that_.(具体描述某事物)Firstly,_.(描述要点一)_.(具体阐述要点一)Secondly,_.(描述要点二)(具体阐述要点二)_. As a college student,_.(结合自身描述要点三)All in all,_.(做出总结)Therefore, we should_.(提出建议)模板04(问题解决型)In recent days, there has been a problem, which is becoming more and more serious.(说明问题及其现状)First,_. Second,_.(进一步阐释现状)We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, _. For another thing, _. Finally, _.(列举解决该问题的方法)Personally, I believe that _/Consequently, Im confident that a bright future is awaiting us because _.(结尾段,指出我的信心及理由)模板05(说明利弊题型) Nowadays, many people prefer A because it is playing a more and more important role in our daily life. Generally/Generally speaking/On the whole, its advantages can be seen as follows./it has the following advantages. First of all, _ (A的优点之一). Besides,/Whats more, _A的优点之二). However, every coin has two sides./Everything has both advantages and disadvantages. The negative aspects are also apparent./Its disadvantages are also obvious. One of the important disadvantages is that _ (A的第一个缺点)To make matters worse,/To make the matter worse,/To make things worse/Whats worse, _(A的第二个缺点) Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones./The above analysis shows us that it has more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, I would like to _ (我的看法) (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only in this way can we_(对前景的预测)【必背词句】1简要说明图表内容的句型:从图表可以看出(1) Thetable/chartshowsthat(2) Ascanbeseenfromthechart(3) Fromthetable/chart/formswecansee(4) Thetabletellsusthat2表示变化/比较的句型:(5) Therewasagreat/slightincrease/risein(6) Therehasbeenasudden/slow/rapidfall/dropinItis20%lower/higherthan(7) Thenumber/ratehasnearlydoubled,asagainstthatoflastyear.(8) Thenumberistimesasmuchasthatof(9) Itincreases/rises/decreases/reducesby times/ percent/2/3.3说明原因的句型:(10) Thereasonforisthat(11) Onemaythinkofthechangeasaresultof(12) Thechangeinlargelyresultsfromthefactthat(13) ThereareseveralcausesforthissignificantgrowthinFirstThisbringsouttheimportantfacttha4
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