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返回目录 MoneyModule10返回目录 Period FourCommunication Workshop,Culture Corner&Bulletin Board返回目录 课前教材预案课堂深度拓展课末随堂演练目录Contents返回目录 课前教材预案textbook disk replace keen 返回目录 associate association involve involved truly true truth 返回目录 be made of go on holiday be associated with instead of make up take part in have fun with sb dream of with ease 返回目录 that enter 返回目录 Comfortable and safe 返回目录 课堂深度拓展词汇点击 replacevt.代替,取代;把放回原处 1返回目录 返回目录 with/by 返回目录 take the place of take Toms place in place of 返回目录 be associated with与有关;把和联系起来 2返回目录 返回目录 Associated in 返回目录 返回目录 involvev使卷入,使陷入;包含;专心于involvedadj.涉及的;牵连的;复杂的;感情投入的;有密切关系的 3返回目录 返回目录 in 返回目录 spending be/get involved in 返回目录 keenadj.渴望的,热切的;喜欢的,对着迷的4返回目录 on to show were keen that 返回目录 make up组合;编造;化妆;构成;弥补;铺床 5返回目录 返回目录 was made up of make it make sense of 返回目录 make up make up for 返回目录 构成 编造 弥补 铺床 化妆 返回目录 句型解读 1返回目录 返回目录 返回目录 whether that 返回目录 2返回目录 safe and sound amazed 返回目录 课末随堂演练truly disk replaced 返回目录 textbook keen 返回目录 There is no doubt that get/be involved in cold and hungry 返回目录 finish my homework Its easy for you to tell
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