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课 题:英语3A教案Unit3My friends第一课时教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1. 能熟练地听懂、会读、会说Goodbye2. 能初步听懂并且会读、会说Hes / Shes3. 能够理解Story time,并能运用所学句型向别人介绍自己的朋友。4. 培养学生喜欢交友,与人和善的好品质。教学重难点1. 能够听懂、会读、会说句子Goodbye, Hes Hes my friend./ Shes Shes my friend.2. 能够理解Story time,并能运用所学句型向别人介绍自己的朋友。3. 能够区别he与she课前准备人物头饰,卡片,ppt教学过程Step1. Greeting在上课前听A friend for life,让学生熟悉friend的这个单词。1. GreetingT: Its time for class. Are you ready? Ss: Yes.T: Lets begin our class. Class begins. Hi , class. Ss: Hi, T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning,T: Hello, S1: Hello,T: Hi, are you ? S2: Yes, I am. T:Good morning , S2: Good morning, 2. Sing a song “Good morning ”Step2. Presentation and pratice 1. Look and guessT: Boys and girls, lets play a game, look and guess. Look at the picture. Guess! Whos he ?S1:Hes Mickey. (板书Hes)T: Whos she? S2: Shes Minnie. (板书Shes)T: They are friends. Look! Guess! Whos she? S1:Shes Snow White. T: Whos he ? S2:Hes a dwarf .T: They are friends. Hes my friend. Shes my friend. Shes my friend. Hes my friend.They are my friends. So today well learn Unit3 My friends. My , friend, Hes my friend.Shes my friend.(板书Hes my friend. Shes my friend. ) They are my friends. My friends. (利用单词卡片和学生示范帮助学生读并理解my friend, my friends.)2.Look and sayT: I have many friends. Look! Who are they? Can you tell me their names? Now you can work in pairs.Ss:3.Listen and circle T:OK. Children! You can say their names correctly . You have done a good job. Would like to listen to a story about them?Ss: Yes.T: But you should listen carefully and try to circle the names in the story.Ss:4.Watch and tick T: They are Mike ,Miss Li and Yang Ling.(贴人物头饰) What are they saying? Lets watch the cartoon and answer the question.T: Are they saying , Good morning, Good afternoon or Goodbye?S: Goodbye! T: Whats meaning of Goodbye?S: 再见。T: Yes. When the class is over , we can say goodbye. When you go home, you can say goodbye. They say Goodbye, Miss Li. Goodbye,Mike. Goodbye, Yang Ling. (板书Goodbye,)Watch and chooseT: On their way home, Mike says Yang Ling saysHere are two choice questions. Lets watch the cartoon again and choose the correct answers. S:T:Shes Yang Ling. Shes my friend. Do you understand the meaning of the sentences? Hes Mike. Hes my friend. Whats the meaning of the sentences?S:6. Read after the record T: Its time to read the story after the record. If you can read loudly, you can get one star.If you can imitate the pronunciation and intonation , you can get two stars. If you can add some actions, you can get three stars. Now lets try to practice your reading.S:T: P1,P2,P3,P4Who can try? (一幅图一幅图地模仿展示 )S:7. Act out the dialogueT: You have made a great progress in your reading. Can you act out the dialogue now? You can work in groups of four. One acts as Mike. One acts as Mikes father . One acts as Yang Ling Another one acts as Yang Lings mother and Miss Li. Are you clear? Please start!S:(戴上头饰到讲台上表演)T: Big hands.8.Recite the dialogue.T: Can you recite the dialogue? Here are some hints for you. You can prepare in oneminute. S:Step 3. ConsolidationLook ,choose and readT: Here are some exercises. Can you choose shes/hes and fill in the blanks?Ss:Say a chantT : Lets say a chant. First listen to me. Can you read with your partners? S:Introduce our friendsT: In the class , we have learnt some sentences, .(展示黑板上的句子并总结) So we can use the sentences to introduce our friends. Such as: Shes Xiao xiao. Shes my friend. Can you introduce your friends to us? Please talk with your partners.S:Choose and talkT: Do you know who they are? Choose some persons you like and talk with your parteners.Ss:Sing a song “Goodbye” T: At last, lets sing a song “Goodbye”.Homework1.Read the story time three times after the record and try to recite it.2. Introduce your friend to your parents in English.Mike Miss LiYang Ling板书设计 Unit3 My friends Hes Hes my friend. Shes Shes my friend. Goodbye教学调整 教学反思:本课时主要学生第三单元故事板块,要求学生掌握句子,Hes Hesmy friend. Shes Shes my friend. 学生比较难区分He/she,所以教师需要创设各式各样的活动,让学生在做中玩,在玩中学。由于三年级刚学习26个字母,学生还不会正确书写单词或句子,所以课堂上活动听说读占较大的比例,随着知识积累,教师也要尝试设计一些写的活动,全面提高学生听说读写的水平。课 题:英语3A教案Unit3My friends第二课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语3A(三上)教学目标1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型He s/She s Hes/Shes my friend. 2.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用词组my friend3.能明白friend的复数是friends4.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk教学重难点1.能熟练地会读、会说、会运用句型He s/She s Hes/Shes my friend.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写以下字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk课前准备字母卡片,PPT 教学过程Step 1 Greeting1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class.S: Good morning
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