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Unit 7 Protect the Earth period1 story time教学目标1、 能听懂、会读、会说protect, earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, coal, wood, cut down, plastic, oil, drive, so much.2、 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语We use to We should We shouldnt 3、 通过小组合作交流,能正确地理解并能用标准的语音语调朗读文本,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4、 让学生了解保护地球的重要性,培养学生热爱地球,保护地球的意识,了解更多保护地球的方法。教学重点1、 能听懂、会读、会说protect, earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, coal, wood, cut down, plastic, oil, drive, so much.2、 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语We use to We should We shouldnt 3、通过小组合作交流,能正确地理解并朗读文本,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学难点通过小组合作交流,能正确地理解并朗读文本,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学准备 PPT,图片教学步骤Step 1. Warming up1. Free talk. How to keep the city clean?2. Teach the word: Earth出示地球图片)Look ,whats this? Read: Earth.T: Its our Earth. What does blue/green/brown mean?S: Blue means water/oceans. Green means trees. Brown means ground.T: Our Earth is so beautiful. But now she is crying? Why?呈现地球污染的图片,引导学生用简单的语言谈论图片。Eg: The Earth is dirty. There is much rubbish on it. The air/water is dirty. People cut down too many trees. Step 2 Presentation1. T: The Earth is our mother. We should protect it. Teach the word: protect.Present the title and read it.2. T: How to protect the Earth. Lets watch the cartoon and think about it.整体感知T: In the Story time, there are four ways to protect the Earth. Now, lets watch a video of this part and find out the four ways to protect the Earth.(播放课文动画)T: Have you got the answers? Lets check one by one.(依次核对四种方式,在核对中板书四个方面并讲解新词save, energy 和 plastic, 分段学习)A) Save waterT: To protect the Earth, firstly we should save water.T: Why should we save water? How to save water? Read and underline. Why? How? Check the answers. Teach useful, use.to, reuse, waste B) Save energy T: Then we should save energy. What do we use energy to do? S1/S2: We use energy to cook/watch TV/play computer games/. T: Where does energy come from? Why should we save it and how to do? Lets listen and fill in the blanks. (PPT) Most of our energy comes from_ and _. But there is_ energy on Earth. We should _ energy. We shouldnt _ Because cars use _ energy. 出示煤炭和石油图片,新授coal和oil T: Why should we save energy? (红色标注句子) How to save it? (蓝色标注句子) Read this part in groups. C) Save treesT:Besides saving water and saving energy, we should also save trees. 1) Read it by yourself. 2) Underline the new words. 3) Learn the new words with your partner. If you have problems. Ask teacher for help.Teach: wood, cut down 4) Make a dialogue.A: Why should we save trees?B: ./A: What should we do?B: . 5) Check.D) Dont use too much plastic T: At last, we should not use too much plastic. Teach: plastic (出示塑料瓶和塑料袋图片)These are plastic bottles and these are plastic bags. They are all plastic. Should we use too much plastic? Ss: No. T: Why should we not use too much plastic? And what should we use? Please read paragraph 4 loudly and find out the answers.(核对答案) T: (出示第四段相关文字和图片)Look at these pictures and words, try to recite this Part.3. Read the text in groups.Step 3 Consolidation1. Check the answers. (Exercise on Page 70)2. T:(对照板书)This is our whole passage, from here we know to protect the Earth, we should save water, save energy, save trees and dont use too much plastic. T: Now, please work in four, each one chooses one part to read, then each one makes a report about your part by using “We should.,we shouldnt”. (学生汇报)3. T: Boys and girls, in this lesson, we learned how to protect the Earth. Here is a sentence for you. Lets read together: Love the Earth, love life.HomeworkA1. Read the text.2. Try to retell the text.3. 完成课课练第一课时练习。B1. Read the text.2. Recite the text.3. 完成课课练第一课时练习。 Blackboard Writing Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) Unit7 Protect the Earth Period2 Grammar time & Fun time 教学目标1、通过复习,进一步巩固对课文的理解和运用。2、学生熟练掌握use . to .结构的用法3、熟练掌握情态动词should及shouldnt的用法。4、能发挥想象,用reuse . to make . 造句。5、进一步增强环保意识。教学重点1、学生熟练掌握use . to .结构的用法2、熟练掌握情态动词should及shouldnt的用法。教学难点能发挥想象,用reuse . to make .造句。教学准备课件、光盘,印发空白申请书。Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warm up1 T shows the picture of the earth, its healthy, then shows another picture of it, its ill.T: Boys and girls, whats wrong with the Earth?Ss: Its ill/unhealthy.T: What shoul
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