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五年级上册 Project 1第1课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容第1课时Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标知识目标:能够综合运用前面四个单元所学的词汇、句型等知识点描述动物和学校设施。技能目标:能够运用第一单元到第四单元所学的语言知识和语言功能进行交流,小组合作完成动物明星卡。情感目标:在童话故事的情境中,培养英语学习的兴趣。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能在参与活动中回忆和归纳知识点,综合运用have, has等语言来描述动物特征,用like表述兴趣爱好。2. 能在情境中与同学合作,共同完成学习任务。教学难点: 在新创设的情境中准确使用词汇和语言。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. Enjoy a chant (PPT呈现).T: Boys and girls, are you ready? Lets chant. Please stand up, say and act with me.S: (学生与老师一起边说边做动作)2. Quick respond. T: Well done, boys and girls. Now lets play an interesting game. When you see the words or pictures, say them as quickly as possible, and actthem, when you see “bomb”, say “bomb”. Ready? Go!S: Bomb!/read stories/Bomb!/jump/play football 3. Do eyes spy.T: Wow! Youre good at playing games! Heres another one for you. Lets do eyes spy. Eyes spy!S: Spy, spy, spy!T: Who is tall/thin/strong?S: I am tall/thin/strong! (符合条件的学生起立一起说)T: Who has big eyes/small ears/long hair?S: I have big eyes/small ears/long hair. (符合条件的学生起立一起说)T: Who can dance/play the piano/play table tennis?S: I can dance/play the piano/play table tennis. (符合条件的学生起立一起说)T: Who likes singing/climbing/watching films?S: I like singing/climbing/watching films. (符合条件的学生起立一起说)T: Wonderful! 4. Self-introduction.T: Well, boys and girls, I know you well, but today we have a secret friend here. She knows nothing about you. Can you introduce yourself to her? S: Sure.T: You can talk about your features, your abilities and your hobbies. Ill go first. Hello, Im Miss Li. I have small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I have long hair. I am tall and thin. I can draw pictures and dance. I like watching films and traveling. How about you?S: (学生模仿教师根据提示做自我介绍)【设计意图:以四个活动复习描述人物所使用的形容词、动词,帮助同学自我介绍,介绍自己的外貌特征和行为能力。】Step 2 Presentation1. Look and say.T: Just now I told you we had a secret friend. Who is she? Listen to her self-introduction. (播放录音)S: Shes Goldilocks.T: Yes. What does she like doing? Can you guess?S: She likes , I think. /Does she like ?T: Let me show you. She likes going on an adventure. Somebody told her there was an animal school in the forest. She wonders what the animal school is like. She wants to find it. (播放音频Goldilocks: Where is the animal school? ) Look, shes on her way. Lets join her. 2. Listen, look and guess the animals.A. (播放动画)T: Listen! Something is jumping. What is it? Look! Whats that behind the tree? It is brown. It has a long tail. S: Its a kangaroo!T: Yes. What does the kangaroo have?S: It has T: What can it do?S: It can jump high.T: What does it like doing?S: It likes jumping.T: Goldilocks is so happy to see the kangaroo. She asked: (播放音频Were going to the animal school. Where is it?)T: Does the kangaroo know the way to the animal school? Listen. (播放音频Sorry, I dont know. Can I go with you?)S: No, it doesnt.T: Thats OK. They can go and find it together. Look, theyre coming.B. (播放动画)T: Listen! Something is snoring. (播放音频Whats in the tree?) What colour is it?S: Its grey.T: What does it have?S: It has two big ears.T: Look, its a koala. What else does it have?S: It has T: What can it do?S: It can climb trees.T: What does it like doing?S: It likes sleeping.T: How lovely! Does it know the way to the animal school? Listen. (播放音频Goldilocks: Do you know the animal school? Koala: Animal school? I want to visit it, too. Can I join you?)S: No, he doesnt know the way.T: Oh, dont worry. They can go and find together. C. (播放动画)T: What animal will Goldilocks meet this time? (播放音频Hello!)T: Did you hear? (播放音频Goldilocks: Whos that? Elephant: I am grey. I have a very big body. My body looks like a wall. I have big ears. I have four strong legs, a thin tail and a long nose. I can play football. I can carry big things. I like drawing with my nose.)T: What animal is that? S: Its an elephant.T: Yes, youre right. What is the elephant like? Can you describe it with your own words?S: (学生根据刚才的录音和图片描述大象的外貌特征和能力喜好)T: Does the elephant know the animal school? Listen to it. (播放音频I know the school. I can show you the way. Follow me.)T: Oh, thats great! The elephant knows the way. Lets follow it! (播放动画)【设计意图:围绕Goldilocks进入森林探险寻找动物学校这一主题,引导同学描述她在森林里遇到的动物们的外貌、能力、爱好。】Step 3 Consolidation1. Finish the card.T: Oh, finally, Goldilocks found the animal school! Look at the school. Is it big?S: Yes, it is.T: There is an animal star wall. It looks strange. (播放音频) I see. The wall is broken. The elephant hopes you can fix it. Can you help these animals?S: Yes, we can.T: Good!
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