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五年级上册 第八单元第4课时 教案 Teaching contents 教学内容Sound time, Song time & Checkout time (II)Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能较流利描述及表达Story time & Cartoon time的内容;2. 了解及辨别字母j在单词中的发音;3. 会唱歌曲We wish you a Merry Christmas;4. 学生能运用所学句型及表示先后顺序的副词(first, next, then, finally)来描述自己的业余活动。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能理解并掌握字母j的发音规律,熟记例词。教学难点:学生能运用时间副词来描述自己的业余活动。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm up and Revision1. Free talk. T: What festival do you like? Do you like Christmas? Why? What is Christmas? (讨论分别以Christmas中每个字母为首字母且与圣诞相关的词汇。)T: Christmas is not only about presents. Christmas is not only about party. Its about love and wish. Its so beautiful.2. Brainstorming. (根据所给提示说出相关的词或短语,教师可拓展一些学生不会的词)(1) Presents for Christmas: card, candy cane, toy bear (2) Food for Christmas: pudding, turkey, ginger bread man (3) Things for Christmas: Christmas tree, bell, star, sleigh, reindeer, angel, Father Christmas (Santa Claus) (4) Activities for Christmas: buy presents, give presents, buy a Christmas tree, put some pretty things on the Christmas tree, put some presents under the Christmas tree, put a stocking on beds and wait for presents, wake up early, open presents, have a big lunch with family, eat a turkey and pudding, sing Christmas songs 【设计意图:创设良好的氛围,让学生轻松快乐地投入学习,复习和圣诞相关的词汇的同时,拓展新词汇,为稍后的独立描述圣诞活动打下基础。】3. Learn the song: We wish you a Merry Christmas. T: What song do we sing at Christmas?S: We sing Jingle Bells/Silent night/We wish you a Merry Christmas T: Lets learn the song We wish you a Merry Christmas.(1) First, learn the song sentence by sentence. (讲解wherever you are和good tidings to you)(2) Next, try to sing.(3) Then, sing with some beautiful actions.(4) Finally, sing together.4. Choose and say: Who has a happy Christmas?T: What do they do at Christmas? Who has a happy Christmas? Choose one picture and talk about it in groups. (PPT呈现Story time及Cartoon time图片,用顺序副词描述人物如何过圣诞,讨论谁度过了快乐的圣诞。)【设计意图:选择自己喜欢的人物进行描述,复习Story time与Cartoon time的同时,发挥学生的自主性与积极性。】Step 2 Sound time1. Look and guess. (出示Sound time小男孩的部分图片) T: What does this boy do on Christmas Day?S: He has a party/plays with his friends T: What does the boy wear? S: A blue jacket.T: (出示男孩完整图片) Yes, he gives a magic show to the animal friends.2. Look and say. T: Why are the cat and the dog jumping? Jumping for something to eat? (播放录音) S: They are jumping for some juice.T: Can they jump? Why? S: No, they cant jump. They will get juice on the boys jacket./They will get wet. (教授Youll get juice on my jacket. Youll get yourself wet. )3. Read and think.(1) Read the words: jump, juice, jacket and feel the pronunciation of letter “j”. (J发/d/)(2) Say more words with “j”. (说出更多字母j发/d/音的单词)(3) Read the new words. 【设计意图:通过归纳枚举,帮助学生掌握字母j的发音,并尝试运用所学自主朗读新单词。】4. Read and imitate.(1) Read the rhyme after the tape. (2) Read the rhyme together.(3) Read the rhyme in roles.【设计意图:用限时或竞赛的方式调动学生积极性。】Step 3 Checkout time 1. Ask and answer. (讨论学生的业余活动)T: Magic show is fun. Do you like it? Do you like watching magic shows on TV?S: Yes, I do.T: What else do you do after school?S: I usually T: Do you ?S: Yes, I do./No, I dont.(请学生用“First, Next, Then, Finally ”系统地描述放学后的活动。)【设计意图:基于主句型,引入丰富多彩的学生课外生活,让学生有话可讲。】2. Order and say: What does Yang Ling do after school? 3. Write about Yang Lings after-school activity.Homework 家庭作业Say something about your parents after-work activity.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:糖果、小礼物、多媒体板书设计: Unit 8 At ChristmasFirst, Next, Then, Finally, 说课 经过前三个课时的学习,学生对关于圣诞话题的词汇已经有了一定积累,因此教师在本课开始通过头脑风暴帮助学生复习已学过的词汇,同时还输入了新的词汇,拓展学生的语言输入。通过歌曲调节课堂气氛后,教师呈现了Story time和Cartoon time的图片,通过看图说话的形式帮助学生复习这两个板块。Sound time呈现单词和小诗,让学生感悟字母j在单词中的发音规律,然后通过联想其他有相同发音的单词加深印象。Checkout time先让学生讨论自己放学后的活动,一来学生有话说,可以活跃课堂气氛,二来为讨论杨玲放学后的活动做了铺垫,对学生的语言输出提出了更高的要求。
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