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无锡新区硕放中学新初一分班英语试卷 一、单项选择 1_ did you go with?()My friend Tim.AWhere BWho CHow 2One day Im going to _ the moon.()Avisits Bvisited Cvisit 3He waits for the _ man before he _ the road.Ared,crosses Bgreen,crosses Cgreen,cross 4She is going to _ her grandparents tomorrow.()Avisiting Bvisited Cvisit en usually plays basketball _ his friends.()Awith Band Cfor 6_()I fell off the horse.AHow was your weekend?BWhat happened?CWhere did you go?7A:Did the two men _ the lion that day?()B:No,they didnt.Acaught Bcatch Ccatches 8The snow show will begin tomorrow.下面划线部分字母组合发音,哪一个与所给例词发音不相同:()Aclown Bknow Cslow 9_ people healthy and beautiful.()ASwimming make BSwimming makes CSwim makes 10The policeman was _.He shouted at the man _.()Aangry;angrily Bangrily;angry Cangrily;angrily 1ont drink _ cola.Its bad for your health.()Aso little Btoo many Ctoo much 12In western countries,people often have _,bread,eggs and _ for breakfast.()Aporridge;sausages Bcereal;sausages Ccereal;steamed buns 13Helen _ beautifully and she likes _ very much.()Adances;dancing Bdancing;dances Cdance;dance 14_ you _ your homework yesterday?()AWhat;do BDid;do CDo;do 15My teacher likes _ bikes.()Ariding Brides Cride 二、用单词的适当形式填空 16Jane is _ than me.(thin)17My father is 2 years _(young)than my mother.18_(do not)be sad.Your friend will be well soon.19The monkeys tail is _(long)than the rabbits tail.20Lets go _(swim)together with Roses uncle.21The girl often _(help)her mother _(do)housework last year.22Jim,please dont _(shout)in the library.23Listen!The birds _(sing)in the tree.24Its often _ here in summer.Look!It _ heavily.(rain)25The _ students sing the song _.(happy)三、完成句子 26W_ there any tall b_ in your v_ before?27Stay s_ and follow the rules on the roads.28He wants to be an _(画家).29The children played h_ at the party.30The girl can _(照顾她的奶奶)at home.31_ _ your birthday?(根据答句补全问句)It is on July 15th.32I like dancing.I want to be a d_.33Its hot and the days are long.We can go swimming and eat ice cream.Its s_.34Reading and listening to music are his h_.3:_ was your summer holiday?B:It was fine.36Lily is taller and _(更重的)than her sister.37If you want to buy some food,you can go to the _.(超市)38I like going _(野营)in the summer holiday.39W_ there any boys in the park?Yes,there were.40Jim:Your maths teacher is so strong._ Joe:He is 80 kilograms.Hes stronger than my PE teacher.四、完形填空 I _41_ a bad cough and a high fever.So I didnt go to school _42_morning.After breakfast,I_43_a storybook.Therere many signs _44_it.From this book I know _45_ about traffic(交通).We should walk or drive on the _46_ of the road(路)and get slower(慢下来)at the cross of the road.“Red light”means _47_.“Green light”means _48_.We _49_ go in the time of“Red light”.We must _50_ the“Green light”and go.41、Agot Bam got Chave got Dget 42、Ain Bin the Cthat Dthis 43、Alook at Bread Csee Dlook 44、Ain Bon Cbeside Dabout 45、Aa lot of Bmany Clots of Da lot 46、Aleft Blight Cright Dwrite 47、Astop Bstopping Cgo Dgoing 48、Ago Bgoes Cgoing Dto go 49、Ashould Bshouldnt Cmust Dcan 50、Await Bwait for Cwaiting Dwaiting for 五、阅读判断 阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Tim:Hi,Lucy,this is my family photo.Lucy:Is this your mother?Tim:Yes,it is.She is a nurse.Lucy:Whats your fathers job?Tim:He is a driver.Lucy:Is this your baby sister?Tim:Yes,it is.Shes two years old.51、This is Tims family photo.()52、Tims mother is a teacher.()53、Tims father is a driver.()54、Tim has a baby sister.()55、His baby sister is three years old.()六、阅读理解 One day a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat(小麦)to town.Suddenly,the bag fell off his horse onto the road.It was too heavy,so he did not know what he could do about it.He only hoped that someone would soon go by and help him.Just at that time,a man on a horse came up to him.But the farmer felt disappointed(失望)when he saw the man.It was a great man and he lived near there.He thought the great man wouldnt help him,and hoped another farmer would come up.But to his surprise,the great man got off his horse when he came near.“I see you need help,”he said,“Im here just at the right time.”Then he took one of the bag and the farmer took the other.They lifted(提)it together and put it on the horse.“Sir,”asked the farmer,“How can I pay(支付)you?”“Its very easy,”the great man answered,“When you see anyone else in trouble(处在困境中)do the same for him.”56、What did the poor farmer take to town?()AA bag of rice.BA bag of wheat.CA bag of apples.DA bag of vegetables.57、Why couldnt the poor farmer lift the bag of wheat?()ABecause he was too young.BBecause he was too old.CBecause the bag was too heavy for him.DBecause the bag was too large for him.58、The poor farmer felt _ when he saw the great man.()Ahappy Bgood Cafraid Ddisappointed 59、When he saw the poor farmer in trouble,the great man _.()Awent away without stopping Basked another farmer to help him Ccame up to help him Dgave him a lot of money 60、The great man asked the poor farmer to pay him _.()Aby giving him money Bby giving him a horse Cby giving him a lot of wheat Dby helping 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