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英语重点词汇语法详解tattleRobert is always tattling on me for things I didnt do.罗伯特总是乱打我的小报告。If a childtattles, they tell a parent or teacher that another child has done something bad especiallyAmE 小孩打小报告【尤美】If youtattle onsomeone, you give information about them to a person in authority, especially if they have done something wrong. This word is used by and about children告状 (儿童使用或关于儿童的词)tattle/ ttl /v. gossip; idle talk; talk about other peoples private lives说长道短的闲谈; 说闲话; 谈论他人隐私【例句拓展】1. Parents should instruct their children not totattle on one another.父母应该教导孩子们不要互相打对方的小报告。2. The two gossips, when coming together, would tittle-tattle to the slander of others.那两个长舌妇,碰到一起时总要喋喋不休地诽谤别人。tittle-tattle/ ttl ttl / n. / v. 闲聊; 漫谈gossip/ sp / n. someone who likes talking about other peoples private lives used to show disapproval (含贬义)爱说长道短的人She was endowed with intelligence and wits.她天资聪颖。be endowed with: to naturally have a particular feature, quality, etc.天生赋有,生来具有(某种特性、品质等)intelligence/ nteldns / n. the ability to learn, understand, and think about things智力,智慧;悟性;理解力wits (plural 复数) your ability to think quickly and make the right decisions 机智;颖悟力【例句拓展】1. Shewas endowed withgood looks.她天生丽质。2. Youare endowed withwealth, good health and a lively intellect.你天生赋有财富、健康,和敏锐的智力。3. You say that someoneis endowed witha particular desirable ability, characteristic, or possession when they have it by chance or by birth.天生赋予We oppose the bill, on the grounds that it discriminates against women.我们反对这个议案,理由是它歧视女性。oppose/ pz / v. to disagree with something such as a plan or idea and try to prevent it from happening or succeeding反对;阻碍bill/ bl / n.a written proposal for a new law, that is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed议案,法案on the grounds that 理由是.discriminate against 歧视;排斥【核心词汇】grounds(plural 复数) a good reason for doing, believing, or saying something 充分的理由,根据There are stronggrounds forbelieving his statement.有充分的理由可以相信他的话。If something isgroundsfor a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do somethingon the grounds ofa particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.理由【词组搭配 例句拓展】1.grounds for (doing) sth作为理由Mental cruelty canbe grounds fordivorce .精神折磨可以作为离婚的理由。2.have grounds to do sth 有理由(做某事)Did the policehave reasonable grounds toarrest him?警方有充分的理由逮捕他吗?3. In the interview hegave somegrounds foroptimism.采访中他给出了一些乐观的理由。4.on legal grounds 出于法律原因5.on moral grounds 出于道德原因
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