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仁爱英语八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 2 单词拓展Unit 1 Topic 21. illill(形容词),意为“有病的”,在句子中只能做表语。illness(名词),意为“病,疾病”。【拓展】 sick(形容词),意为“有病的;生病的”。在句中既能作表语,也能作定语。作表语时be sick = be ill。名词形式为sickness。e.g. Lucysmother is sick/ ill in hospital. She will visit her sick mother after school.露西的妈妈生病住院了。放学后她要去看望生病的妈妈。 sick(形容词),意为“恶心的”。e.g. I want to getoff the bus. I feel a little sick. 我想下车。我感到有点恶心。 sick(形容词),意为“厌倦的”,常用短语为:be sick of。e.g. I am sick ofgoing shopping. 我厌倦购物。【辨析】illness,sickness与disease illness与sickness常可通用,表示抽象的生病或生病的状态。e.g. After a longperiod of illness/ sickness,she stopped work.一场大病之后,她停止了工作。 disease指某种具体的疾病。e.g. Heart diseaseruns in our family. 我们家有心脏病病史。2. fall illfall ill 生病,得病【辨析】be ill,fall ill和feel ill be ill意为“有病的,得病的”,强调的是一种状态;e.g. Maryis ill. 玛丽正病着。 fall ill意为“生病,得病”,强调的是动作,由健康到生病的过程;e.g. Dontwork too hard,or you will fall ill.不要工作太辛苦,否则你会生病的。 feel ill意为“感觉不舒服”,强调的是一种身体感受。e.g. Areyou feel ill?你现在觉得不舒服吗?3. mindmind(及物动词),意为“介意;在乎”。后面接动名词或从句作宾语,但不能跟动词不定式。e.g. Do you mind if I open the door?你介意我打开门吗?Would youmind parking your car there? 你介意把车停那儿吗?【拓展】mind还可作名词,意为“思想;主意”。e.g. Do you wantto change your mind? 你想改变你的主意吗?4. kickkick(及物动词),意为“踢;踹”。常用短语为:kick sth. to sb.= kick sb. sth. 把某物踢给某人kick sb. off 意为“开除某人”e.g. They must workhard,or the boss will kick them off.他们必须努力工作,否则老板会把他们开除的。5. passpass(及物动词),意为“递;给”。常用短语为:pass sb. sth. =pass sth. to sb. 递给某人某物e.g. Jack passesthe ball very quickly. 杰克传球很快。Please pass me atowel. = Please pass a towel to me. 请递给我一条毛巾。【拓展】pass的其他用法:作及物动词,意为“走过”,e.g. Yesterday,I passed your house. 昨天我路过你家。作及物动词,意为“通过(考试等)”。e.g. He didnt passthe exam. 他没通过考试。作不及物动词,意为“(时间)过去,流逝”。e.g. A year passedquickly. 一年很快就过去了。6. give sb. a handgive sb. a hand= help sb. = do sb. a favor = do a favor for sb.意为“帮某人一个忙”。(PS: favor可数名词,意为“亲切的行为;恩惠”)e.g. Can you giveme a hand?Can you help me?Can you do me a favor?Can you doa favor for me? 你能帮我一个忙吗?7. do well indo well in = begood at 意为“擅长;在某方面做得好”。do badly in = bebad at 意为“不擅长;在某方面做得不好”。8. certainlycertainly(副词),意为“确定,肯定”,相当于of course。【拓展】certain(形容词),意为“确定的;无疑的”,在句中只做表语。e.g. He is certainto pass the exam. 他一定会通过考试的。9. somewheresomewhere(副词),意为“到某处”10. throwthrow(及物动词),意为“扔;投;抛”,其过去式是threw,过去分词为thrown。常用短语为:throw at 向.扔(恶意,带攻击性);throw away 扔掉;throw to扔给.(不含恶意)throw down 随手扔下。throw sth. to sb. = throw sb.sth. 把某物扔给某人e.g. She threw down her book and went out. 她扔下书就出去了。He threw a stoneat the dog. 他朝狗扔石头。11. shout at sb.【辨析】shout atsb.与shout to sb.shout at sb. 冲某人大喊(有训斥之意)shout to sb. 朝某人高声喊(多指因距离遥远,对方无法听见,无训斥之意)e.g. Its too noisy here. You should shout to him.这儿太吵了,你应该大点声跟他说。Dont shoutat me. 别对我大吼大叫。12. fightfight(动词),意为“打架”,常用短语为fight with sb. 与某人打架e.g. Why do you fight with others? 你为什么和别人打架?【拓展】fight还可用作名词,意为“打架,战斗(力)”,常用短语为have a fight withsb.。e.g. They had a fight last night. 昨晚他们打了一架。13. do ones bestdo ones best (尽)某人最大努力,相当于try ones best(to do sth.)尽某人最大努力做某事e.g. Andy will do his best to help you. = Andy will try his best to help you.安迪会尽他最大努力帮助你。14. teamworkteamwork(可数名词),意为“团队合作”teammate(可数名词),意为“队友”15. angryangry(形容词),意为“发怒的;生气的”,其副词为angrily。常用短语为:be angry with sb. “生某人的气”;be angry at/aboutsth. “因某事而生气”。e.g. If you dont finish the work,Mr. Green will beangry with you.如果你完不成这项工作,格林先生将会很生你的气。My father is angry at/about my mistake. 我父亲因我的错误而生气。【拓展】anger(不可数名词),意为“怒;愤怒”。e.g. His anger grew gradually. 他的怒气逐渐激起。16. talk abouttalk about 谈论;讨论e.g. Lets talk about our future. 让我们谈论我们的未来吧。【拓展】与talk有关的短语:talk with sb. 与某人交谈(强调交谈地互动性)talk to sb. 与某人交谈(强调一方在讲,另一方在听)talk over 商量talk in a low/high voice 低声/高声交谈17. nothingnothing(代词)意为“没有东西;没有什么”,有形容词修饰的时候放在nothing之后。e.g. nothing wrong 没什么错的【拓展】与nothing有关的短语: for nothing 免费e.g. You can take the train for nothing. 你可以免费乘火车。 have nothing to dowith. 和.无关e.g. Your answer has nothing to do with the question.你的答案和这个问题无关。 be nothing to. 对.无足轻重e.g. Money is nothing to him. 他不在乎钱。 nothing but 除了e.g. There is nothing but an old table in the room.房间里除了一张旧桌子什么也没有。18. finishfinish(及物动词),意为“结束,完成”。常用短语为:finish doing sth. 完成做某事e.g. I finished doing my homework. 我做完作业了。finish(可数名词),意为“最后部分,结尾,结局”。【拓展】常跟动名词形式的动词及短语:完成,练习,盼望,忙(finish,practice,look forward to,be busy);考虑,建议,不禁,想(consider,suggest,cant help,feel like);错过,习惯,(别)放弃(miss,be/get used to,give up);继续,喜欢,(要)介意(keep on,enjoy,mind)。【辨析】finish,complete与end表“结束” finish:指做完某事或完成某一动作,其后跟名词或动名词作宾语,也含有使某一工作更臻完美之意。e.g. She finished writing the article last night. 这篇文章是她做完完成的。 complete:通常指完成指派的工作任务或指未完
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