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吉林省长白县城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)远处独峰一点白,江水轰鸣两岸拍,万顷松涛泛翠澜,天光云海碧相涵。大家好!很荣幸在这里向大家推介我的家乡长白县。 长白县是全国唯一的朝鲜族自治县,背倚长白山,前拥鸭绿江,有长白山下第一县、鸭绿江源第一城之美誉。 这里依山傍水、风情浓郁 长白县因长白山而得名。千年积雪万年松,直上人间第一峰。风光秀丽的关东第一山长白山,共有十六峰,依山而上,可以畅快体验“一天有四季、十里不同天”的神奇景观。著名的长白山天池位于主峰火山锥体顶部,池水碧绿清澈,宛若玉悬半天,深深震撼您的心魄。 长白县因鸭绿江而兴盛。何人踏落瑶池水?哺育三江数百年。鸭绿江发源于长白山,作为东北三大水系之一,涵养着6万多平方公里土地。淙淙清幽的鸭绿江,宛如一条玉带绕城而过,蜿蜒在长白260.5公里边境线上,勤劳朴素的人们依江而居。 长白县因地域文化而绚烂。干沟子古墓群为战国至西汉时期东北秽貊人的遗存。灵光塔清脆悦耳的风铃,诉说着1300年来动人心弦的故事。果园村向数以万计游客展示传统村落的文化魅力。 长白县朝鲜族气息浓郁,延续着尊老爱幼、崇文重教的传承瑰宝;摔跤、跳板、荡秋千、拔河等传统体育活动精彩纷呈;冷面、打糕、烤肉、辣白菜等特色美食,让你尽享舌尖上的盛宴。 这里生态优渥、资源富集 一碧千里翠,流绿草如茵。长白森林覆盖率达90.1%,素有“长白林海”之称,是吉林省唯一的“中国天然氧吧”和“绿色低碳建设试点县”。境内泥粒河国家湿地公园、鸭绿江上游国家级自然保护区、鸭绿江源湿地省级自然保护区,是心之所往的森林康养基地。高山草原恍如仙境,天然油画让人心旷神怡。 天赐圣山水,地藏硅藻土。长白县地处世界三大优质矿泉水水源地,矿泉水富含锂、锶等微量元素,属高品位矿泉水。硅藻土量高质优,开发潜力巨大,是世界级硅藻土资源发展基地,有吉林省硅藻土特色工业园区,产品畅销国内外,发展前景广阔。 这里鸾翔凤集、蓄势待发 全域旅游热,边贸基础牢。环山、沿江、跨国,春季郊游看山花烂漫、夏日避暑感受山泉瀑布、秋赏红叶亲近森林氧吧、冬季戏雪畅享洁白圣境。 千年崖城、滨江公园、塔甸公园、鸭绿江10公里景观带、“四海为家”露营地相继建成,城市夜景成为打卡胜地。近年来长白陆续举办国际半程马拉松赛、露营节、冰瀑旅游节和汽车拉力赛,作为北京冬奥会开幕式热场演出的城市之一,长白惊艳亮相鸟巢。 长白地理位置独特,作为吉林省开发开放的前沿窗口和“一带一路”东北亚经济圈的重要节点,有国家一类口岸,是吉林省边境经济合作区和互市贸易区。边境经济合作创业产业园、厚澄互市贸易港、冷链物流仓储中心落地建成,边贸产业动能势能不断聚集。 长白山的博大与鸭绿江的聪慧,让这片土地充满魅力和希望。我们诚邀四海宾朋走进长白,共赏圣山秀水、人文美景,共叙友谊情长、美好未来。我在魅力长白等您!The peak far away looks like a white dot, the roaring river flow punches its bank, the vast pine forest looks like green waves, as the color merging with sky and clouds. Hello, everyone! It is my honor to introduce to you my hometown Changbai County.Changbai County is the only Korean Autonomous County in China. With the Changbai Mountain behind it, and the Yalu River in front of it, Changbai County boasts the honorable names of Top County by the Changbai Mountain, and First Town at the Source of Yalu River.Near the mountain and by the river, here has rich ethnical customsChangbai County was named after the Changbai Mountain. With decades and even centuries of snow land and pine trees it is among the most gorgeous peaks in China. The scenic Changbai Mountain, as the first great mountain to the east of Shanhaiguan, has sixteen peaks in total. As you travel along the mountain, you can fully enjoy the wonderful scenic views of “Four seasons in a day, and different weathers after miles”. The famous Changbai Mountain Heaven Lake is located on the top of the main peak volcanic cone. The Lake water is clean and clear, like a piece of jade hanging in the sky, which is a sensational view to the tourists.Changbai County got prosperous due to the Yalu River. Wondering who had splashed the heavenly water to nourish the Three Great Rivers for centuries. The Yalu Rivers is originated from the Changbai Mountain. As one of the three river systems in Northeast China, it has been nourishing more than 60 thousand square kilometer of land. The clear flowing water of the Yalu River, looks like a belt of jade surrounding the county, meandering along 260.5km of border line of the Changbai. The diligent and hardworking people live by the river.Changbai County got splendid due to its regional cultures. The Gangouzi Ancient Tomb Cluster is the relic of Northeast Wei and Mo peoples from the Warring States to the West Han Dynasty. The tinkling wind chime from the Lingguang Pagoda tells the vicissitude of 1300 years. The Guoyuan Village exhibits the cultural charm of traditional village to tens of thousands of tourists.There is strong Korean ethnical atmosphere in Changbai County. The virtues of respecting the senior and loving the junior, dedicating to cultural and educational works are well inherited. Wrestling, Korean teeterboard, Swing, and tug-of-war are among the most fantastic traditional sports. Special cuisine such as cold noodles, glutinous rice cake, Korean BBQ, and kimchi etc. bring you great joy of gourmet.With superior ecological condition, here has abundant natural resourceVast land in color of emerald, as it looks like grassland spreading around. The forest coverage rate in Changbai has reached 90.1%. It has the title of “Changbai Immense Forest”. It is the only “Natural Oxygen Bar of China” and “Pilot County of Green and Low Carbon Development” in Jilin. There are desirable forest health maintenance resorts such as Nili River National Wetland Park, Yalu River Upstream National Natural Reserve, and Yalu River Source Provincial Natural Reserve in the county territory. The mountain and grassland creates a scenic view of fairyland, like a natural oil painting pleasing to the eyes.Here are heavenly endowment of water in Changbai Mountain, and earth reserve of kieselguhr. Changbai County is one of the Top 3 fine quality mineral water sources in the world. The mineral water is rich in microelements such as lithium and strontium, and it is among the high quality mineral water. The kieselguhr here has high quality and high quantity of reserve, thus with huge potential of development. As the world level kieselguhr de
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