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湖州南太湖新区城市旅游招商推介词导游词宣传片文案(含英文版)山亲水,水连天,目之所及,皆是风景。 大家好!很荣幸能在这里向大家介绍这片热土南太湖新区。 南太湖新区地处太湖南岸、长三角腹地,是浙江省大湾区建设首批成立的“四大新区”之一,同时也是湖州市生产力布局的“核心引擎”。肩负起打造全国绿水青山就是金山银山理念转化实践示范区、长三角区域发展重要增长极、浙北高端产业集聚地、南太湖地区美丽宜居新城区的重要使命。我们始终遵循习近平总书记“一定要把南太湖建设好”的嘱托,走出了一条绿色低碳高质量发展新路。 这是一座极具魅力的自然生态之城。新区北依浩渺太湖,南拥文化名山西塞山,有世界灌溉工程遗址太湖溇港,有环太湖地区最具开发潜力的长田漾湿地,依山傍水、蓝绿交织,青山、碧水、山林、湿地,构成了清丽江南的美好图景,这里的城市“望得见山,看得见水”,这里的乡村“天生丽质,风景秀丽”。 这是一座独具活力的对外开放之城。新区地处长三角地理中心,是上海大都市圈和G60科创走廊共建城市,是连接长三角城市群南北两翼、贯通长三角与中西部地区的重要节点,拥有全国一流的铁路、公路、内河水运。随着铁公水物流园的全面投运,这里已经成为浙北地区重要内陆港口和进出口货物集运中转中心,更多的人流、物流、资金流、信息流将加速集聚,通江达海的交通优势在这里进一步凸显。 这是一座汇聚能量的全域创新之城。新区致力于打造最优营商环境,以开放性、突破性思维打出政策组合拳,在绿色金融、审批制度改革等方面先行先试。随着南太湖未来城、湖州科技城、高教园区的加速建设,大量人才将在新区集聚,“西塞山前博士飞”的美好愿景即将成为现实。 这是一座厚积薄发的经济腾飞之城。新区自成立以来牢牢锁定“3+1+N”绿色产业体系精准发力,新能源、半导体及光电通信、生命健康三大产业加快聚集。蜂巢能源、卫蓝固态电池、吉利商用车、天能锂电、微宏动力等20多家核心企业均已落户,发展势头强劲。 当下的新区,水与岸、业与城、古与今交相辉映。产业绿、生态美、百姓富的绿色均衡发展模式,让南太湖新区前进的脚步更加稳健。 南太湖新区人民热烈欢迎各位朋友前来打卡观光、休闲度假、投资创业!希望在不久的将来,我们能够一起打造宜居宜业、宜创宜游的美丽南太湖。 The Lake is embraced by a mountain, and it is connected to the sky with horizon. Your eyes will be full of scenic views.Hello, everyone!I am Qian Hongwen, the Director of the Administrative Committee of South Taihu Lake New Area in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It is my honor to introduce to you the land of enthusiasm South Taihu Lake New Area.The South Taihu Lake New Area is located in the central area of Yangtze River Delta, by the southern bank of the Taihu Lake. It is one of the “Four Major New Areas” developed in the Greater Bay Area of Zhejiang Province, and it is also the “core engine” of productivity planning by the Huzhou City. Shouldering the crucial missions of developing the South Taihu Lake New Area to be the pilot area of putting the “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” philosophy into practice, to be an important growth pole of regional development in the Yangtze River Delta, to be a high-end industrial cluster in north Zhejiang, and to be a beautiful and livable new city area in the South Taihu Lake area, we have been bearing in mind the trust from Secretary General Xi Jinping that“Be sure to get the South Taihu Lake well developed”, and explored a new path of green and low-carbon development with high quality.This is a natural and ecological town of great charm. The New Area has the Taihu Lake on its north, and the culturally famous mountain Xisai Mountain on its south. It has the worldly famous irrigation project ruins Taihu Lougang, and the Changtianyang wetland which has the best potential for development. Adjacent to the Mountain and the Lake with appealing color combination, the mountain, the lake, the forest and the wetland constitute a beautiful picture of an elegant southern Yangtze town. The city here is “accessible to the Mountain and the Lake”, and the countryside here is “natural with elegant and scenic views”.This is an open city with unique vitality. The New Area is located in the geographical center of the Yangtze River Delta. It is covered by the Shanghai Metropolis Region and the G60 Science and Innovation Corridor, and it is an important hub connecting the south and north wings of the Yangtze River Delta city clusters and linking the Yangtze River Delta and the central and western regions. It has the first-rate logistics for railway, road and inland waterway transportations. With the integrated logistic complex put into operation, it has become an important inland port and transit station for import and export of goods in north Zhejiang. More flows of human resources, goods, capitals and information are gathering here more rapidly, further demonstrating its logistic advantages of convenient accessibility.This is a full scale innovative city with concentrated energies. The New Area administration has been dedicating to create the optimal business environment, carry out policy combinations with innovative and break-through mentality, and lead the system reformation trial and practice on green finance and review & approval mechanism. With the accelerated construction of South Taihu Future Town, Huzhou Science and Technology Town, and the Higher Education Complex, numerous talents will gather in the New Area, and ideal vision of “Intellectuals Live by the Xisai Mountain” would be realized.This is an economic booming city with deep deposit and steady development. Since the establishment of the New Area, the accurate efforts have been firmly made on the “3+1+N” green industrial system. The three major industrial sectors, namely new energies, semi-conductor & optic communication, and health, have been established more rapidly. More than 20 enterprises with core competitiveness, including SVOLT, WELION Solid Battery, Geely Commercial Vehicle, Tianneng Lithium Battery, and Microvast Power have settled and been developing with strong momentum.The New Area nowadays is the splendor combining the water with the land, the industries with t
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