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第第 五五 章章 介介 词词 和和 介介 词词 短短 语语介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词。一般位于名词或代词之前,在句中不单独作任何成分。介词本身有独立的含义,但意义不够完整,在句中使用时,后面必须接宾语构成介词短语后,才能表达完整的意义。介词短语在句中常作状语、定语、表语和宾语补足语。考 点 1 介 词 的 用 法1.表示时间的介词表示时间的介词in 表示月份、季节、年份、世纪、上下午、晚上。如:My birthday is in February.Life was different in 19th century.at,on,in at 表示某一时刻、某一钟点或假期期间。如:I woke up at 7 oclock.on表示简略某一天或简略某一天的上午、下午和晚上。如:The story happened on a cold winter night.“after+一段时间”,表示从过去某时间往后推算一段时间,用于过去时;“after+时间点”,一般用于将来时。如:They came back after two days.They will be free after 2 oclock this afternoon.after,in in+一段时间,表示从现在起往后推算一段时间,用于将来时。如:They will be back in two days.“since+时间点”,指从某时始终连续至今,用于完成时。如:They have been here since 5 days ago.They have been here since the meeting began.from,for,since from 说明开头的时间,可用于过去、现在、将来的时态。如:We go to school from Monday to Friday.“for+一段时间”,指动作连续贯穿整个过程,用于完成时。如:They have been here for 5 days.untiluntil用于肯定句时,意为“直到为止”,谓语动词为连续性动词;用于否定句时,意为“直到才”,谓语动词为瞬间动词。如:Please stay here until the meeting is over.I didnt go to bed until my mother came home yesterday.2.表示地点或方位的介词at 表示“某一点的位置或简略位置(较小的地方)”。如:He arrived at the village late last night.at,in in 表示“在某一个范围内(大地方)”。如:He arrived in Beijing 2 hours ago.in 表示“在某一个范围内”。如:Zhuhai is in Guangdong.in,on,toon表示“两地接壤”如:Guangdong is on the south of Hunan.to表示“两地相隔”如:Hainan is to the south of Guangdong.between表示“在两者之间”。如:I sit between Jane and Mary.between,among among表示“在(三者或以上)的之中”。如:The song is very popular among teenagers.through表示“内部穿过”。如:The light goes into the room through the window.across,past,throughacross表示“表面横过”。如:Be careful while walking across the street.past表示“侧面经过”。如:Dont forget to call me when walking past my house.above表示“在的上方”,但不肯定在正上方,也不接触另一物,反义词为below。如:There is a bird flying above the bridge.on,over,aboveon表示“在的表面上”,两者有接触。如:There is a book on the desk.over表示“在的正上方”,多示意悬空,反义词为under。如:There is a bridge over the river.under表示“在的正下方”。如:There is a book under the desk。below,underbelow表示“在的下方”。如:The radio said the temperature would be below zero.at泛指在某个位置。如:Shes at the table.at,beside,by,near,next toby强调“紧贴”。如:She sits by John.near表示“在四周”,比by表示的距离远得多。如:She stands near John.next to表示“紧靠的旁边”。如:She stands next to John.beside常用语,表示“在旁边”。如:She sits beside John.on表示用某种方式,后可接表示交通工具、手段、通讯方式等名词。如:on the telephone,on the radio,on TV3.表示手段、工具或方式的介词by表示用某种方法、手段或交通工具。如:by bike,by Internet,by selling flowersin表示用某种方式,后可接表示语言、声音、颜色、材料等名词。如:in English,in redwith表示用某种简略的工具或手段。如:write with a pen4.其他常用介词but表示“除了什么也没有”,多与nobody,nothing连用。如:There is nothing but a bed in the room.except,besides,butexcept指从整体中排解,意为“除了(不包括在内)”,常与表示完全肯定或完全否定的词连用。如:All of us went to the zoo last Sunday except John.besides指“除了之外(还有)”,常与also,other,another等连用。如:All of us went to the zoo last Sunday besides John.beyond表示“超出,多于,为所不能及”,用来修饰范围、水平、限度和能力等。如:The problem is far beyond me.Im afraid I cant work it out.against表示“反对,违反”,反义词为for,常用短语为play against意为“与对抗”,be strongly against意为“强调反对”。如:We played against Class 9 yesterday afternoon.as表示“作为,以身份”,后面接表示职业、职务、身份的名词。如:He is famous as a writer.with表示“和,同,与,带着,随着”。如:I often go shopping with my mother.like表示“像一样”,用于说明相像关系,实际上不是。如:The girl looks like her father.without表示“没有”。如:I cant finish the task without your help.()1.How soon will you be back,Peter?_ three weeks.(2016三明市)A.In B.For C.During()2.I was born _ September 15th,1998.(2015漳州市)A.at B.on C.in()3.Its reported that the passenger ship“Eastern Star”capsized and sank(翻沉)in the Yangtze River _ June 1st,2015.(2015莆田市)A.in B.on C.at 真题热身真题热身中考真题ABB介介 词、介词、介 词词 短短 语语 辨辨 析详见词析详见词汇一本通汇一本通-易混词辨析易混词辨析()1.Sally is my best friend.She is always there whenever Im _.Yeah.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(2016福州市)A.in order B.in trouble C.in public()2.Its necessary _ people to have food and water every day.(2016泉州市)A.of B.for C.with 真题热身真题热身中考真题BB
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