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课后作业课后作业Starter Unit 1 Good morning!Starter Unit 1 Good morning!一、写出与所给字母相邻的字母的大小写形式一、写出与所给字母相邻的字母的大小写形式AaCcBbDdDdFfEeGgHhCcEeFf二、单项填空二、单项填空()1.Good afternoon,Lily!_,Lucy!A.Good morning B.Good afternoonC.Good evening D.Hello()2.Hello,Eric!_,David!A.OK B.GoodC.Fine D.HelloBD()3.Nice to meet you,Alice._.A.Im fine,too B.Thank youC.Good morning D.Nice to meet you,too()4.英文缩写英文缩写HB的含义是的含义是“_”。A.光盘光盘 B.千克千克C.硬黑硬黑 D.英国广播公司英国广播公司()5.How are you,Helen?_A.How are you?B.Good morning!C.How do you do?D.Im OK,thanks.DCD三、根据句意及中文提示完成单词三、根据句意及中文提示完成单词1.What do you often do in the _(早上早上)?2.We have three lessons in the _(下午下午).3.I am _(健康的健康的)today.4._(你好你好),may I speak to Kim?5.Good _(晚上晚上),boys and girls.morningafternoonfineHelloevening四、写出下列字母缩略词的意思四、写出下列字母缩略词的意思1.HB_2.CD_3.BBC_4.ID_5.DVD_光盘;激光唱片光盘;激光唱片(铅笔芯铅笔芯)硬黑硬黑英国广播公司英国广播公司身份证身份证数字影碟数字影碟Starter Unit Starter Unit 2 2 What Whats this in s this in English?English?一、写出与所给字母相邻的字母的大小写形式一、写出与所给字母相邻的字母的大小写形式DdFfJjLlIiKkAaCcNnPpMmOoCcEeEeGg二、单项填空二、单项填空()1.如果你想知道这个是什么,你应问:如果你想知道这个是什么,你应问:_A.Whats this?B.Whats your name?C.How do you do?D.How are you?()2.Whats that _ English?Its a desk.A.from B.to C.in D.AC()3.Cindy,whats this in English?_.A.This is a book B.Its a bookC.Its book D.That is a book()4.This is _ pen and thats _ orange.A.a;a B.a;anC.an;an D.an;aBB()5._P-E-N.A.Spell it,please.B.Whats this?C.How are you?D.Whats that?A三、完形填空三、完形填空 1 morning,everyone.2 Grace.Look.This is a 3 .Its a nice quilt.What 4 is it?5 yellow and white.And 6 this in English?Its 7 .Its 8 jacket.Thats a ruler.9 ruler is 10 .()1.A.Good B.Hello C.Every D.Hi()2.A.Its B.Im C.Hi D.I()3.A.map B.pen C.quilt D.book()4.A.color B.this C.about D.sizeABCA()5.A.Its B.Is C.Its D.Is it()6.A.how B.whats C.what D.is()7.A.a jacket B.jacket C.an jacket D.jackets()8.A.orange B.a orange C.an orange D.blue()9.A.An B.The C.A D.One()10.A.the blue B.the red C.a blue D.blue CBACBD四、选用四、选用a,an或或the完成对话完成对话A:Whats this?B:Its 1._quilt.2._ quilt is green.A:Whats that in English?B:Its 3._ orange.4._ orange is orange.A:Look!5._ cup is black.B:Oh,its 6._ nice cup.aTheanTheTheaStarter UnitStarter Unit 3 What color is it?3 What color is it?一、正确书写一、正确书写SZ字母的大小写形式字母的大小写形式S T U V W X Y Zs t u v w x y z二、单项填空二、单项填空()1._ is this book?It _ black.A.Which color;is B.What color;amC.What color;is D.What color;are()2.下列小写字母都占三格的是下列小写字母都占三格的是 _。A.a;q B.f;jC.l;j D.t;fCB()3.“中国中央电视台中国中央电视台”的英文缩写是的英文缩写是_。A.CCTV B.HBC.UFO D.NPA()4.This is _ key.That is _ orange.A.an;an B.a;anC.a;a D.an;a()5.I _ a girl and you _ a boy.A.am;is B.is;areC.am;are D.is;am ABC三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.你今天早上怎么样?你今天早上怎么样?_ are you this _?2.这个用英语怎么说?这个用英语怎么说?Whats this _ _?3.你能拼写出这个单词吗?你能拼写出这个单词吗?_ you _ this word?HowmorninginEnglishCanspell4.我的夹克衫是黄色的。我的夹克衫是黄色的。My _ is _.5.这是你的铅笔盒吗?这是你的铅笔盒吗?不是。不是。_ this _ pencil case?_,it _.jacketyellowIsyourNoisnt四、连词成句四、连词成句1.do,you,how,do(?)_2.is,it,blue,a,schoolbag(?)_3.color,is,the,what,key(?)_How do you do?Is it a blue schoolbag?What color is the key?4.spell,it,please,can,you(?)_5.orange,an,is,orange(.)_Can you spell it,please?An orange is orange.
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