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单元主题综合实践作业你的寒假生活是什么样的呢?去了哪里?怎么去的?以及给你带来的收获是什么?劳动节就要来临了,小组谈论大家的寒假生活,并选择一个最值得去的地方,制作一份攻略介绍给大家吧。作业要求:1.小组合作,6人一组。2.小组内谈论自己的寒假生活。3.组内投票选择出最值得去的地方。4.收集整理该地的旅行资料以及推荐理由。5.将收集的资料进行整理,制作成一份旅行攻略海报。6.并用英语向全班同学进行介绍你的旅行攻略,班级同学根据旅行攻略的设计和同学的介绍进行投票选出前5名优胜者。1阅读短文,用数字给图片排序。Im Jack. On Sunday Grandpa and I went fishing. I caught a fish. On Monday we went to the ball game. I caught a ball. On Tuesday we went to the museum. We saw a dinosaur. On Wednesday we went to the zoo. We saw hippos (河马). On Thursday we went to the beach. We played in the waves (海浪). On Friday we went to the movies. We ate some popcorn. On Saturday I was tired. I stayed in bed till 10:00 in the morning. Grandpa and I didnt do anything. ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )2假如你是李东,根据下边的图片,描述上个寒假的生活。要求:1. 题目自拟,语句通顺,意思连贯。2. 可根据自己的实际情况进行想象。3. 不少于5句话。_参考答案:1 6 1 4 5 2 32范文:My last winter holidayI love the winter holiday. Last winter holiday, I went on a trip to Shenyang. My grandparents lived there. It was snowy there. I made a snowman with my cousins. I took many beautiful pictures in the snow. I went ice skating. It was fun. I had a big dinner with my grandparents. The food was delicious. What a fun winter holiday!
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