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人教pep版英语五年级下册第二单元大单元作业设计单元信息与内容整合 1.能在语境中正确运用季节词汇spring、summer、autumn、winter,结合已学过的描述性词汇,完成表达喜爱的季节及原因。2.能在语境中运用动词词组go on a picnic、go swimming、pick apples、make a snowman 表达不同季节中经常开展的活动。3.能在语境中运用“Which season do you like best?Why?I likebest because”询问并回答喜欢某个季节的理由。4.能根据语篇材料进行角色扮演,并能模仿语篇。5.能通向他人介绍自己喜欢的季节、该季节的天气特点以及在该季节中喜欢参与的活动。6.能注重小组合作学习,培养沟通和交流的能力。A. I like autumn. I can pick apples.B. We like spring. We can plant trees.C. I dont like winter. Its too cold.D. I like summer. I like summer vacation.1 ( )2 ( )3 ( )4 ( )根据提示, 写出问答句。5 I like spring best.6 I can go swimming in summer.7 Yes, I like snow.参考答案:1C 2D 3B 4A5Which season do you like best? 6What can you do in summer? 7Do you like winter/snow?单元第一课时作业 1、模仿并跟读Lets talk中的对话。 a. 模仿并跟读对话三遍。 b. 分角色表演对话。2、画一画,并写一写你眼中的四季。2、调查小组成员喜欢的季节。单词拼写。1Which season do you like best?I like spring best. Because I can with my friend.2Which season do you like best?I like best. Because I can .3Youd better take an with you today.4There is a big in our school.5This is my .6看短语,画图画1. go on a picnic in spring2. pick apples in autumn3. make a snowman in winter4. go swimming in summer 参考答案:1fly a kite 2 summer swim/go swimming 3umbrella 4library 5brother61.画春天去野餐的图2.画秋天摘苹果的图3.画冬天堆雪人的图4.画夏天去游泳的图单元第二课时作业1、根据图片补全短语并读一读。2、读一读,并判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。3、看一看,写一写。B. C. D. 1Spring is green with flowers and songs. ( )2Winter is white and the year is gone. ( )3Summer is hot and the days are long. ( )4Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. ( )照例子,仿写句子。例:Which season do you like best?I like summer best. I can go swimming in summer.5 6 参考答案:1B 2A 3D 4C5 Which season do you like best? I like winter best. I can make a snowman in winter. 6 Which season do you like best? I like spring best. There are pretty / beautiful flowers in spring.单元第三课时作业1、课前预习热身学生在课前预习本课单词列表中的生词、词组并快速浏览绘本,然后完成以下任务。2、Lucy和Amy正在聊他们喜欢的季节,让我们读一读,并完成下面的任务。Amy: Which season do you like best?Lucy: I like summer best.Amy: Do you like summer?Lucy: No, I dont. Its too hot.Amy: Why do you like summer, Lucy?Lucy: Because I can swim. What about you, Amy?Amy: I like winter best.Lucy: Why do you like winter?Amy: Because I can play in the snow.3、Amy正在向我们介绍她喜欢的季节。请你读一读并写一写你喜欢的季节吧。1Robin: Which season do you like best, Amy?Amy: I like spring best. I often plant flowers in spring. How about you, Sarah?Sarah. I like autumn best. Because I can pick apples. I like eating apples. How about you, John?John: I like winter best. Because I can play in the snow. How about you, Mike?Mike: I like summer best. I can go swimming every day.NameSeasonActivity (活动)AmySarahJohnMike2Mary想给表哥Peter发一封电子邮件,向他描述上海的四季。请根据表格提示,帮Mary完成这封邮件吧。SeasonspringsummerautumnwinterWeathersunny and warmsunny and hotcoolsnowyActivity(活动)Dear Peter,The seasons of Shanghai are very beautiful. In spring, _How about you? Whats your favourite season?Yours,Mary参考答案:1NameSeasonActivity (活动)Amyspringplant flowersSarahautumnpick apples, eat applesJohnwinterplay in the snowMikesummergo swimming2范文:Dear Peter,The seasons of Shanghai are very beautiful. In spring, its sunny and warm. I often go on a picnic with my friend. In summer, its sunny and hot. Sometimes its rainy. I can go swimming on hot days. In autumn. its cool. I pick apples on a farm. I like winter best. Its snowy sometimes. I can make a snowman. How about you? Whats your favourite season?Yours,Mary单元主题综合实践作业每个季节都有每个季节的美,以及每个季节能做的事情。请和你的小伙伴根据四季的变化,给你所在的城市设计一份旅游规划。让大家能感受你所在城市的四季之美。作业要求:1. 小组合作,6人一组。2. 调查你所在城市每个季节的天气。3. 调查你所在城市的适合游玩的景点,以及这些景点的活动。4. 查阅资料和采访调查,你列出来的景点在什么时候适合去。5. 给你所在的城市,设计季节卡。内容包含天气,合适游玩的景点以及活动。6. 设计海报或者是录制视频介绍你对于所在城市的旅游规划。7.
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