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单元第三课时作业课前预习热身学生在课前预习本课单词列表中的生词、词组并快速浏览绘本,然后完成以下任务。阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Good morning! Here is the weather report. This is Beijing. Its sunny today. People can go outside.Its snowy and windy in Harbin.People can make snowmen. Its rainy in Shanghai. Remember to bring your umbrella.Its sunny in Chengdu and Hong Kong.Thanks for listening (感谢您的聆听). See you tomorrow!( )1. Its _ in Beijing.A. sunnyB. coldC. warm( )2. Its _ in Harbin. A. sunny and rainyB. cold and snowyC. snowy and windy( )3. In Harbin,you can_.A. make snowmenB. go swimmingC. eat ice cream( )4. Its sunny in _. A. Tianjin and HarbinB. Chengdu and Hong KongC. Tianjin and Hong Kong( )5. Its _ in Shanghai.A. rainyB. sunnyC. snowy3、我们的好朋友明天想来你所在的城市旅游,请你写一封电子邮件给她介绍一下你所在城市的天气,温度和适合的活动。A: Hi, Micky! Whats the like?B: Oh! Its so hot today. A: Whats the weather like ?B: Oh! Its so cold. B: Oh! Its 1 . B: What? Its 2 !B: Oh, no! Its 3 !A: Ha, ha! Whats the weather like today?4选择正确的单词,补全绘本故事。A. snowyB. todayC. sunnyD. weatherE. rainy5根据绘本故事,回答问题。Whats the weather really like today? 阅读明信片,完成后面的任务。6根据明信片内容选择正确的答案。(1) Whats the weather like in Moscow? ( ) Its _.A. B. C. (2) Is it hot and sunny in Beijing? ( ) _A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isnt.C. I dont know.(3) _ can make a snowman. ( )A. AmyB. Amys mum.C. Amys dad.(4) Can Amys mum go outside today? ( ) _A. Yes, you can.B. Yes, she can.C. No, she cant.(5) Where is Amy? ( ) _A. In Moscow.B. In Beijing.C. In Sydney.7请你帮Amy给Mum写一封回信。根据图片提示,从下面方框中选择合适的单词填空完成短文(注意有多余的单词)。coldwarmwindyrainycancant参考答案:1DBECA 2Its hot and sunny.6 B C B C B 7warmwindycantcan
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