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2023年安徽省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识强化训练试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、资料:From:Gloria RichterA.An efficient way for the staff to deal with the large number of emailsB.More investment in the well-being of the staffC.Reopening of the staff loungeD.clarification of whom the staff should report their works to【答案】 B2、“Tommy,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with()clearly in her voice.A.angerB.rudenessC.RegretD.panic【答案】 D3、It is not rare in()that people in()fifties are going to the university for further education.A.90s;theB.the 90s;/C.90s;theirD.the 90s;their【答案】 D4、国家统计局18日公布,2020年,我国国内生产总值(GDP)首次突破()大关,达101.5986万亿元,同比增长2.3%。A.60万亿元B.50万亿元C.100万亿元D.80万亿元【答案】 C5、Passage 1A.helped the butterfly escaped from the thornB.felt sorrow,but she didnt go up to help itC.fell down on it tooD.failed to help it release from the thorn【答案】 A6、Passage 1A.pay off all her debtsB.handle her money betterC.find a job in a bankD.manage the family income【答案】 B7、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery?A.doubtfulB.indifferentC.positiveD.pessimistic【答案】 C8、在Windows XP中,为保护文件不被修改,可将它的属性设置为( )。A.只读B.存档C.隐藏D.系统【答案】 A9、对擅自使用与知名商品相近似的名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相似使购买者误认为是该知名商品的行为判断,所依据的是()。A.商标法B.专利法C.消费者权益保护法D.反不正当竞争法【答案】 D10、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.A.Ten yearsB.Nineteen yearsC.Eight yearsD.Thirty-six years【答案】 C11、资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the worlds derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to Americas biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds.A.low taxationB.broad domestic marketC.fame for discretionD.stable political environment【答案】 B12、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.X展望了中欧之间的商业机遇,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.Hiring a local agent or 3PQ is most convenientB.Agents charge high pricesC.One should inspect the factories personallyD.Visiting a factory requires applications【答案】 A13、Have you ever paid your kid for good grades?Have you driven to school to_a forgotten assignment?Have you done a college students laundry?A.drop offB.make upC.take overD.fill in【答案】 B14、_about the potential of a market downturn over his trade policies,the president said:“If it does,it does. Look,Im not doing this for politics。”A.AskedB.AskingC.To askD.To be asked【答案】 A15、资料:Job DescriptionA.communicateB.responseC.ransomD.manage【答案】 A16、Airlines are already increasing their price on the_that fuel prices are going to rise.A.consumptionB.destructionC.assumptionD.presumption【答案】 C17、资料: The following passage is the introduction about one of the Monsell international financial products.According to the passage,there will be 5 questions.You should read carefully,then select the right answer.A.introduce the Bank of MonsellB.analyze the products of Bank of MonsellC.introduce certain products and services for teensD.show the success of the Bank of Monsell【答案】 C18、下列各项中,符合会计要素收入定义的是( )。A.出售材料收入B.出售无形资产净收益C.出售固定资产净收益D.向购货方收取的增值税销项税额【答案】 A19、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。A.本国利率高于国外利率,则资本流入本国B.本国利率低于国外利率,则资本流入本国C.资本流动属于国际收支平衡表中的平衡项目D.资金流动与汇率变动并无直接联系【答案】 A20、国际收支平衡的基本目标一般不包括()。A.进出口平衡B.外汇储备增加C.防止汇率变动D.汇率稳定【答案】 A21、资料:Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some forms, football, hockey, golf, or tennis. It may be mountaineering.A.it is an Olympic eventB.teams compete against each otherC.mountaineers depend on each other while
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