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七年级(下)第九单元第2课时Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A (3a4)The second lesson【教学目标】知识目标1The new words:capital, team, joke, person. popular, blonde,brown, good-looking. bit, a little bit, never, stop, 2The listening : Finish Section A(3a4) 3Talk about the differences among “What does he look like?” and “What is he like?”. 能力目标 初步掌握如何描述人的外表,通过学习,让学生学会赞美别人,理解什么样的美才是真正的美.情感目标 1学会询问他人外表。 2学会谈论,描述身高,体重,发型,面部特征及着装等外貌特征并根据描述画出人像.【重点难点】教学重点 1 The new words:capital, team, joke, person. popular, blonde,brown, good-looking. bit, a little bit, never, stop, 2学会谈论,描述身高,体重及着装等外貌特征并根据描述画出人像.教学难点 难点注释 1. have a medium build中等体格 2. be of medium height中等身高 3. have short, blonde, curly hair留着短的金色的卷发 4. The captain of the basketball team.篮球队的队长 5. She is good-looking 她相貌好看。 6. What does he look like? 他长得怎样? 此句中look为动词,“看起来”;like为介词“像”7. a little bit 只能修饰形容词a little bit和a bit修饰形容词原级或比较级,译为“有点” 8. She never stops talking. 她总是不停地说话。 Stop doing sth停止 【教学过程】本节课设计思路是两条主线:一条是知识线,另一条是任务链。 Task 1 : Learn to talk about “hair” Task 2 : Learn to talk about “height” Task 3 : Learn to talk about “build” I. Warm up1. Revision: 学生口头回答下列问题 1)What do you like? 2)What do you look like? 3) What are you like? 4) What are you? 5) Whats your job? 6) What do you do?描述一个同班同学 让其他同学来猜 1) He is short, he has a little heavy, he has short hair, he is of medium build. 2) 学生自己来描述 其他学生来猜。2.热身: 根据所给的句子完成下列单词1) Beijing is the c_ of China. 2) Wanglin is the head of our soccer ball t_. 3) Most of us like the p_ songs, they all like them. 4) Zhou Runfa is a g_ man. Many boys like him. 5) Pandas are a l_ bit shy, please be very quiet. 6) Dont play j_ on him. 答案 capital; team; popular; good-looking; little; joke. 检查学生的这些单词掌握的情况如何,及时进行校对,并让他们学会。.感知体验1.Listening 1) Read the descriptions of the four classmates. Match them with the pictures.The answers: a4; b3; c2; d-12) 教师播放录音3a ,学生听录音纠正自己的发音。3)教师在播放一遍录音,学生合上课本,跟读录音,目的就是训练学生的听力。4)学生完成探究题,根据这四篇描述。老师当谈检查更正。5)找出重点,小组讨论 (1)The capital of 的队长 capital 的另一个意思是 首都 The capital of the basketball team 篮球队的队长 (2)a little bit 常用语口语中,意思是 稍微 有些 少许 相当于副词。另外a little 也可以做少许 有些 的意思 这是两者意思接近。 e.g. I feel a little (bit)tired today. This kind of coat is a little (bit) dear. (3) love to tell jokes. 喜欢开玩笑 (4)She never stop talking. 她总是喋喋不休。 Stop doing sth 停止做某事 (5)play chess 下棋 play 后面跟游戏、比赛、在这些游戏 比赛的前面不加任何的冠词。.强化巩固 1.3b pair work describe your classmates according to 3a 2.做同步学习练习【教学问题最佳解决方案】【教后反思】第 3 页 共 3页
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