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黑黑龙龙江省江省绥绥化化市市 20232023 年中考英年中考英语语真真题题一一、单单项项选择选择题题(本本题题共共 2020 个个小小题题,每小每小题题 1 1 分分,共共 2020 分)分)1.Bob is my brother.He likes playing basketball,but he doesnt like playing piano.Athe;aB/;theCan;the2.What are,do you know?I think they are smart watches.AitBthis3 Did Alan and Lily join the art clubJune 20th,2023?CthoseYes,I joined it,too.AonBinCat4 Hi,dad.are my shoes?They are under your bed.AWhenBWhereCHow5.Boys and girls,good luck and wish yougood grades in a new year.AgetBgettingCto get6.How did you get to school yesterday?Imy bike to school.ArodeBride7.After doing sports,he isof the boys.AstrongBstronger8.Our school volleyball team won the first prize last Friday.CridesCthe strongest Wow,great news!Awhat anBwhat aCwhat9.Aboutof my classmates help their parents do housework on weekends.Atwo fifthsBsecond fiveCsecond fifths10.Where is your father,Kate?Look,mom!Hea newspaper in the garden.AreadsBread11 Excuse me,is this coat yours?Cis reading Yes.I 300 yuan it.Apayed;inBpaid;for12I saw Lilywhen I passed her room.AdanceBdancing13.As far as we know,China isthe Great Wall.Afamous forBpopular with14.Could you tell me something about Yuan Longping?Cpaid;onCto danceCregarded as Yes,hes called the Father of Hybrid Rice.He helped to saveChinathe world from hunger.A.neither;norB.either;orC.not only;but also15.The studentshow to do eye exercises just now.Awas taughtBwere taught16.She said that the eartharound the sun.AtraveledBtravels17.The old man lives,so he may feel.CtaughtCtravel We should visit him twice a month.Aalone;lonelyBlonely;alone18 Attention,please!inside because of the heavy rain.Calone;alone We will,Mr.Li.ATo stayBStay19 Mrs.Wang is an English teachermakes her class lively.AwhichBwhoseCStayingCwho20.I dont know if itsunny tomorrow.If itsunny,I will go fishing.A.will be;isB.is;will beC.will be;is going to be二二、完完形形填空填空题题(本本题题共共 1010 个个小小题题,每小每小题题 1 1 分分,共共 1010 分)分)完形填空My cousin21a good friend.Her name is Liu Li.She lost her arms in a car accident when she was a child.What was worse,she lost her parents22the age of twenty.Her elder sister,who was ten years older than her,wanted to23her.However,Liu Li refused24with her elder sister,saying that she would like to look after herself.She managed to enter college and studied very hard.Four years later,shegraduated and found a job.Once she wrote in her diary,Facing hard lives,I am very 25.I lost myarms,26 I still have my legs.Give me 27 more sunshine,my world will be even warmer.Liu Li chose to face her misfortune(不幸)in a hopeful(乐观的)way.Instead of 28 sad every day,she decided not to let it hold her back.While she 29 difficulties,she was brave.She has taught us a good lesson.Whenever something bad happens to us,we have two choices.One is to complain(抱怨),and the other is to face it wisely.We must 30 it.21AhasBhaveCthere is22AinBonCat23Atake careBcare ofCtake care of24AliveBto liveCliving25AactivityBactiveCactively26AandBorCbut27AsomeBanyCno28AfeelBfeelingCto feel29AovercomeBto overcomeCwas overcoming30AbeatBbeatingCto beat三三、综综合合运用运用题题(本本题题共共 3030 个个小小题题,共共 4040 分)分)完成下列交际用语,词数不限A:Im going to Beijing for my summer holiday next week B:Really?31 !A:32?B:It is June 26th today.A:33B:My new schoolbag is 100 yuan.A:34?B:It often takes me half an hour to have lunch.A:35?B:There is a kite in the tree.根据对话内容,用适当的句子将对话补充完整Li Jun:Hi,Wu Jin.Wu Jin:Hi,Li Jun.36?Li Jun:Because three astronauts have been carried into space successfully.Wu Jin:37?Li Jun:They are Chen Dong,Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe.They are our heroes.Chinese take pride in them.Wu Jin:38.We should learn from them.Li Jun:By the way,a new student is coming to our class.Do you know him?Wu Jin:39.He is my good friend.Li Jun:Really?40?Wu Jin:He is good at swimming.Li Jun:Great!We can swim together.We will be good friends,too.Let me know him,OK?Wu Jin:No problem.Li Jun:Thank you very much.Wu Jin:You are welcome.根据所给材料,提取信息,完成思维导图Dear Robert,Thank you or your last e-mail!You know that we have learned a lot of knowledge here for four years.We are leaving our school in two weeks.It is time for us to say goodbye to our school,our teachers and schoolmates.You didnt go to school last week.We had the graduation party in the school hall last Tuesday.It was a pity that you didnt come to the graduation party.Let me tell you something about it.All the student couldnt wait to come to the school hall at 3:00 p.m.Our teachers and parents were invited to the party,too.First,our monitor(班长)made a speech.He thanked our teachers and parents.Next,all the students exchanged presents.The most exciting moment was the show time.We sang,danced and played games.Our English teacher told a story which made us all.How is it going with you now?Please write soon.Yours,AliceMind mapAt 3:00 p.m.4142To come to the 4344Student,45and 46The monitor 47a 48The English teacher 49a 50根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空.Hello,Im Tom.I come from Cuba(古巴),but 51(recent)I moved to China.I started a new school life here.It was a big change for me because the school life in China is
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